7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

12 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
My role is to moderate the forum, not develop the game. But I’m with you; I hope the Metal renderer is supported in the future.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by lastberserker:
Originally posted by -=O=-^Fightinc*ck: would be a blessing to your systems ram memory... And sure would look preeeeedy.

Does it support voxels and fully destructible world?
Yes, but it's still years behind what Unity is capable of in this arena.

Originally posted by Lemonfed: moving to unreal engine 5 should be reserved for a sequel , I'm pretty sure it's would be ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Outside of horde night, I think it’s a mistake to have vultures attack vehicles in the first place. Instead of passively nullifying them with armor, why not add some gameplay? Add a turret + gunner’s seat to the 4x4, so players can actively shoot down vultures without leaving the vehicle. This could be a blast in multiplayer.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Glad you found them. Also, not to make you paranoid (you said it’s PvE), but depending on land claim protection, it’s not that hard for someone to hit a crate until the lock breaks.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes it’s a mod, so moving this to the Modding sub-forum as a courtesy. Please post mod questions there.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I expect Metal to be buggy, so I stick with OpenGL. Turn off all reflection-related settings for sure. I don't know what settings are more or less performant under Metal. I'd probably start by following the same advice people get for Windows on what to turn down. You can find plenty of existing threads about performance.

11 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Still unsupported, unfortunately. Badly broken with reflections turned on. Thank goodness for OpenGL.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bo0Mz: yeah the pimps should totally remove iron and every other ore from 99% of the map and concentrate it in a single place right next to my base
then ill make a thread complaining that the game needs fast travel so i can fast travel to the base and mine the ores i want because my brilliant idea forces me to walk over 10km to get to the only mine on the map from the cities im looting
then ill complain that the mining takes too long and should be instant
then ill complain that crafting is dumb and so is mining and that the game should focus more on PVP
then ill drop a negative review because the game is looking like a battle royale and BR mode is cringy according to the cool kids on reddit

t. per...
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    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone!
Today we have the first experimental build for A20.4 for you!

Server owners will need to add/modify these 2 new properties in the serverconfig.xml. These filters will help players find your server.

Values must be one of the following:
NorthAmericaEast, NorthAmericaWest, CentralAmerica, SouthAmerica, Europe, Russia, Asia, MiddleEast, Africa, Oceania

Values: Use any language name that your players would expect to search for. Should be the English name of the language, e.g. not "Deutsch" but "German". This is a filter name only and DOES NOT SET the language for players.

To participate:

1. right click on the game in steam

2. click on properties

3. click the "betas" tab

4. the drop down menu will have latest_experimental available ← you want THAT

5. select that ...

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10 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mardoin69:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I agree. Too many ore nodes make the whole map feel samey. I would even go so far as to want more ore types to be biome-exclusive (e.g. coal found only in the snow biome), so that location matters more for base location.

'Logically' coal would be found in higher vegetation areas with hills....so maybe the forest biome where hills are. But, yeah....completely agree with the concept. Like how Oil Shale was only...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please discuss mods in the Modding sub-forum. Thread moved.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I agree. Too many ore nodes make the whole map feel samey. I would even go so far as to want more ore types to be biome-exclusive (e.g. coal found only in the snow biome), so that location matters more for base location.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 1937436036: 有没有中文模组啊哥几个

The best place to ask is the Modding sub-forum. :buzzed:
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Regarding question 1, if you’re playing a random world generator (RWG) map, we have a pinned thread in the Survivor Stories sub-forum for sharing the seeds that create good maps.

09 Apr

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, it's pretty common. So much so that it's covered in the Pinned threads in the Support section of the forum.

I suppose it's just too bad that you didn't manage to figure out how to use a forum before posting this.

08 Apr

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For those wondering, yes it appears if you want you can create maps that are 100% a single biome:
Originally posted by Roland: Well, I created a 100% snow biome world and did the tutorial quest. When I placed the campfire I got the message that there was NO TRADER. I opened the quest screen and canceled the tutorial quest and the NO TRADER message disappeared from my screen. I still had earned 4 skill points from doing all the tutorial business other than going to the trader and once I looked around a bit I found a Trader Hugh in the nearest city.

So not really any bad consequences at all other than having to find your first trader yourself without the aid of a gps beacon which should be easy for any veteran.
Source: ... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

They should be able to just like zombies can fight animals.

I don't know.

Still a thing. We have a programmer working on it full time.

07 Apr

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes they're supposed to work, but the 'NPCs' buying your stuff are only simulated within the context of the vending machine. You'll never see them; the most you'll see is your items disappearing. I don't use these, so I can't speak to whether they're worthwhile.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No. What you're describing is commonly referred to around here as learn by doing. The developers have no plans to re-implement that system. Alpha 16.4 was the last version that had learn by doing. You can still play this version by selecting it in the betas tab of the game's properties.