League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Originally posted by Coolkipp

The downside of her having a full aoe kit while technically possible to hit multiple members is that she is low ranged, slow and has low base damages.

I've played liss for a long time and hit master playing her this season if that matters.

A cheat sheet for making her feel good to liss players without her breaking the game is just undoing the nerfs she received for aftershock cpot being op. So q CD, and e base damage.

She did fall behind a bit as well due to the durability buffs as her already low base damages essentially now make it impossible to solo kill anyone through sheer skill on top of the q CD nerf. All of her matchups were effected by this nerf drastically to the point where she loses matchups she should be winning or easily going even into.

Additionally in order to have a big solo presence on lissandra you are forced to opt for very glass cannon builds which are not easy to pilot, high risk and not favored in pro play due to the team orie...

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I personally pretty strongly believe in lowering her Q CD again, but for these changes I wanted to polish out places on her kit that weren't feeling like they were working properly/as much as they could.

If she's weak in the future that kind of buff is on the table

28 Jun


Originally posted by SweatySpectre

At least people are enjoying Arena.

Oh yeah, I'm super hyped right now.

This is a good problem to have on PBE... but still irritating when you run into a long queue and we get that.


Originally posted by cryokillua

Is there any desire to make her less team bound so that she like many mages don't suffer from nerfs as a result of pro play?

All Liss mains just want this champion to be more self-reliant with her lacklustre damage or a range extension on Q / removal of Q cast time so she can lane. It says a lot that a kit that should be so well equipped to deal with Zed in lane is actually an atrocious match up for her.

Longterm I think there's some valuable changes that make Liss a bit more self reliant, at least in lane. Having a large targeted CC and aoe instant cc leaves her kit somewhat team reliant at baseline which I suspect shouldn't change too much


Originally posted by Phenyxian

Please don't nerf just because it wasn't intended. It looks really fun.

Everything in the post is very, very intended.


100% agree with the value. It's a lot more work than one might think and we aren't able to have it ready for this run (same for custom games). Whether it's in the next run or not would come down to what the other features it'd cost.


Lissandra Passive victims also won't stop at the last few moments before detonating and has a small visibility radius so it can chase around corners/bushes


Cass singed was my go-to in playtests.

(pls dont ban :3 )


Originally posted by Gilthwixt

Most arenas have two (one only has one) and they respawn very slowly, if they're supposed to make up for ranged vulnerability they don't feel like it, especially when tanks take so long to kill the arena will shrink to minimum size and force you into melee range at the end. I played against a Sion Shaco duo that basically didn't fight until the arena was the size of two boxes, and if the firestorm "kills" Sion his team doesn't lose until he dies the second time.

it's one of several mechanics. Flee is better for running away, ranged characters get more stats from the passive buffs. Definitely not going to say its perfectly balanced, but there's a bunch of stuff in there to help.


Originally posted by magma6

It's fun af, but waiting 10 min for every queue its hell.
I find the "Run Away" spell to be the most cancerous thing in this mode. I want to fight, not play tag with the enemy, but of course I'm biased in this thing.
I agree with the cooldowns, but no so much...? Because you have some good ultis, some ok ones.....and then you have Trynda's ulti....imagine that every round....with the double augment.

10 minute queue times should be alleviated on next deploy with additional hardware.

EDIT: We doubled server capacity, and so many people logged in that we're back to long queue times to save the hardware from just dying. We're working on ramping it up further, it will take some time to do that. There is a limit to how far we can readily push the PBE servers given we're only talking about a 3 week PBE here.


Originally posted by Maxplosive

Is the reset based on mmr or rank? I'm p1 but was playing with Master and D1 players before failing promos 3 times :')

We look at both and have a formula that makes sure we don't punish you with resets just for playing less, so if you're a Masters player who starts placements in Plat and then doesn't play until the next reset, we don't then drop you into Gold.


Originally posted by bz6

Why does the community and Dev team on Valorant take competitive integrity more serious? For exmaple, alternate, more casual modes, are seen as warm ups to comp play. Whereas for League the narrative is always "omfg Arena is coming I finally I don't have to play Summoners Rift." Why does Valorant treat comp more serious?


Warming up or aim training is just a cultural norm that exists in tac shooters that isn't really a thing for MOBAs as far as I know.




Damn great patch, thanks Pehrek!


Originally posted by kruzader7

Is it possible for your rank to go up?

It is not, sorry


Originally posted by Agentawesome9

This looks absolutely amazing (and wood tier is fantastic)

Question about some of the augments that replace Flee, will Zoe be able to steal those with Spell Thief or will it just be the flashes?



Originally posted by ieatcheesecakes

What about masters+ will the start be emerald 1 instead of plat now?


27 Jun


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can you share whats the map name for mode now or is it just called the Arena

The Rings of Wrath!


Originally posted by Grainis01

I have a question, will ranked rewards be adjusted or still gold?

The ranked rewards framework will remain the same for Split 2: Silver and below need 1600 SP, Gold and above need 80 SP


Originally posted by Pupulasers

And the potential of infinite subsequent weeks if this shit is like, totally lit.

And for what it's worth, we think that Arena has every potential to be totally lit.

lol hi Pu.


Originally posted by Ssuuushi

Wood tier I love it

Wood tier rise up.