

21 Jun

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone, for more information on our friend referral program 'Squad Up' please see our step-by-step guide here on how to enable this for you and your friends on the same platform >> https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/rainbow-six-siege/article/earning-rewards-through-the-rainbow-six-siege-referral-program/000068330

There are a few requirements described in the guide above that you will and your friends will need to meet first, in order to be able to receive the rewards.

Rewards should be granted within 24 hours when requirements are met.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone, sorry to hear you are having some trouble with the walk action in-game.

Could you please answer the following to help us gather more information on the issue for our Siege team >>

  • Can you let me know what operator this affects, or does it affect all operators you have played as?
  • Can you also let me know what key you have bound to this action? Have you tried binding any other keys to this action?
  • What is the name of the keyboard you use?
  • What regional key layout do you use > English US, Engish UK, other? (Have you also checked your WIndows keyboard settings, to make sure you have the correct regional profile selected, as can be a common cause of issues with keybinds?)
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, thank you for both getting in touch with us about your abandon sanction.
An abandon sanction will be given when disconnecting from a Ranked game. For multiple disconnects in a short space of time, a sanction will be applied to your account for varying amounts of time, depending on the frequency of disconnections.
If you received a certain error code when you disconnected, can you please check our known error codes article to see what may have caused your disconnection, here > https://ubi.li/85k9w

If the error code you received is not listed in this article, please let us know so we can gather more info for our Siege team about this, to see if this has been reported before.
When this ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Miko251 I am sorry to hear that your Ubisoft Connect achievements have not been synched correctly when the game shut down.

Thank you for letting me know the steps you have tried so far. I had to edit your message slightly, as the original was lost by mistake whilst I was replying.

In order to resolve this, could you please try all of the following steps that have been known to help synchronization issues with our launcher here? >>

  • Log out of the Ubisoft Connect launcher, then log back in. Next, select Go offline in the Ubisoft Connect la...
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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @qu7et thanks for posting.

We do not have any further updates on our servers at this time, as we intend to use a mixture of both Amazon Gamelift and Playfab servers for our Siege game. We have noted the feedback given in this thread however. I will move this thread to our General Discussion area now, as this is not a bug report but more a request from some of our players.


Hey @qu7et thanks for posting.

We do not have any further updates on our servers at this time, as we intend to use a mixture of both Amazon Gamelift and Playfab servers for our Siege game. We have noted the feedback given in this thread however. I will move this thread to our General Discussion area now, as this is not a bug report but more a request from some of our players.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @bigdrag0n-0 thank you for getting in touch with us.

This issue with customization has been known to occur when a local hard drive save, conflicts with a cloud save and becomes corrupted.

Do you happen to have cloud saves enabled on your launcher, and if so, have you tried disabling them in the launcher settings, and only using local hard drive saves, as a workaround?

Can you also let me know, what was the last game mode you played, before switching the game off, when the game reset both times?

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @jazz_w thank you for your reply.

If you would also like to check the Siege status of the server at your time of playing, please see this website for any updates >> https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/status/: (https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/status/)
If we do have any current degradation or outages affecting multiple games we will also post a banner on our Ubisoft Help website here >> ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @SirBunnyRabbit Thank you for providing us with this screenshot.
I have created a private support case for you and you should receive an email from us shortly. We will do our best to help you with 1-to-1 support, as opposed to forum support, as it involves purchases that will require us to check your account details, so we will lock this thread now.
Please check your email inbox for our message soon. You can view your case, add a comment, or files to your support case, anytime, by clicking on this link here > ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @im-inside-for-u thank you for getting in touch.

The issue and error code you are currently referring to can be found here, it is currently being looked into by our Siege team >> ...

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Hello @GusFring and @JunkmasterFlash thank you for your sharing your thoughts and ideas on the Goyo canisters.

I will move this thread to our player General Disc...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reporting this @pi_ka_chu.

What platform do you play on, so we can gather what platforms it currently affects, if not all?

Can you also try to capture a video of this happening so we can pass this to our Siege team to investigate?

PC > Please use the Windows, Alt and R keys, to start recording a video clip with the Xbox Game bar (Which usually comes already installed on Windows 10&11) When you have recorded the clip in your Capture folder, post this clip to a hosting website such as YouTube or Imgur. You should be able to ...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone, thanks for reporting this issue with Caveiras Pistol Silencer - I have moved the topic of Glaz's scope to another thread, to keep this thread about Caveira specifically.

In order for our Siege team to investigate this further, they have asked us to gather a video from any affected players for reproduction purposes.

To send us a clip of this happening in-game >

PC > Please use the Windows, Alt and R keys, to start recording a clip with Xbox Game bar (Usually comes already installed on Windows 10&11) and post this clip to a hosting website such as YouTube or Imgur for us to be able to view.

Xbox and Playstation > Please press your controller's Share button, which will enable you to capture a clip then upload it straight to YouTube or Twitter. After uploading you should be able to post the URL link to the video in this forum thread for us to view with greater detail.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @officiallytrans if your game was purchased via Steam, your Steam store country may need changing also along with your currency if you have recently moved. If you haven't already done so, you will need to change your country on Steam to Turkey as well, and try to make any Steam purchases with Lira. This could be something that is affecting your Steam Wallet also.

You should be able to change your Steam Store country yourself on your profile when you try to make a purchase, or failing that Steam support should ber able to assist, please use this link to see ho...

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Hello @Lukas_Ranieri thank you for your sharing your thoughts on the Steam Deck and Linux support.
I will move this thread to our player General Discussion section of the forum, to see if there are other players who would like to contribute to this too and so it can be seen by a larger audience, including our game devs and community team.
If you have any more feedback about the game, please make sure to post this in our General Discussion area of the forum, as the Player Support section is more for bug reporting and technical issues, thank you!

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for keeping us updated @dt_b1gfoot. Can you let us know what server you play on and if you have tried any others by editing your game settings file?

Also, have you trued any of Ubi-Nachos troubleshooting steps for your connection, to see if they can improve your matchmaking?

11 Jun

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @darkhen124 thank you for getting back to us and sorry to hear your audio issues in the game are persisting.

In addition to what has already been an advised in this thread and what you have already tried, could you please also run through these next steps as they have also been known to help with voice chat issues in Siege >>

- Are there any devices you have connected such as headsets with mics, or webcams that may also transmit like a mic, that the game could be using instead, for voice? If so can you try disconnecting these devices?
- Have you...

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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @colgate123 thanks for reaching out to us.

We have been made aware that there is a delay for some players receiving their digital content deliveries and this may also be affecting your ability to make credit purchases at the moment too. We are hoping to resolve this for all players as soon as we can.

Please see our news banner for more information >>

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10 Jun

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @tomosojiro thank you for opening a ticket with us. I will search for your case to see if I can locate your save file. Thank you for these reproduction steps I will forward them on to our Anno team now 🙂

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this quest in the meantime, I hope we can resolve this for you any and other affected players soon.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @patrickzero133 thanks for letting us know you made this purchase via Epic and sorry for any delays. I am happy to hear you were able to purchase from our Ubisoft Store instead without any further issues. Thank you for the update.