If it is not a new technology being developed by Unity using the built in render pipeline (old, so they won't), then it would be a no. Or some driver level feature that works outside the game.
Originally posted by BGratz: What if i set the Frequency to 7 Days and change it to 10 Days on day 8Last I remember, If frequency is changed, it should move the next horde date to +; So for the example it should be on day 18(Day 8+10 Freq)
Will the next be on
day 10, 17 or 18 ?
Ask me that since yesterday but had no time to test it
Originally posted by Trunks_Budo: To all those who want to defend TFP because you have literally nothing better to do than simp for them: I'm a waste of your time and energy. My certainty that I'm right means I'm not going to entertain your opinion, I'm literally just going to ignore it. So post if you want, but you're literally just going to waste your time. I don't believe in fanboy-dev circle jerking. TFP don't need you to defend them, because they are the aggressors, and they have built their own legacy of assaulting playstyles and nerfing whatever they perceive as a "wrong way" to play the game. I see a tree, I call it a tree. I see petty behaviour, I call it petty behaviour. I don't care for anybody else's opinion on the matter.To be frank, I respect your right to post this wall of text- But this last bit tells me you are NOT seeking a healthy discussion on this topic. So I'm going to lock this. People are... Read more
Originally posted by Corrosion:Read moreOriginally posted by Crater Creator: It may be hard to diagnose from the description, but one thing that stands out is how the dogs will go to you while the bipedal zombies won't. As I recall, dogs can fit through one-voxel-high gaps while most humanoid zombies will need two voxels of space. When people mention pathing problems with stairs, I always advise them to check the clearance. Do the zombies have plenty of head room above them for your whole path in?T...
Originally posted by Medallions: Its just stairs to a 3 x 3 with a door thats wide open. I just made stairs to a door on a roof so they can come up on the roof so the fight would be there. But no zombies would come up. I had maybe 4 all together that wondered up and i killed them but all the rest just stayed down on the ground beating the building i was in. The beware of dogs trailer with mines around fence. They had a perfect set of stairs to easily walk up and come onto the roof with me but they only saw the building i was in as the enemy. Dogs were just really aggressive and just ran straight for me but the others just wanted the stairs and building. Had to just shoot them while they were on the ground. They just dont act right to where th...Read more