7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

07 May


    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ~$$~ BlackCatTheGreat ♣♣: First result on google for "7 Days 2 Die VR" does state "Planned, likely post gold feature".

Sylen isn't wrong, and so is the mod for this forum that said that a year ago. IN FACT, Sylen them-self already said answered this same exact question nearly 4 years ago in this very same forum.

(There probably should be a FAQ more visible on this forum, would help stem some of these "Frequently asked Questions" :) [] )
Too many Pinned thread muddles the forums. Especially when Steam's default view only shows 15 threads, and people rarely expand that view, or bother going past page 1.

06 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can already craft placeable ground to fill in holes/build ground based bulwarks, although they aren't very effective. Search 'ground' or 'topsoil' in your crafting list. Can craft 4 or 5 different kinds, clay based, sand based, snow based, stone and destroyed stone based.

Leveling can be achieved via placing wood frames without compromising integrity of anything nearby- Just place a wood frame and the ground is auto-leveled underneath it.

Slowing and gradients aren't currently possible in game; The world generator goes through a lot of steps to make the ground as smooth as it does, and I'm not sure it's possible to put those tools into the hands of the player.

05 May

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone!
Please take your time and have a look at the new EXP build.

This build tackles several reasons that did cause crashes for some users.

We are seeing reports of the Discord overlay potentially crashing the game, please read here.

We hope in this EXP build, everyone can play again.

If you are still crashing, please take your time to report a bug, after reading this:

If you still crash before the game starts, we would need your launcher.log and the anticheatlauncher.log.

Please provide them in a bug report following the link above.

To participate:

1. right click on the game in steam

2. click on properties

3. click the "betas" tab

4. the drop down menu will have latest_experimental available ← you want THAT

5. select t...

Read more

03 May

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TTV GrieverXVII:
Originally posted by STDRandom Lead: here we go again. Search function is your friend for this once a month topic.

the time it took you to reply with such a poor reply could've also been spent just offering some help or a solution as you're eluding to, i can't imagine wasting my own time with such nonsense, but k.

If you're seeking information that is already available, then you are "wasting" the time of everyone that responds or... Read more

30 Apr

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I had been using the config file option for so long I didn't notice the command line option get added either.
Happened back in 2019-02-27 - A17.2 is out!
For serverowners:
Added: serverconfig property “UserDataFolder” to specify where all generated data on the server is stored, including generated RWG worlds
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok so for those of you who have been paying attention, you are aware of this change that is being started in a20.4.
Mods are now loaded from /Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to /Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time.
Do note that currently either the old location or the new location will function.

However for those who like to run larger mods like Darkness Falls, and are short on C-drive space, are going to be impacted largely.

Do not despair.
There is a pretty simple workaround for this.

Some of you may already be aware of the method for ... Read more

29 Apr

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There should be a Beta, but the labels don't really matter. A beta would just be a stable Axx relabeled to B1, then bug fixes for weeks/months and then is gold.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A .5 is planned. Beyond that, none are planned other than if we need to fix major bugs.

We don't know how many more alphas there will be before gold. Way too many variables.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sure, Your first encounter with demos is going to be a ♥♥♥♥ show. Because you don't know anything about them.

Your first encounter with dogs probably went the same way, albeit with less boom.

Your mistake #1: Hitting the bright green explosive charge on their chest that makes them go boom. They don't just blow up on their own, they blow up when you hit that green charge. And IF you accidentally hit that charge, if you can quickly finish killing them, they still wont blow up.

Demos ONLY blow up IF the player makes the mistake of hitting that green charge(This includes poorly placed traps- Shotgung/SMG turrets CAN hit that charge.) AND it does not die before the countdown finishes.

I get you're salty, but...Learn from your mistake. It's not hard to make bases that can stand demolishers.


    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Spend three minutes searching before starting a thread. This is asked and answered about once every month or so.

Yes it's planned. It's part of the kickstarter goals even.
Next time you get to wondering, try using Google first.

28 Apr

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Lesh-9 has the wrong link, this is the correct one:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is technically a limit. Much like minecraft, the game is made up of 16x16 chunks that extend from bedrock to a certain point in the sky. In 7dtd's case it's bedrock, then 252 height of buildable space- Of which roughly 194 of that exists above ground level. So in total, there's 64,512~ blocks per chunk times the number of chunks.

Thing is, Every space, even the 'empty' ones are technically filled. Just the empty ones are filled with 'air' blocks.

But, the actual answer to what you're trying to discern is that no, there is no maximum limit tot he number of blocks any given user can place or remove from the game world. You wanna build a 5,000,000 block castle, by all means.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. A shortcut is how I tested it.

It went fine. Skyscraper windows are block models, so they are each a draw call and it uses a sub mesh for trim and glass, so they are actually two draw calls each. They need to be changed to a standard block. We spent more of the time talking about making normal blocks that have opaque and transparent sections and decided we could support that if our mesh naming system handled marking meshes transparent, so that those would end up in the transparent chunk mesh. I have a prototype working of an arch with glass inside the arch. Still thinking on if I like this solution.