It’s not the worst idea, but you would spawn underground on top of the bedroll instead of on the bed. That’s why you can’t place a bedroll unless there are two blocks free vertically: so you can spawn exactly there.
Originally posted by brian9824: Agreed on a big why? Blocks have owners and it would be complicated to do what is being described.
What is so hard about putting down your own bedroll?
Originally posted by CrazyOdd: Not sure its still in the game, but you could use 1 bed and 1 bedroll, for spawn points.
Originally posted by Highlander:Read moreOriginally posted by d_d_c_95: i cant say for sure cause been away from game for a bit but were zombie always this gd smart? able to ( and will) traverse the maze of building over taking the straight path through some barbed wire, will find a a alternative path to me rather then walk into the empty pit i made for them , and i know ther suposed to have good noses but ive had several now track me clear across a map to my base. was there a general zombie upgrade i missedIts been like this since 17 all the zeds went to Zombie University and all have degrees in building engineering . Once your base is breeched they all start to funnel through ...
Originally posted by d_d_c_95: ive already developed a fond hatred for those gd birds. wait so does that mean they no longer smell when i have meat on me? . also i just died to what looks like a bull dog the size a gd horse inside a building WTFF!?!?!?!Smell system was removed because it was too costly with the new AI in a17. May make a return after some optimization.
Originally posted by KerlFieser: Don't know why but since the last a20 patch (or the one before) the z'ds refuse to ...Read more
Originally posted by MiSFiT77:Read moreOriginally posted by Crater Creator:
I don’t actually think that’s automatically a good thing, though. I still think of this as a survival game, which means taking the hand you’re dealt and making it work. Improvise, adapt, overcome and all that. It is more interesting to me if there are some unforeseen roadblocks making it so I can’t be set in my ways, always making the same moves.
When the traders serve as the great equalizers that ‘fix’ RNG luck, as I t...
Originally posted by MiSFiT77: …This is the thing. The game doesn't understand or predict my play style (or yours). So while I'm tearing places apart looking for that one item that I need for the way I play. The game doesn't think "oh this guys looking for xyz because clearly he is playing in a certain way" because the game doesn't think, it just gives me random stuff. Where as having the ability to tell the trader what exactly you are looking for could help to push the game along in the direction that you want to go in.
Originally posted by Dark: The old hardened chest were imposing and had real wow factor, the new tiny harden chests, not so much.Curious about this one. The secure storage chest hasn't changed since Alpha 9 at least.
Originally posted by KellyR: Err, what?This. When you fire an arrow, if you don't immediately change to another weapon, it will automatically reload/nock a new arrow after which one click will draw the bow back.
When you're using the bow it automatically nocks a new arrow after every time you fire it. There's no clicking necessary.