7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

25 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game stage is part of the calculation that determines Loot stage, which is what actually effects the loot... So, essentially, the answer to your question is 'Yes, gamestage affects loot'.

22 Mar

    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Seftak: Good thing i do not care about any of those games. Also i can play multiple games at the same time. Don't need to dedicate my life to only one game.

I am doing that also, 7 Days, Euro Truck Simulator (and American Truck Simulator), Torchlight 2 and Supreme Ruler Ultimate are all on my current playlist.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by cgwildwolf11: i only ever play solo and it is lots of fun

I mostly play solo (some 3 player games with friends) and enjoy the solitude immensely. This is a great game solo, and a good one for small multiplayer.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a game stage system that scales risks (e.g. zombies) and rewards (e.g. loot) up and down depending chiefly on your player level. When multiple players are in physical proximity they get a combined game stage value and the game adjusts accordingly, from quests to Blood Moons. In theory this serves up a balanced experience for any number of players, up to the officially supported limit. I say in theory only because I haven't personally been big on multiplayer for some time.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by !C4ught/M3^withMYN4D30ut: i have 300+ games on my wishlist already....:RadioCallIn:

Yeah, I got about 50. Down from before since I've bought quite a few during the March sales event - I pretty much snap up anything on my Wishlist if it's discounted below $20.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Santa Heavy: I don’t really care about any of the new releases. Not that they are bad or anything, but because of price. 50+ dollars is a fair amount for a game when I can get 3 older but were popular when they came out, for the same price when they go on sale.
That and I still have 60+ games I own and still need to play lol.

Same boat here on the games, I've got 200 in my Steam Library and about 50 of them still to play... hehe.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rager: Diablo 4.
Lets hope it releases soon, because this downtime would be perfect for it.

After Diablo 3, Blizzard is going to have to do a lot of convincing to make me try out Diablo 4.

21 Mar

    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ghostkeal:
Originally posted by OzHawkeye:
Odd, my game installation seems quite functional.
this game is buggy hell man lol. all im saying is asking for dlc when the game has been in early access for so long and still isnt close to finished is a bit silly.

Well, buggy is different from saying its non-functional, and personally, I agree, releasing DLC while still in EA isn't a good look.

I'd be interested to know what sort of bugs you're... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It sounds like the OP is happy with turning the Blood Moon off. But for others in the same camp, remember there's a setting just for the block damage enemies do during the Blood Moon. If you like having Blood Moons and don't want to nerf the speed or damage zombies will do to you, but also you don't like playing defensive architect figuring out how to build structures to withstand them, then this would be the ideal setting to adjust.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ghostkeal: maybe they could attempt to finish the game before DLC, or maybe add some actual functioning gameplay to make it enjoyale

Odd, my game installation seems quite functional.

20 Mar

    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmmm, keybinds ought not to change just because the game is closed.

They can get overwritten though if you change the version of the game you play - something I had to deal with a lot when my friends played an Alpha 16 game recently - every time I went back to my local Alpha 11 game, I'd have to reset keys.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, private modders are free to make mods like this, but TFP sure couldn't.
    OzHawkeye on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, the issue I see with this as goatfish pointed out would be the owners of Residential Evil slapping TFP with a copyright violation nearly instantly it was released... hehe.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Same way you upgrade/repair blocks; Right click with a building tool. (Stone axe, hammer, nailgun)

19 Mar

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's a wide shot of a military compound, so I'm not surprised it doesn't 'look' very interesting on the surface.. Plus, we can't see any of the interior details... For example, just based on the apparent visible size, I'm betting there's an underground bunker component to the POI.

It does look like a place I want to make into a base for myself though.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is it night time? Traders are closed at night, and it teleports you away to prevent you from using the invincible area as protection from the dangers of the night. Traders are only open from 6:05 till 10:55.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it is currently 2 2 1 and I don't know which way it extends.