7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

17 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Black Puppet: I dont quite understand your paragraph about player choice and cheese. No one says you cant cheese the game. Its TFP whos track record is to delete cheese from the game. If players wanna cheese they will. Anyone who says its bad, is a hypocrit cause they cheese the game in other ways.

Stealth Archer for instance is a viable alternative to play the game. Its super easy and cheesy. So is gunz blazing. So is hiding in a cheese base. So is making a proper base.

The main problem people have with cheese, as I pointed out as well, is that people continue to meta the crap out of the game to the point where:

A. No one is original anymore and builds the same base and
B. TFP ends up nerfi...
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16 Jun

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
"I'm playing on the experimental and after an update my save was corrupted!"

First up, Welcome to the experimental. It is unstable. Progress will be lost. It's not exactly intentional... But it's bound to happen.

Additional info on the subject:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: This is an UNSTABLE EXPERIMENTAL build.

You will be expected to wipe and start over every few days.

There will be bugs.

The primary purpose of opting into unstable_experimental is to report bugs found on the forum.

If you are expecting a stable long-term game, then you should wait until Stable releases.

If you are wanting to play with Mods, lock yourself into a20.7 now in the Betas tab, and don't come out until a few weeks or so after Stable releases. At that point check your mods to see if they have updated.

With that said, If your CHA... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Greymantle:
Originally posted by Shurenai: They were the only two crafting station upgrades that the traders didn't sell; So they made the trader sell them to keep it uniform across the board.

You do realize you can craft a grill or cooking pot in a forge, right? You don't have to find them.

Not the point but thanks.
The point is you're alleging that they did it because they 'love their traders oh so much', When in fact they did it to e... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They were the only two crafting station upgrades that the traders didn't sell; So they made the trader sell them to keep it uniform across the board.

You do realize you can craft a grill or cooking pot in a forge, right? You don't have to find them.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Technically, Nope. If you want a stable experience, Wait for stable. If you want to play with all the shiny things hot off the press, there will still be sharp edges and burnt fingertips. :winter2019happyyul:

That said, here's a super secret technique: Make a copy of the 7DTD folder; The copy won't update, but you can still launch it.

Fair warning though, Skipping experimental updates pretty definitely means you're going to HAVE to start over when stable hits, because you may/will be missing any incremental save adjustments the devs implement to safeguard saves from corruption.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Uhm... what? It takes a minute and 25 seconds to craft bacon and eggs. Even just getting TO your kitchen, getting an egg out, and getting it into a hot pan is going to take longer than that. Let alone that it takes 4~ minutes to cook an egg right, and 5~ minutes on each side for a total of ten for bacon. Ish. And those times are not counting any prep or preheating time.

Sounds like you crafted like 20 of them at once, saw the 30~ minute timer then commented about it. :winter2019neutralyul:
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Perk up in Master Chef, and it will shorten cooking times.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wane:
Originally posted by Shurenai: So your proof is several popular threads with...what, a combined total of maybe 500...even 1000 posts. Most of which is arguing back and forth between people who think it's fine and those who think it's awful....when the total copies sold is close to 15 million, and the number of unique active monthly users who play the game is in the ballpark of 2~ million?

That is...pretty definitely some abysmal proof...And doesn't really prove anythin...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wane:
Originally posted by aY227:
Prove it. Somehow recent reviews don't show this. I also absolutely didn't saw that on reddit.
No, I didn't read rest of that wall of text - paragraph exist for a reason.
https://imgur.com/abSaJWn. U wanted proof?There u go!The most popular topic are curently hating on water changes.Im from a place where we ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Scorpito: LMFAO.... Funny, so funny.

Been here since A4 and we started to complain in A6, 7, 8, 9 and continued to complain about the needless changes over and over instead of adding new and better content. What we learned is the devs have been playing around with the game similar to a self taught artist who draws for the first time, changes it and changes it, till it looks good enough. So the artist eye for this game is Madmole just so you know. He is the one who is "playing" this game from a different viewpoint. Consider him GOD of 7d2d.
So if you want any chance of any changes, best you write to him directly on the official forums. But it's doubtful to be of much worth.

I do think the game is b...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't recall there being a 3x3x1 frame shape? But presuming there was, Are you sure you aren't just being tripped up by this change:
"Opening the shapes selection window the first time starts with the basic shapes filter selected"
that puts the basic shape filter on by default because the list of shapes is monumental?
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is around 50% random. We found that the great majority of the time we all just took the 9 magazines making the other choices pointless. I did a quest for testing today, did not get the magazines as a choice and was like, wow I have to think about what I want.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was addressed at their play style, which actually needs more of all loot. As an example, if I had 3 people hanging out at base and not wanting to loot, so I was the sole looter supporting them, then I would certainly turn up loot abundance to feed them all the items they want. Granted I now have a transport issue, but I would not be going so far as nearby loot containers would have x2. If it was me, I'd tell them to do their own looting and not have to change abundance.

Hardly temporary as you would be playing the whole game like that.

Sometimes data changes break things. It can be worked around. My daughter's game is on day 42. She used the giveselfxp console command to get her level back up and used the creative menu to get magazines back to approximately where she was.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Historically, the place people generally seek aid from has been... Churches. Priests used to be acknowledged as healers in days long past, so it's not as 'ridiculous' as you think at first glance. It's just our modern sensibilities that make it seem odd.

Now, as for why a church and not for example a clinic or a hospital... I'm sorry but have you looked around? It's a zombie apocalypse. Clinics and hospitals are ground zero for the spread and also the first place to go for anyone seeking to loot any kind of medical supplies. It'd be like basing up with a giant neon sign on your building saying "Please come rob me, I probably died to airborne infection from all the corpses anyway".

As for boobs...well...Boobs. There was a stripper zombie in the past, a party girl zombie now, a strip joint poi, and a number of baudy or punny jokes in just about every POI name and many item names.

15 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'd turn up Loot Abundance.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, zombie and animal reach is too long, but player reach is also too long. Changing all of these would require a complete rebalance and would feel very different to everyone, so it has been like that for many years as many of us think it is fine. In b317 I reduced the overall zombie reach by 3% to see if that feels different without ruining balance and made a short zombie hand item so they can have a separate Range value and that has about 20% less reach. Network latency also makes this worse.

I don't think we changed it and seems the same to me. I prefer agility and use the bow quite a bit.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Changelog b317
We recommend starting a new savegame with b317 for the best experience.

  • Item and block EconomicSellScale to adjust individual sell price
  • Cooking pots and grills to trader inventories
  • Crawler zombie move speeds for walk, run and feral

  • Improvements to sleeper encounters in prison_02.
  • Increased economic value of cooking pots and grills to 200, but set the EconomicSellScale to .1
  • Lowered the stack size of cooking pots and grills to 3
  • Increased the price of water filters
  • Crafting magazine bundle is no longer fixed as a guaranteed quest reward
  • Reduced the quantity of crafting magazines in quest reward bundle from 3/3 to 3/2
  • Reduced the quantity of crafting magazines found in mailboxes, file cabinets, book piles, and crackabook...
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    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey Survivors!
We have b317 for you with plenty of adjustments and fixes.

Here is how you can access the A21 b317 Experimental build:
  1. Right click on the game in steam
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click the “betas” tab
  4. The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
  5. Select that and wait for the game to download
Please look here to report bugs.[community.7daystodie.com]

We recommend starting a new savegame with b317 for the best experience. Please be aware that this update has the potential to reset your character's progress to level 1. The player inventory remains intact, however. Thanks for participating in Experimental!
Here is what changed ... Read more