7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

28 Jun

    on News - Thread - Direct

Hey Survivors!
We have Experimental Build b323 for you.
B323 has some new POIs, other additions, changes, and fixes!


Here is how you can access the A21 b323 Experimental build:

  1. Right click on the game in Steam
  2. Click on Properties
  3. Click the “Betas” tab
  4. The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
  5. Select that and wait for the game to download



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26 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Havik:
Originally posted by Shurenai: -snip for space-
Honestly, viewing it as a TD type game never really crossed my mind. Interesting way to look at it.
Not just a way of looking at it either. It's part of what the game is, and how it's been advertised over the years.
Originally posted by Steam Store Page Blurb: 7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first-person shoote...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Havik:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Build a half submerged base; A bunker below for your living space, and an arena on top to fight zombies. It's one base and no concerns of zombies beelining for supports.

Or learn to design your base so that you don't need to fear them beelining for doors or supports. Plenty of ways to do so with some knowlege of building mechanics.

The single most important thing to know about base design is that the zombies aren't specifically...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Build a half submerged base; A bunker below for your living space, and an arena on top to fight zombies. It's one base and no concerns of zombies beelining for supports.

Or learn to design your base so that you don't need to fear them beelining for doors or supports. Plenty of ways to do so with some knowlege of building mechanics.

The single most important thing to know about base design is that the zombies aren't specifically beelining for doors/supports- They're beelining for a way to You. If their fastest/only way to you is through a door, or by tearing down a support beneath you to ostensibly topple whatever thing you're hiding up in, that's what they'll do.

25 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I miss being able to set MaxAlive to 450 zeds before alpha 14.

24 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's normal. You just have to wait, and it will finish. It's even mentioned in big orange 32pt font in the bug report announcement.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pretty sure they'll "Fix" farming the way you describe the same day they make the crops have 60-120+ day growing cycles, have to be watered, deweeded, depested, and must be regularly cared for in general to produce a harvest.

There's a lot more that goes into growing a plant than just dumping a seed into the ground.

You get to skip over all the necessary work to get a grown crop, And you get returns in 3 ingame days; The price of that is that you have to spend some of your crop yield on getting more seeds to plant,

So long as crops have no effort required beyond planting and harvest time, It's not likely to ever give you more seeds than are needed to replant at Most; and in such a way that the decision to grow the size of your farm requires you to make the decision to sacrifice part of the harvest to grow more. Otherwise you get infinite exponential growth- One crop yields 5 seeds, yields 5 crops yields 25 seeds, yields 25 crops yields 125 seeds... Th... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not removed, no. But, it doesn't come from breaking windows or paintings anymore, and there are no scrappable jars anymore. Only place I know you can still collect it is the one Daggaz mentioned, off the floor in pois.

23 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bomjus:
Originally posted by NocternalDaze: 1 skill point per level.
do you still get skill points from completing the tutorial quests?
Yes, 4.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, and there are already a few threads on this exact subject already. Try looking around before you start a thread, and you won't feel so alone.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: That definitely sounds like a bug. I hope you’ll consider reporting it on the official forum with the map seed and coordinates.
It's already been reported...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There’s a reason that finding an item and using that item are two different actions. If your looter is just reading everything they find, that’s not playing very cooperatively. And that was true before we had magazines.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That definitely sounds like a bug. I hope you’ll consider reporting it on the official forum with the map seed and coordinates.

22 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Silhouette Fleur:
Originally posted by FT: Which zombie mechanics are you talking about dropping?
If you didn't already know, you can disable ZombieSpawns and HordeNights to have the world basically zed-free.

Huh, I actually didn't know this!

I just really don't like that they break all the blocks on me, I love building, the occasional zombie is fine but horde night is really quite mean, I'm sure folk enjoy it though.

Keeping up to date with ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A major issue with it is that, many people in the community have been here for quite a long time and have played through version after version after version where you could basically get to top quality end game gear in about 7 days every time.

To them, getting there that fast basically makes the 'end game' of the game FEEL like it's all supposed to be 'EARLY game' content, and they want more tacked onto the end to add even more equipment progression.

But, Steel equipment is supposed to be the end game- Not the early game. The primitive gear is supposed to be the early game, with iron as mid game and steel as late/end game. And the only way to make this happen... Is to slow things down. To stretch out the pace of acquisition so you ideally aren't in steel equipment within 7 days.

The ultimate goal is to balance the game around about 50 days- 50 days of progression to beat the story(when that's implemented)- That is, the default rate of progression... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can already change the loot %, which will directly affect how many books you find.

Or you could mod the game.

21 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Zombies take at most 33% of their HP in damage per fall; How far the fall has to be I can't recall off the top of my head.

Note, that is PER FALL, You can still kill zombies with falling traps, you just need a way to make them fall more than once.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1. Relatively normal. There is a "day 5" horde that consists of dogs, and they can also show up in the selection for regular wandering hordes. The only change with a21 is that you are more likely to see the wandering hordes than you were previously.

2. HP pool for the dog is based on the master animalTemplateHostile. There is no change between a20 and a21 in this regard either.

Not sure why you have so much trouble with killing them. A couple of shots with a T3 pipe machine gun or 4-5 swings with a T3 wood club are usually enough to take one down. If you have one point to stealth you can single-shot them with a T1 primitive bow. Or if alerted, one arrow and a couple of smacks of the club.

Unless you aren't playing on default difficulty. Harder difficulties decrease the amount of damage you deal, and increase the damage dealt by enemies. HP values remain unchanged.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kryzx: I was frustrated as well when my structures collapse due to being new at the game, but you can learn to mitigate it from your future base building. If I needed to remove a block, I typically would craft a quick frame block and highlight the area around that block to observe the stability in the region. If it was already purple/red (or even a very saturated yellow color since that's the borderline 2nd-to-last block before it crumbles), then I tried to find another way to add a pillar in that area to support it just for precaution.

Another option, especially helpful on non-horde bases you're making: If you haven't fully upgraded your base from the frame blocks or wood blocks, consider upgrading the vertical ...
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