

22 Jan


Originally posted by hey_its_graff

I assume you'll end up implementing a few things from this thread and a lot more will end up not being feasible. It'd be cool to get a short summary of the suggestions you looked into and why they didn't work out (e.g. too much effort, wasn't actually an improvement, etc).

Can't do that just yet but here's the process.

We have a list of things we would already like to do. Most of Q1 is accounted for, unless something really juicy comes up that makes us re-evaluate.

I (and others!) read these and capture them into a list, alongside our own ideas. We have engineers do some gut checks on cost and we ourselves do a stack rank of them in terms of how many players we think it will impact, what the magnitude of that impact is, and if there are any associated risks. This gets roughly flattened into a player value score.

We take the projected cost, plot against the player value, and look at them in a 4x4 grid. We select the highest value for the lowest cost (And some medium cost for high value as well), and put them into a backlog. The backlog goes through design to make sure everything is accounted for -- some things that make sense on paper end up not making sense once you've done a detailed design, or they blow up in size signif...

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We hear you.

Aware that some events do not contain the level of novelty/excitement that they could at the moment. We are working on some short and long term investments to improve the quality of them going forward. This will involve more immersive experiences, changes to our event structures, and yes even modes.

I am not directly on the Moments team (They produce our events) or the Modes team (they make...the modes), but I've seen and played some of what they have planned and I'm pretty excited as a player. Best I can do is let you know that we're going to continue to fight with all of our souls to make the coolest stuff we can for y'all.

To cap it off I'll reiterate what Meddler/Brightmoon have said: Its going to be actions, not words that earn your trust back. You can and should continue to respectfully let us know where we have and have not hit the mark.

20 Jan


ASU team is killing it here. Graphics are even beyond what I would expect out of an Unreal 5 tech demo.


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

here's my list, ofc not all












ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

19 Jan


Originally posted by Treethan__

I literally emailed you guys about bots a year ago. Guess what you guys said you’d look into and never fixed? I’ll wait

So the thing about bots is: it’s unlikely to ever be 100% fixed. It’s a constant war between very clever folks trying to circumvent systems and folks building systems to prevent exploits.

I look at the measure of success as more like: how likely are players to experience bots in their games. If the answer is “extremely f*cking unlikely” than we are doing a good job. If it’s “pretty likely” then we need to push harder.

It’s entirely possible that the bots you emailed someone about years ago literally no longer work due to the efforts of our anti-cheat teams. But in that same period, new bots and exploits were developed.

My perspective is that we can do better here, because of course we can always do better here. But I wouldn’t suggest we aren’t doing anything ever. The anti-cheat team is super talented and full of folks working very hard on the problem.


It’s not about how much you can lift (your winrate) It’s about how good you look (winning)

Note: I do not deal with balance don’t tell me what to do about balance poke Phrox or Phlox or some other weirdo with the same name.


Looking into it today. Thanks for the heads up.


Originally posted by Dangercritter

Could we have a way to search certain champions in the emote select? I have no idea what the Neeko emotes are called, all I know is I want to use them when I play Neeko

This is part of the work we are exploring!

16 Jan


Originally posted by FateofCain

Better question. Why can’t you report them IN GAME?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

15 Jan


Originally posted by replayaccount

As a player that already yoyos up to 300 lp or as low as diamond 3 it sounds like my emotional roller coaster is about to get a whole lot more emotional.

Mr Bones has entered the chat.


Originally posted by Regulus_theFirst

I would have never thought that loading a couple of emotes could be so taxing for the game.

Thank you for the information!

Btw one more (theoritical) question if you don't mind (dont anwesr it if its not cool). As time goes and people get better computers for the same price can you imagine that you will rise LoL's system requirements in the future for better gaming experience? such as using more memory and such?

Yeah. We actually do this slowly over time. We look at the system specs reported for players and as they change we also update our minspec requirements. We have guidelines related to the % of players on various hardware and how that impacts our decision making.

As a dev, it can be frustrating sometimes to look at the broad market and know you’re being compared to games that have double your minspec, but I’m also really proud that we can bring League to so many players worldwide regardless of what’s under their desk. I grew up with a really really bad computer that couldn’t run the games my friends were playing, so I feels it.


Originally posted by Hellzpell

50 paragraphs long articles that don't really say anything

Nah we have chatGPT write those. /s

On the real I really like our editorial and publishing teams that put the deep dives together. Helps me appreciate how many people and how much work goes into even seemingly simple things.


Originally posted by oyihovmemer

no timelines is a good way to say its never happening lol

Alternate theory: It was Saturday and I wasn’t going to ping a team to ask how it was going, so rather than saying nothing because I didn’t have that piece of info or putting a ton of pressure on them by promising a patch that didn’t match with the reality for I opted to leave that bit of info out.


Originally posted by Bjans3n

I hope riot is making the experience better for everyone. making it easier for new and long time players, fixing most of the client and reworking it.

What i think riot is doing is entirely different but that's because my hope in riot has deteriorated the last few years

Sorry about that. We will try and earn it back!


Originally posted by TalaHusky

Based on other threads in the sub, apparently indie game dev do nothing, need money, only fix valorant. Regardless, have definitely seen some nice quality come out of QOL for the client and being much smoother compared to last year.

That team is so good. Its thankless work mostly, but they keep hammering away at the beast.


Originally posted by NubecitaDiminuta

a real cinematic?



Vlad Q.

Simple. Elegant. It suck.

Has a nice rhythm to it. I suck. I suck again. Third time run quick big suck.


Originally posted by BarackProbama

We are looking into a number of improvements to ranked. One of the things we are considering is increasing the "variance", which is just fancy speak for LP gains and losses.

A good rule of thumb is that if you log on, play a few games, and have a good night a promotion between divisions should probably be in the cards. (Credit to my boss Dean Ayala for the slice of life analogy.)

No timelines, because dev reasons, but aware!

Yes I know that is not an analogy but I own my mistakes god damn it.