7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

23 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by gn_fighter:
Originally posted by Shurenai: RNG's gonna RNG. Any book can come from any book source.

Uh.. what do you define as a Book-Source?

Take Tech Junky for example.. drops in electric power cars and its corrosponding crate .. so it would count as book-source.. but only for tech-junkys.

similar i think only spearhunter, archer and needle can actually be mailboxes.
Tech junky is kindof an outlier in that regard- In that yes, You ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
RNG's gonna RNG. Any book can come from any book source.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
OP's original thread.

It doesn't look like this thread is going anywhere particularly positive, so we'll shut it down now.

22 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Never have trouble with that- I sort things as I go. Materials go in a number of chests, not just one, and are labeled for their contents.
Cloth, Leather, Duct Tape, Cotton in one chest
Mechanical Parts, Electrical Parts, Oi in another
and so on.

I've also tried sorting my crates by row in the past, one row per material, as many crates as needed to cover the total number of items. Worked out pretty well, but was harder to label so I sometimes had to open multiple crates to find what I was looking for.

You don't have to be quite so sorted as me- But even spitting your materials out over 2-3 crates sorted by theme, it makes it WAY easier to find specific materials you're after, and much less likely to overlook something you're looking for.

21 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nova: so i should put Relay to door and from door to the two cameras?
Relay->Camera->Camera->Door. Door at the end of the line, because cameras control whether power can pass them. If you want the door to be powered, it has to be after the cameras in the wiring.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Change the order of connections- Each object can only have One Incoming line, and may have numerous Outgoing lines.

Electricity always branches outward from the power source- You can't loop connections back on themselves, and attempting to attach an incoming line to an object that already has an incoming line will remove the old one in favor of the new one.

To make two cameras work for a single door, You need to wire Power ->Relays->Camera->Camera->Door. Nothing can be between the two cameras- It has to be camera->camera or else the cameras will work independently, not in tandem.

20 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
With the block you want to use equipped on your tool bar and the blocks you want to fill highlighted in blue, press L. Note this only works in some game modes, i.e. the prefab editor.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The territory names are random to obscure the seed name. It keeps people on a public server from being able to load up the same exact map in single player and scope out all the best places.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Regarding polish and new graphics, that is happening in stages. By the time the game goes gold, there should be no temporary placeholder graphics left. One of the devs expressed it as, none of the art assets from Alpha 1 will remain in the game.

Currently we have some areas, notably the player characters, that haven’t been worked on yet and are dragging down the visual quality overall. The devs know this, and are actively working on overhauling those characters.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AvatarOfWar: Why do people continually fail to understand the obvious? PVP is an option in the game. Whether or not you like it doesn't matter. If its going to be a part of the game, it needs to work. Period.

No ones asking them to spend every waking moment fixing these things. Just spending at least some minimal effort to fix what is clearly very broken would be helpful.

And if its one thing TFP understand, its how to do minimal effort. :P
Thing is, It does work, Period. You can kill others, they can kill you. That is working pvp.

There is nothing to fix here- Just like how in the old DayZ mod players with sniper rifles would camp newbies on the coast, there was nothing to f... Read more

19 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DARK SHADOW 231:
Originally posted by meganoth:
Stamina usage is also changed in A21 because sexrex is distributed to the perks. You don't need to hope for a rework, a rework was definitely done in A21.

That's irrelevant, that's a re-balance of skills, that won't address how a ratchet is not better than a wrench.
It isn't irrelevant when you consider that the values of the tools are being re-balanced as well. Which is partially a result of this n... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think it's great that some people are too scared to jump down and snag loot bags during the horde event and so are losing them by giving into that fear. Seems like the game is doing its job...lol

If anything put them on a 10 minute timer so everything is gone by morning unless you take a risk and get down there and grab the loot!
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I prefer to download Sphereii’s mod launcher because it will load A8.8 into a separate folder and that way you can launch 8.8 from the launcher and launch 20.6 from Steam and never the twain meet.

You can fin the tool in the mod tools sunforum at the official forums.

18 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This has been discussed as an option. The problem will arrive when you are unable to continue the story because you have no traders though.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I do believe there is some re-balancing in this regard in a21. Can't really give specifics outside of what is already in the Pinned thread though.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A17 had this already. Steel ammo. Designed specifically to be easy to make, and a good alternative when you're short on brass. Cut the durability of weapons down a good bit too.

I miss it a lil bit.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by william_es: Yes, I agree, it definitely cintratocting itself. Totally cintratocting.

What the hell is cintratocting?
Think he meant self-contradicting.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dead Inside: So what is the point of the description? why add headshot damage if there is no way to mention it in stats or does not stack, also a single headshot shot be able to take out a zombie anyways
Headshot damage is a multiplier of the basic damage value; It doesn't really need to be listed separately.
Your rifle does 100 damage, and by default does 2x damage to the head, or +100% damage. So as you raise your skills you eventually reach +300% damage, or 4x to the head, 100x4=400.

There's mods for single headshot killing zombies, if you really want it- But it gets boring quick when you can instakill any zombie with even a level 1 pipegun. Your choice if you want it that way; But ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Stats do not stack with eachother; Each stat only applies to the weapons within it's own category.
So with Fortitude, that would be Machine Guns and Fist Weapons; But with Agility that would be Pistols and Knives.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pyrrhus: Rotting fleshes shouldn't be required for crafting farming soil as they're hard to find except in wasteland if we hunt enough of zombie bears for weeks which is dangerous, even farming soil still requires too much of it.. Unless we could harvest downed zombies but there's prolly a mod for that cuz vanilla zombies give nothing to harvest, not even bones.
? There are harvestable corpses alllllll over the place. In every POI. Carcasses on the road. Body bags in certain POIs, etc... If you're harvesting them all with a knife you should be swimming in so many bones and rotten meat that you'll struggle to find things to DO with them.