7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

16 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I just tested it, and destroyed stone has 200 HP, compared to topsoil that has 200 HP or forest ground that has 250 HP. So yes, it's worth taking into account that the terrain on which your pillars rest is relatively weak and could be destroyed. But I wouldn't say the terrain of the wasteland is especially bad for this.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ragequit Inc.: I'd guess that the chunk the trees are in needs to be loaded for them to grow. So if they're far from your base (and you don't go there often), they haven't been loaded, hence not grown. I'm not 100% on this though, just a guess.

I don't think so. I've gone out on multi-day trips, and come back to my base to find my grove of planted trees has grown. I'm pretty sure that when you come back, it loads in the chunk, and the chunk calculates how much growth should've happened in the intervening time. In theory, the player can't tell that they weren't actively growing the whole time.

Unfortunately, I don't have a different explanation for why the OP's trees didn't grow for 5 days, u... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That could indeed happen, yep. Better (CAREFULLY) build in supporting pillars beneath your base. :)
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was a reason the origin was changed to shift more often. Weapons shaking in hands. If we could do it less often, we would. Even if shifted much less, it still causes the physics bug, so still needs to be fixed.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

What I posted before is about that issue:

"All or most of the issues with players/zombies/turrets/vehicles falling through ground appear to be caused by the world origin shift. It happens about 4 times more often in a20, so these bugs are more apparent. It seems to be a random Unity physics update problem after the origin changes, causing physics casts to fail. I've tried a ton of stuff and added a rapid origin shifting mode to repro it quickly. I now have the Origin code doing extra physics updating that reduces the problem to one frame and a raycast which detects when it happens, so I can try even more adjustments to fix it. "

This is not an easy bug to fix as it is an internal Unity engine issue with their physics values not updating after we shift the world origin. After a week of experiments trying to repro it and come up with fixes, it seems better, but it still is not 100% fixed, so come Monday I'll be trying more thin...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There should be no changes to that. They should just be firing away with whatever part they target and random hit variation each weapon has and possibly hitting the demo charge.

15 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Zombies can break anything. Chests included. Don't put chests anywhere a zombie can reach them; Or if you do, don't store anything important there.

To be clear, they will not Prioritize chests over attempting to reach the player. But they will absolutely break a chest if it impedes their progress.

There isn't anything in the game zombies cant break except the trader zones.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Gambo:
Originally posted by ∪ω∪: It depends on the "heat" you generate in the area. I think the more gamestage you have, the more likely a screamer will spawn.

"Heat" is generated by performing actions, such as using forges, crafting items on the workbench, killing zombies, etc.

I did know that's how they work with heat and I've been running my forge/fires quite often but I think they probably nerfed them a bit. A19 it seemed they would spawn quite often a...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Look at the Pinned thread in the ... Read more

14 Jan

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just be aware that a lot of those issues were fixed before a20 went stable too, so take it with a grain of salt.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by xXMagnusXx:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Actually there are plenty of reasons, and none of them have anything to do with the client.

I can use an i7-3930k from 11 years ago with a GTX1060 6GB and not dip below the 40's. As long as the system is properly optimized and there isn't any conflicting software.

Maybe it's time for you to figure out what is bottlenecking your system.

I'm on a ryzen5 1600 with 32GB ram. And I just did a fresh instal...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are several KI's on issues with them duplicating, teleporting below bedrock, and other similar things. Like if you teleport with a drone out, it's almost guaranteed to have an issue. But since teleporting is not a regular game feature, that one might not get as much focus as some others.

Buy the best word on any issues in the KI list being fixed, is maybe in the next patch.
Even if they announced that they fixed it internally, that doesn't mean it will remain fixed after the next internal update, or even after it goes live.

A perfect example is the current issues with vehicles disappearing, getting stuck, going underground, ect. The devs put a lot of focus into fixing these issues. The internal testers exhaustively went through all kinds of situations to replicate the issues, and they were patch up. We then spent hundreds of hours making sure that the fixes were fixed, and stayed that way.
Then the patch gets into the hands of a few millio... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually there are plenty of reasons, and none of them have anything to do with the client.

I can use an i7-3930k from 11 years ago with a GTX1060 6GB and not dip below the 40's. As long as the system is properly optimized and there isn't any conflicting software.

Maybe it's time for you to figure out what is bottlenecking your system.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Stability fix is done. The second issue we found was actually just a display issue with the show stability view, which is now fixed.

All or most of the issues with players/zombies/turrets/vehicles falling through ground appear to be caused by the world origin shift. It happens about 4 times more often in a20, so these bugs are more apparent. It seems to be a random Unity physics update problem after the origin changes, causing physics casts to fail. I've tried a ton of stuff and added a rapid origin shifting mode to repro it quickly. I now have the Origin code doing extra physics updating that reduces the problem to one frame and a raycast which detects when it happens, so I can try even more adjustments to fix it.

I've not started on it yet. There are bugs that need fixing first for a20.1 and we are still sorting out what is going into a21 and who is doing what as we have added several new programmers to the team.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

First edit the biomes file directly.

If that works then you probably got the xpath stuff wrong.

Second, how would appending another bedrock layer below the existing setup change anything?

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's very possible because the underground layers are defined in biomes.

You'd just insert a bedrock layer less deep or structure it any other way.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The second copy gets added to your Steam Gift inventory. Find it in the gift inventory and send it to whoever you want to recieve it.