7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

12 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you near a biome transition? EG: Forest->Snow, or Forest->Wasteland or Forest->Burnt Lands? If so, that's likely why; Non-forest biomes have higher chances of spawning dangerous animals like the bears.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Chan The Man: I think they're all fun and fine for the most part. Perception is the red headed step child though :( seems like that'll never change.
A fair number of people would disagree with you- I'm one of them (Though I love Fortitude dearly.)

A lot of others would consider Agility patently worthless and to be the red headed black sheep.

Others still think INT is the red headed step child because you can obtain basically everything important from the tree...without ever putting points in the tree.

All a matter of perspective, opinion, and personal preference.

11 Dec

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Version: Alpha 20 (b218)
Seed name : Death
Size: 6144
Biome adjustment settings : MMDFFD_6310
Towns: Many
Wilderness POIs: Many
Rivers: Default
Craters: Few
Cracks: Few
Lakes: Default
Plains: 6
Hills: 3
Mountains: 1
Random: 0
Number of traders if known : 10 ( Joel*3, Jen*1, Rekt*3, Bob*1, Hugh*2)
name="trader_joel" position="-2062,41,-417" rotation="2"
name="trader_jen" position="1223,43,1881" rotation="1"
name="trader_rekt" position="677,43,-1876" rotation="3"
name="trader_bob" position="-1656,44,773" rotation="0"
name="trader_hugh" position="-1499,37,1530" rotation="0"
name="trader_rekt" position="1891,45,1170" rotation="3"
name="trader_hugh" position="1483,39,558" rotation="1"
name="trader_joel" position="-335,42,1434" rotation="0"
name="trader_rekt" position="615,44,-611" rotation="2"
name="trader_joel" position="...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
!. The Support section is over here --> ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please see this thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/1/3196989600459543598/

Edit: On rereading the post, The above is still somewhat applicable- Just turn off creative mode whenever you ...
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
it wouldn't surprise me.. 7DTD is a hugely ram intensive game- If you can get it all in working memory via a ram drive, then it probably would improve performance significantly.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

If loot respawn is 0, then sleeper respawn is 30.

10 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Interesting. I play with it off. Passed info to Zack.


    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don’t know what a “looting challenge” means.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Huh? I’m having trouble understanding your question.

It doesn’t matter whether you found schematics in loot, got them as a quest reward, bought them from the trader, or got them any other way. Either you’ve read the schematics or you haven’t. When you read them, you consume one unit. If you have additional copies, reading them won’t unlock any recipes, because you’ve already unlocked them.

The trader can’t take schematics away from you. The only things the trader can take out of your inventory are Dukes, White River Supplies, and anything you choose to sell to them.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

My description was not quite accurate. AIFeralSense in xml actually increases noise amount and seeing distance range values of a zombie. So if you make 10 noise, AIferalSense of 1.5 scales the noise by the number and adds it in, so it becomes 25 noise to that specific zombie. AIferalSense of 0 would add 0.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RasaNova: …But then there was that gun safe I finally went back to on day 12 after I got the lockpick candy, that had a Q3 bone knife and a Q4 stone spear...

A thought occurs…

Some people are going to hate leveled loot in any form. But for others, a key complaint is that finding poor quality loot in the same loot container where a high-level character would find better loot breaks immersion. There have been many arguments over how plausible that is, and why it would or wouldn’t happen.

But now we have gamestage modifiers based on on location, instead of only on player stats. And we already have these placeholders that are turned into individual loot containers at generation t... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think people are missing the point. The OP’s beef (at least in the top post) isn’t with what’s in the containers so much as what kinds of containers are in those hidden spots in POIs in the first place: the little secret nooks and behind paintings as mentioned.

I do think a lot of it works, if you consider this is the post-apocalypse, after society shut down. Imagine that people went months without government services: specifically, no trash pickup. A lot of people would be trying to live in their homes, accumulating trash like they normally do, and not having anywhere to put it. So they stash it in some out-of-the-way spot, because even hardcore hoarders leave themselves paths to get around.

Now, the trash behind a false wall or painting is more of a slap in the face. But luck is a factor here. To make it more of a surprise, the world builder puts a loot placeholder behind the fake painting, and then it’s randomly turned into a pile of something,... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Literally it's part of the tutorial, Finish the tutorial and it's gone. Problem solved.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tech Enthusiast: You could run out of zombies, yes.
But the horde would not resume or respawn if you logged out and back in again.
I did 15+ runs in A19 and always log out after Horde night. Never had it spawn again on me when logging back in the day after. That is certainly new.
Well then..amusingly.. You had some kind of bug before, heh. Because it was very much a thing in A19. And A18..and A17. Not 100% sure about A16; More like 85%, But yeah. Definitely an older function than A20.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tech Enthusiast: Certainly never has been like this before A20, but I don't mind. Free XP.
Day 7 Horde always ends around midnight, depending on how fast you can kill,... so getting a second horde is very welcome!
It's been like this since at the very least A16. Horde night officially lasts until 4am; However you can very much run out of zombies to kill depending on your game stage- Higher gamestage = more zombies to kill; And eventually unless you've got an ultra optimized base or killing hallway, you'll hit a point where you simply cannot kill the zombies fast enough to run out before 4am.
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

In the vanilla game you can.

It just doesn't do anything, just like trying to install a full auto mod in a pipe shotgun...