Originally posted by Richard: really hope a modder can bring back the old system + new weapon mod system and quality level 1-600They've had a couple years to do it, and no one has yet.
if you have 600 quality levels and each repair reduces the level you allways have a need for new high level items thats the good thing about that system. Right now you dont really loose your tools and weapons once you have them at tier 6.
How do you think he got that hair?
Originally posted by CptnHarlock: I think we did have randomized HD zombies for a while (somewhere between a14-a16 IIRC) but it was way too taxing on CPU. Can some oldtimer confirm?
Vehicle driving changes are not planned and feel fine to me. The gyrocopter is technically an airplane and they do not fly like a helicopter. Someday I would like to add a helicopter that will fly like a helicopter. It will hover and be easier to fly than the gryo, which I never intended to be easy to fly, since it is the starter crappy flying vehicle.
Originally posted by Zuao: I obviously haven't looked at the underlying code, but isn't the crafting system separate from mod application?The current mod system is using the same base code that the old assembly system did. That's why it was basically one or the other.
Is that when the pilot rolls a 1 on the d20?
Weapon types are bad enough but it gets really funky when you translate mythological creatures when there is no cultural / language reference to that kind of pantheon or races. =P
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I have been of the opinion that loot in general (rather than just guns) was made vastly over-plentiful in A17. In A16 and back you could loot an entire row of houses and find some pieces of paper, maybe some food, and a jar of water. After A17, every house has a mega hyper stash of fully assembled ultra-loot in it. It's like King Midas vomited all over the apocalypse. I wish they would scale it back a bit and return a little bit of survival to the mix.
Originally posted by hanrahan6: I thought that gamestage also determined the type of zombies that spawned during the Blood Moon.Gamestage does. Difficulty does not. The topic is about Game Difficulty; Not gamestage.
A large kukri is definitely one of the top 5 zombie apocalypse melee weapons. (I'm also partial to the chinese war sword)
That said, it is not exactly wide-spread or widely known, limiting its use in a game.
That's like the first time I saw the SMG ingame and was wondering why it wasn't suppressed because it clearly looked like an MP5SD.
Turns out it was simply an artist's impression of "a submachinegun".