7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

22 Apr

    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everybody!

Sending a small update out to fix some smaller issues and also update localization.
This also addresses the Linux issue that prevents players from using the audio options.
The same issue also rarely occured for windows users.

We wish you a good weekend!

Here's what changed since b39:

A20.4 b41

  • Error when opening audio settings when EOS could not find any microphone and/or speaker device
  • Servers do not announce themselves on Steam's backend
  • Updated Localization.txt
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everybody!

Sending a small update out to fix some smaller issues and also update localization.

This also addresses the Linux issue that prevents players from using the audio options.

The same issue also rarely occured for windows users.

We wish you a good weekend!

Here's what changed since b39:

A20.4 b41

Error when opening audio settings when EOS could not find any microphone and/or speaker device

Servers do not announce themselves on Steam's backend

Updated Localization.txt

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A cleaner OS will typically do this.

21 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is covered in the pinned FAQ, question I4.

20 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have flown actual gyrocopters, and though a lil arcadey, it is mostly accurate.

Usually once you realize that it's a glider/plane and not a helicopter, you're good to go.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Zombies are random within their sleeper volumes as far as which sleeper blocks they pick and the count of zombies, but it is up to the designers to set. If they put 3 sleeper blocks in a room and set it to spawn 2-3 then there is not many variations available to the spawning code.

Wandering zombies has been discussed and we will probably do some of that, but we have many higher priority tasks to work on currently.

There is actually a bug passed to me today about reset POI helper blocks not being random, so it could be effecting zombie spawns too.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It doesn't sound like a memory leak to me- Sounds like you're overloading your vram, don't have your pagefile enabled, and are playing on a large gameworld.

First, 16gb of ram is fine, but what is your video card? It sounds likely that you're massively overloading your vram- and all excess that your video card can't handle goes to ram instead.

Textures alone if it's on the max setting could overload the vram of most non-cutting edge cards, and if you have -everything- on ultra, thats even more vram needed on top of that.

I understand you may not want to lower settings- But unless you tell me you have something like an rtx 3080 (which doesn't seem likely given you only have 16gb of ram), you may not have a choice but to lower some settings.
For reference, as of A19 the game wants:
TextureQuality QUARTER prefers a 2gb+ card
TextureQuality HALF prefers a 3gb-4gb+ card
TextureQuality FULL prefers a 6-8gb+ card
..Just for textures... Read more
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your issue is with one of the mods you installed. Perhaps you should try vanilla (no mods) first to learn how the game currently behaves in vanilla. Thus you will have a point of reference to what changes originate from the mods you add to the game.

19 Apr

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A lot of progress has been made on it, but it has months of work to go.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bandits counts would scale like zombie counts at a simple ratio of how much overhead they are vs a zombie.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It means zombie will hit blocks that are supporting buildings that they would not hit before. Say you build a bunch of poles and a platform above and stand on it. They will now hit the poles and not just wander around.

I'd like to drive it, but it will not be driveable due to how it was modeled. Opaque windows, no interior and 2 piece attached wheels. It is more efficient that way, but not usable for me.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
^^ Yup. No need for two separate threads about basically the exact same thing.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by I can't spell: they just removed my post about 4 dogs in a kill squad attacking me and climbing freaking ladders. Don't feel bad. It happens to all of us.
Your post was merged into your own previous post on the exact same topic. Here's the link to it.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Usually if they had posts that were deleted in this section, I can enable viewing of that in their post history for a short while after they've been deleted. I've got nothing. ("A short while" with the Steam forum is anywhere from a few hours to a few days. It's apparently completely random.)

And the one post I removed recently was someone (not the OP) just posting "K" in a dead thread.

If they had posted a problem, it would have been moved to ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The OP actually doesn't have any posts in the 7DTD steam forum; So whatever they posted was actually removed- Not merged, assuming it was posted here on the steam forum. I don't show any reports against this user in recent history.. So it's possible it's something that was removed by a steam moderator.

To the OP, If you could provide any information on the context or content of the post, How long ago it was made, Whether it was your own topic or posted in someone elses topic, etc, etc, I'll see if I can find the post in question.

Edit: Upon some cursory searching through recent posts, including through individual threads, I don't see anything by this user that has been deleted; So I will need the OP to provide additional info before being able to locate their errant post.

18 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refer to the pinned threads in the Support & Bug Reports section for instructions on how to report an issue in a way that people can help.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’d assume the official supported limit of eight players is with a dedicated server in mind. Since you asked about a player-hosted server, I’d expect the practical limit there to be lower than that if anything, because the host’s machine has to host the game for everyone at the same time it’s processing the game client for one player.

In my experience, trying to locally host more than four players at a time is asking for trouble, even with solid hardware and a central geographic location. But I haven’t tried to test the limit in a long time, and my internet connection was upgraded since then etc. etc., so I don’t have a reliable figure.

If you have a dedicated server, I see little reason not to use it.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please use the Meeting Room sub-forum to find other players, and the Servers sub-forum to find a server.