7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

28 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Theob: Ok because Im having the same problem in the character minue my guy is black but he got white hands

The game has changed incredibly since this thread was made, which makes it confusing to see an old thread like this on the front page again. Please start a new thread instead of grave digging an old one.

As it happens, you cannot change the color of your first person hands in the current game. It's possible this could change in the future.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MaT: i see games like is my car, i want it to look clean and new that all

They don’t want want it to look clean and new. They’re going for a zombie apocalypse aesthetic: dilapidated and unmaintained, as befits societal collapse. The new (non-driveable) vehicles they’ve shown for A21 are as dirty as ever.

25 Oct

    on News - Thread - Direct

7 Days is on sale now through November 1st for 70% Off on the Steam Scream Fest Sale. Buy it now!


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7 Days is on sale now through November 1st for 70% Off on the Steam Scream Fest Sale. Buy it now!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

23 Oct

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please do not resurrect old threads regardless of whether the currently presenting problem is similar to what was happening five years ago. The version of five years ago was completely different than it is today. It would be far more useful to start a new thread and give a detailed description of what is wrong in Alpha 20 for you rather than what was wrong in Alpha 14 for that guy and how that *might* be the same issue as now.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They are refining a lot of the art in the game in anticipation of final release and may do a weapon attachment art pass between now and the final version. Depends on time and priorities and how much such an art change would really affect the game. So...maybe.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Some of these concerns are being addressed in A21.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜:
Originally posted by Katitoff: I'm making a very simple point, game can and is played in coop ever since alpha 1 and balance should take that into account.
If you don't want to take into account multiplayer in your balancing, why you even allow for multiplayer in the first place? Does not make much sense now, does it?
I've been arguing on the official forums about this, by asking to make separate balance rules for Single Player vs. Cooperative. I even ...
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    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Glue: My biggest issue is finding a book that you don't need/want, and having to lug it around with you until you can give it to your friend that needs it. Its super annoying with the magazines and recipe's as is, this will only clog the inventory more.

Inventory management is seen as tedious by some and a fun puzzle of prioritization by others. There is nothing the developers can do to make inventory management palatable for everyone because someone will still find it disagreeable. Backpack mods are a legitimate solution for people who don't like the inventory management game. The vanilla game places value on managing a limited inventory but if you don't find that fun like many people don't then you can... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shockwave: Maybe I don't understand the learn by looting system (which seems utterly terrible compared to the current system) but doesn't it simply break groups?

Not necessarily. It will require groups to rethink their dynamics but the magazines only govern recipes. So if there is someone in your group who would love to be the craft person, all group members can feed them the magazines and they can craft everything for the group. In fact, there will be zero incentive for two people to split reading the same magazines because that would seriously slow down the recipe progression. Why have two or three people read the shotgun magazine so that everyone can only craft a green tier pipe shotgun when you could have one person read them all and craft pump shotguns for everyone? I think as people play the system and realize this, the dynamic will change and magazine sharing for maximizing recip... Read more

22 Oct

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BGratz:
Originally posted by Seftak: That's pretty much why they want to make is so you progress slower. So you don't skip to tier 4 weapons before the very first bloodmoon and quit playing before the second one.
Thats where they fail, you cant make the midgame the endgame by stretching the startgame.
Biggest fail was to remove that Equipment breaks. A item should break after maximal 10 Repairs. Now you are just finished when you have one equipment
Ye... Read more

21 Oct

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Which zombies would the sliders customize? Probably not all of them, so… a bank of sliders per zombie type? That’s a lot of sliders.

The vanilla game used to harness tech called UMA. It basically allowed what you’re describing, OP, except instead of sliders they were xml values in a file. They stopped using UMA because it wasn’t performant.

But hope springs eternal for me. Clones ruin the aesthetic, no matter how good the character art is. We see way more zombies than we do worlds, even casual players that may only see one Blood Moon. So just as the random world generation allows for greater variety and replayability, it is only sensible to have a system for random character generation, too.

I’ve been honing this argument for a long time - most recently in the context of b... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Unless it was rebalanced in A20(I havent personally remathed it), Building gives the most exp in the shortest time, It's a complete and total land slide, no other source of exp is even close.

But it's contingent upon having the material to do so. So, You have to mine to build. So it's a loop of Mine->build->mine->build that gives you the most returns in the least time. Incidentally it also builds you a big strong base :P

20 Oct

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by tigerseye: 1. I do have i5-7500 but thats looks to be about the same power? Another option is I could get an i7-3960x with 16gb ddr3-2133 if that would be a good choice?
Though they are both from the same era, and the i5 has fewer cores, the overall performance will be better. This is because at best you can only really use four of the six physical cores with the 1600, but the i5 will more effectively use all four physical cores plus the hyperthreaded cores. Essentially doubling your available data bandwidth.

Originally posted by ...
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19 Oct

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1. Not for 8-12 players. Especially on Windows. Setting affinity to only use the physical cores, or running headless Linux will improve things, but that is a pretty dated CPU with abysmal multi-threading support. 4-6 should be ok.

2. Not as bad as the client, but it will have some impact.

3. Your CPU won't keep up with a NVMe. If your motherboard is from the same era, it likely only supports m.2 SSD which won't be notably faster than a sata SSD. If you had a newer motherboard that does actually support NVMe, you're still limited by the CPU architecture so the results won't be huge. Would be better off to just match the SSD with another one and put them in RAID-0. Same performance for less cost.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Releasing a build by a date can be done many ways. We are not doing a toss it out at some date regardless of how it works. We are doing what features can be done by a date (month/season, not an exact date) and then polish and bug fix THOSE features. If those features are not ready, then the date will slip until they are.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Those changes have been done for months. Our test servers are running fine with the normal number of players we test with. The changes mainly reduced the amount and frequency of network data sent and improved entity movement interpolation. As to how that would effect high player count servers, it might be better or the bottlenecks could be elsewhere.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Знакомец: And how to play on a big server when all the cars are destroyed?
This is an old thread. But, to answer your question, When you do a quest from a trader it refreshes the POI, including any mechanical objects like cars within it's perimeter.

So, do quests.

Locking the thread for it's age.