

29 May

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @loutin sorry to hear of your 100% CPU usage whilst playing Siege.

Recently we had reports from players saying that they noticed the Ubisoft Connect CPU usage had increased and disabling the overlay helped lower the usage. Can you please try disabling the Ubisoft Connect overlay and any other game launcher overlays you used, then test the game again to see if there is an improvement?

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @ras_9805 thank you for your reply.

The outfits and skins resetting is a known issue to us and can occur when the games profile file can become corrupted, or if there is a discrepancy between any cloud saving and physical save files. We can only ask players to delete the game file and follow the guide when this happens, as it is something that can happen from time to time and we have been unable to fix this permanently.

As for the game settings automatically switching to high, this doesn't appear to be a widely reported issue. I think in order to look into ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @traxex_hunter yes that is correct, you should have all content from the ultimate version of your game, available in your PC version of the game on Steam, whether you have played another version or not 🙂

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @unproven_ thanks for getting in touch, I have replied to you in your own thread you have made about this issue.

Unfortunately, we are unable to restore any MMR or remove bans if there are any kind of disconnections or server issues.

We did have a degradation today around 8pm GMT on our Siege servers, so this may have affected your server connection if you disconnected today, apologies.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @unproven_

When these mid-game ranked disconnections happen to you, the game will try to reconnect you for an undetermined amount of time. Unfortunately, the only thing we can suggest when this happens is to quickly reset your router, to see if you can re-establish your connection to our servers in time, and reconnect to the match in progress that you disconnected from.

We are unable to remove these bans as they are handled by the game, but we can suggest is some connectivity troubleshooting to help prevent these mid match disconnections from happening in...

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Hello cavendar-eco thank you for your sharing your thoughts on the matchmaking system.

I will move this thread to our player General Discussion section of the forum, to see if there are other players who would like to contribute their experience of this also, so it can be seen by a larger audience, including our game devs and community team.

If you have any more feedback about the game, please make sure to post this in our General Discussion area of the forum, thank you.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @imsoflattered_ sorry to see you have been affected by one of the 4-0 error codes.

If playing on PC, could you please open your gamesettings.ini file in a text editor, then change the value "UseProxyAutoDiscovery" from 0 to 1 and then save this file. This was known to help some players on PC prevent the 4-0 error codes from occurring in-game.

If this does not prevent the error code from appearing, would you please make sure to follow all the steps in our connectivity troubleshooting guide, as this contains the most common steps for improving a player's connection to the game to the game's servers, based on your platform > 

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there @vinyldays thank you for getting in touch regarding your missing Twitch Prime content. 

We have a pinned post which contains info about Twitch Prime loot, please check out our post for more information and what you need to contact us about any issues >>

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @iraq-k113y, thank you for getting in touch and sorry to hear you haven't been able to make a purchase for 7 days.

Could you please check the following steps which have been known to fix this for some players? >>

FIX 1: If using a VPN, please disable this before making a purchase, please make sure to also use the correct currency for your region

FIX 2: Make sure your game has been fully updated

FIX 3: When attempting the purchase, have you selected your payment method by clicking on the payment method image and have you checked the terms...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Serphal thanks for sharing this clip of your opponents teleporting in the Match Replay Editor I am happy to hear you were able to resolve this by switching the opponent's ghosts back on.

We will forward this to the devs in case they are unaware, thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Could you let us know if you only experience this when editing the replay? If you use the view option instead, do your opponents still teleport around?

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @nns-evo thanks you for this bug report and welcome to the forums.

So your game display switches to Window mode quite often and including when you use alt and tab too to switch to different displays/programs.

As with any bug report, our devs will ask to check if players have tried testing if this issue occurs without OpenPlanet installed. Could you please try uninstalling this mod and testing if this occurs in the base version of the game, to check if this is caused by a conflict with OpenPlanet itself? Please let us know your findings afterwards?

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Fsxproo thanks for getting in touch with us.

I have tried to locate your previous thread where you said you had mentioned this to us, but have had trouble locating it, perhaps it was merged with another thread - do you happen to have a link to your previous bug report?

I have tested this with the R button mapped to save replay and the P button mapped to save previous replays (as in the default controls) and it worked as intended.

When I press the R key, only my latest replay is recorded.

When I press the P key, all previous replays and attempts on that track are recorded up until that point.

Can you please try mapping both the R and P button as default to these actions, then check if your replays are not b...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @vexmach1ne thanks for reporting this and sorry for the delay getting back to you. Thanks for letting us know a restart of the game allowed you to see and invite your friend in the game. I've seen this happen in other games before when friends join different 'sessions' of the game, but I'm not sure if that is something that affects Trackmania too. I will keep an eye out for further reports from players having this issue too, thanks for raising it!

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @rngeekerd thanks for reporting this issue with the tire texture and shaders, nice design too.

I will report this to our TMN team, thanks for the comparison images they are very helpful.

Can I also ask, did you design this entire car in the game's edit skin mode, or did you import any custom textures and 3d files, so we can pass this information on?

If you could also link us to your custom car skin file, that would be helpful also, thanks.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @oxey25 welcome to the Trackmania forums!

There was a community-run TMNF website that recorded player track times and world records called Trackmania Exchange where you can try searching for your old username. I am unsure of how up to date this website is however, with it being community ran >> https://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/leaderboards: (https://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/leaderboards)

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Currtsyy thanks for getting in touch with us.

You should be able to change your region and opponents by selecting your profile name on the top left of the menu, selecting 'change region', and then select a region of your choice. then 'confirm'. If you then select a game mode such as campaign mode, you will then see your newly selected region displayed as well as track times and players from that region. After completing the track, you will see how you compare against players in that region. Sometimes it can take a few minutes for these details to update however, so you may see menu screens displaying your previous regions times etc from time to time.

If this is not the case for you, are you able to show us a video that shows this op...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @jcweaver997 thanks for posting and welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear the game is crashing when trying to play certain campaigns or tracks of the day. It sounds like this could be caused by a corrupted file or installation.

To resolve this, could you please try verifying your game files > https://www.ubisoft.com/help?article=000060529

Should the above step not work, please try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. Make sure your download is not interrupted and you have nothing el...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @pinp0x thanks for posting, we raised this larger map request with our dev team, and they confirmed that for now, players who wish to use these larger custom maps created with OpenPlanet, will also need the latest OpenPlanet mods installed, as well as enough Ram and Virtual Ram to be able to load and play these larger map files successfully.

We have passed this player requests for larger maps whether using mods or not onto our dev team. but have no further updates to share from at the moment.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @salihsahin123 thanks for getting in touch with us about your purchase.

If you have bought the Standard Access year pass for the game from the Ubisoft Store, it may take up to 24 hours for this to show up in your Ubisoft Connect launcher.

Please make sure you are using our newest updated version of Ubisoft Connect, from this link and you are logged in with the correct Ubisoft account > https://ubi.l...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @MoredDaBlob thanks for posting and welcome to the forums!

Sorry to see you've encountered this error message on a fresh install on a new computer. Have you tried any troubleshooting to resolve this, such as checking your anti-virus and Windows Firewall settings as posted in my previous message, as this was found to be the main cause of seeing this error message? Do let us know when you can?