League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Jun



On behalf of the team, we wanted to thank you for all the love and excitement that we are seeing for our stylish fighter, Soul Fighter Samira.

We've been collecting your feedback and after discussing it with the team we're going to be making the below changes:


  • All SF Samira-based damage now trigger the unique damage numbers. Items and special buffs still use the base damage numbers.
  • Adjusted the threshold for her taunt to be: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, & 18.
  • Added a bit more flare to the Recall for a little more spice, as well as her Respawn.
  • Added a bit more flare to her auto-attacks to give a more powerful feel.
  • Added a special burst of flames and sparks when landing the killing blow on a minion.

Thank you again for all your comments on this skin, testing out Soul Fighter Samira, and for the feedback! ♥

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I need Phreak's patch rundown to tell me how to feel.


Hi everyone, we've been trying to add more helpful contexts to our patch notes now for why we're making certain decisions. We've always had these thoughts, but things like loc pipelines have historically been problematic, but have been getting more streamlined recently (which means more context for y'all). Please let us know if you'd like to see less, more, what you like, don't like.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

I can understand why a mageseeker might be hard to do, but a new Demacian champion (in general) is still possible right?

yes, of course


Originally posted by HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum

Aphelios is the #1 bot laner in pro play by a long shot and has been a top performer since March. As such, we want to act in order to create more variety in the bottom lane. We know it sucks for players at home to catch strays like this, but he’s still in a much stronger spot than he was at the start of the year. This time around, we’re targeting some of his biggest ability outliers that provide frustrating levels of power: His turret deals too much DPS for a basic ability, Infernum Q provides him best-in-class sustain by a large margin, and Gravitum’s gank setup is very high for a basic ability.

Do you mean Severum Q u/Riot_Riru or are you talking about Infernum Q with Severum offhand (both make sense tbh)?

I wrote this. Yes, Infernum Q with Severum off-hand.


Originally posted by williamis3

RIP Stattik Shiv

Nah, item is still super good on a bunch of conventional marksmen. Players are just slow to adapt after its weak state on launch.


Originally posted by TheRealSlimSaady

It seems like not being able to play with more than one friend might hurt the popularity of the game mode, and the answer to three of your four common questions is "yes, if the mode is popular".

When you ultimately decide if the mode is worth keeping will the idea that "only being able to queue with one friend might hurt the modes popularity" be taken into consideration?

We'll also be measuring player sentiment. If the numbers are fine but there's a huge indication that more people would play with a different feature set, we'll take another swing.


Originally posted by upaltamentept

What are you even talking about? Vi literally became pro play meta just to deal with zeri because of her lockdown point and click CC in her ult

This take is wrong.

Vi has been #1 all year and that's been both when Zeri was the top ADC and when she wasn't. When MSI was all Jinx+Aphelios, aka champions without dashes, Vi was still #1.


Originally posted by arg_max

When you get the item you will still have the same type of waveclear as before. It just falls off massively after that. But for a few levels, you will still be able to push waves and roam. Probably troll on LB who really can't use the stat but on Rageblade champs it might still be decent to give you some time to roam/scale. Also, I think they didn't even remove the dash interaction since this would probably require too much actual coding instead of number tweaks.

Yeah first item Shiv is entirely unchanged since all adaptive force converts to AD and many of them just start Long Sword.

The item is like 2-3% win rate over replacement and I don't believe one-shotting casters is doing all of that heavy lifting. So then it comes down to how much of the PVP damage is coming from the ratio. The answer is: Some. The base damage is still quite high.

It could just be deadge, though. We'll see.


Originally posted by Solash1

Rell jungle back in business 😎



Originally posted by Lulullaby_

It might have been a different one actually, wasn't there one with graphs? That showed how quickly it fell off for gamemodes.
Could be wrong though, maybe it was an ask riot or something else.

Surprised to hear that's changed, that's lovely to hear ♥
We really love awesome modes like this 2v2v2v2 and others so I'm very grateful.

Hmm, maybe this one?

Just speaking on behalf of myself, I really appreciate the fact that Rioters are constantly revaluating our decisions based on the questions "is this what players want?" and "do players like this?" It's really refreshing to work with people that are open to change and continuously try do what's right for our players.


Originally posted by CumFetishistory

I absolutely love this. Maybe you could just link this comment to the ARAM team as a little hint how to do balance in different game modes?

Hey, thanks for the feedback, Maxw3ll from the ARAM team here. We've got some balance tweaks we want to do for ARAM, but a lot of our bandwidth has been eaten up by this mode. Once we've shipped it, we'll start working on some more deep ARAM balance work.


Originally posted by CumFetishistory

I absolutely love this. Maybe you could just link this comment to the ARAM team as a little hint how to do balance in different game modes?

I'll let them know.


Originally posted by claptrap23

So how many divisions will we drop again? Is it still 5?

It's going to vary by tier, since most players will have a new spot to climb to. So for example Plat players aren't going to drop much at all from where they're currently at, but that's because they'll now be climbing to Emerald. Diamond+ players will drop closer to the usual amount.


Originally posted by Lulullaby_

is there anyone that can give clarification on why these gamemodes go away?

There's at least one dev blog that answered this a couple years ago, basically people play a lot the first few days then never play them again. This was the case for all gamemodes besides URF iirc.

Here's the devblog you're thinking of.

We've changed and evolved how we're thinking about games modes since this went live a few years ago, but this can show you how we were approaching it at the time.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

I'll tap pandora's box and ask where did Seraphine's champion opportunity space come from. You've said several times she wasn't made for the K/DA comeback event, but people still believe she was. I always thought the idea was to design a musical champion and then K/DA was happening, so the projects just got blent in together naturally.

But even if she was made for K/DA she's proven to stand as her own character, so there shouldn't be a problem to talk about it

She was made originally with the intent of making a singing based champion in League, or Runeterra's version of a pop star. We were making her before we even knew we were going to do K/DA for that worlds. At some point Joe Tung, who was the lead producer of LoL at the time called a meeting with all the leads from all the teams and said we were going to do K/DA comeback for worlds and we had a brainstorm about what cool things we could do for Worlds. I shared that Champions Team was making a pop star champion and showed early concept art for it. People loved the concept art and then we decided to make her part of the K/DA moment. The skin, twitter campaign and everything else came after that as we brainstormed cool ways to include her in the moment.


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Are there also multiple Shaco clones running around and attacking people?

(eyes flair suspiciously)




Originally posted by GrumpyShisa

I wanted to know if there will be another spell to be used instead of flash, some champions like shaco, hecarim, rammus and yuumi don't like flash.

There is not, although some augments do take advantage of you having flash.


Originally posted by Kitayuki

My biggest concern is whether it will be "brought back", as in another event, or here to stay permanently. Suppose it's an overwhelming success -- can we look forward to always being able to play it, or is it going to be brought back for a few weeks at a time twice a year? Because Arena is exactly what I've been looking for ever since Dominion became kill, but it's going to be really hard to get invested into it long-term if I have to play on Riot's schedule and not my own.

If it's an overwhelming success, then a permanent version is definitely something we're going to be working on.


Originally posted by FallenDeus

Should have removed flash by the logic you posted in the blog... Flash tends to just be traded unless you have a way to kill them that cannot be reacted to, in which case that's just bad design.

Still lots of outplay potential in using flash to dodge a specific skill. Additionally, Flash has a one round cooldown, so greeding to win without using it has value.