7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

21 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JoeSloeMoe:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Slightly less. The LONGEST zombie reach is shorter than the players SHORTEST reach(not counting cop vomit).

You can backpedal with carefully timed taps and punch any zombie in the game to death with your bare hands.
Well all I can say is that I swung and missed because I was too far away (twice) and the zombie just swung there arms and took me out.
For sure- I believe you. It's an issue some people experie... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Havik: I’ve honestly never really had an issue with this. It sounds entirely like a skill issue and you’re blaming the devs. The zombies have just as much reach as you do, maybe slightly more.
Slightly less. The LONGEST zombie reach is shorter than the players SHORTEST reach(not counting cop vomit).

You can backpedal with carefully timed taps and punch any zombie in the game to death with your bare hands.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by thestile:
Originally posted by onanonehand8: I have liked most alphas, I really like this one. But this is the "honeymoon" phase. This one has lots to like. If I had to voice a concern, it would be that there might be some unsoloable POI, the prison comes to mind. After seeing the live stream from TFP, my thought was, HOOBOY that is gonna be tough.

So I started a game on god mode and went in to look, there is no way I can see a solo player surviving. But time will tell. Ev...
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20 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You got all the way to the prison POI with stealth just fine it seems?

IMO, not every single POI needs to be stealthable- and not every POI should force RAMBO play. And not every POI should be wholly one or the other, either.. A mostly rambo POI with some stealthable bits, or a mostly stealthable POI with a rambo finale aren't the worst thing in the world.

So, You found a POI that doesn't reward stealth- Now you know, Don't go to that specific POI again.

One, two, or even a dozen POIs having forced action does not make stealth completely useless or dead.

19 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As far as I know, this functionality has not changed in A21. So.. Yes.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by restarter: any idea when it will go stable?
When it is ready. You'll know when everyone else does.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
b317 Update Notes
We recommend starting a new savegame with b317 for the best experience. Please be aware that this update has the potential to reset your character's progress to level 1. The player inventory remains intact, however. Thanks for participating in Experimental!
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

You will be expected to wipe and start over every time there is an update, which could be as often as every few days.

There will be bugs.

The primary purpose of opting into unstable_experimental is to ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I mean, so far there has been one update to a21, and that update broke player progression because of changes in the update.
This is pretty standard for unstable experimental

You should only play unstable experimental if you are keen to starting over every few days, and want to support the developer by reporting bugs properly.

18 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think you're putting excessive emphasis on a single skill for no particularly good reason- And I though the same about Sexy T-rex.

It's(sexy rex) not as necessary as people were convinced it was- I almost never took sexy trex and manged quite well in A20 and earlier (and by 'almost never' I mean I only took it when I was specializing in strength, and in particular on the sledgehammer because dear god it uses SO much stamina.).

And I haven't taken iron gut in A21 either, and never had any particular issues- Even down at 50% loot.

Being below 100% food/thirst is not the end of the world. Just because you have a stam regen debuff doesn't mean you suddenly can't do anything either. Even the guy in the other thread who was down at 6 max stamina and thought he was just waiting for his death discovered it's not game over right away- The situation was salvagable without taking a death, even if it would have been a pain to do so.

IMO, You don't actua... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I lowered the height as short zombies would just walk under it and it was reported as a bug. Zombie controller collider height was shortened, so they stack better, which also made more of them miss the wire. In a typical case, I would not be putting a wire high above the ground where enemies walk under it, but lowering it even more may make other issues, so it landed where it is now.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unity does, but it seems to only be for the HDRP, which we do not use. Graphics effects are generally done in shader code, not c# or c++.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dynamic res automatic is only useful in some cases. It was added as an experiment, but I don't use it.

FSR support was put on hold as plant shaders have to be changed to support motion vectors otherwise they blur badly as they animate. Entities animating also have blur issues.

Thanks for the info.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It probably should. As a creep around at night stealth player, I am thinking zeds should be more attracted to light like a beacon in the night. Having to hide campfires from sight would be fun as I feel like i should have to do that, yet it does not matter currently.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

And additionally, the game is NOT done. It is NOT balanced as a whole. This remains an ALPHA. Wasteland, snow and desert will possibly be gated by survival gear, so you won't just be running off on day one to those biomes and if you do, it will be harsh.

My daughter and I started a new game last night on our internal b318 version and we are planning on heading to the snow biome once we get our bikes. Will it be hard and we die more? Probably. Will it be unbalanced and change our progression? Maybe. Will I learn something about a different way to play that might be helpful in discussing what we want to do and future changes we make? Sure and hopefully we have some fun along the way.

People seem to also have forgotten or don't know that during an experimental we do a variety of balance changes as we continue our playtesting until we reach a point we consider solid for the stable release. This is normal game developmen...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is not how it works. Different people work on different parts of the game. Water (drinking) and learn by looting are primarily worked on by designers. Bandits are primarily worked on by artists and 2 programmers, who also worked on hundred of other tasks over that time frame, which pushed bandits being ready for release into a future alpha.

17 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It takes a little getting used to... But IMO is absolutely worth for the ability to run over zombies. Also, higher tier vehicles have more HP, so, running into a fence isn't going to murder 36% of it's HP. xD
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Well, I don't know about the devs... But I like the idea.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
TL;DR: Because it's still missing intended major features. Till it's feature complete, it's still an alpha- aka incomplete/in progress- product.