Issues with LightLOD code and prefabs.
There are 20 ticks per second. On any single tick, there will be no more that 2 sleepers spawned period. This applies globally to all volumes, so any remaining volumes will have to try on the next tick.
Snow, probably not.
The rest I don't know.
In A20, sleeper volumes will globally only spawn 2 per tick. Wandering is the same.
It is a new model. The AI acts the same.
I added and edited a few things too.
1 Makes sense since you want the main thread and graphics threads on the the best cores by themselves. Don't know how we would make Unity do that. Added to TODO list.
2 boot.config is generated by Unity during a build. We do not change it directly. gfx-enable-gfx-jobs=1 is already in A20's because graphics jobs is a player setting that was turned on months ago. I did not notice a performance boost, but it would depend on what your bottlenecks are.
Features and the data formats that back many features will continue to change until beta. Beta should happen before gold. That means previous alpha's worlds usually won't load. The simple way to lock in and not break your worlds is to not update the game, which would be similar to us saying hey we are done now and everything in the future is 7dtd 2.
Now if you locked in to a version, you would be missing all the new features. Like the massive pile of new block shapes coming in A20 and shape UI that goes with it.
I'd prefer new zombies not act like old zombies, since then it is just a reskin, which is boring.
Maybe, but not planned.
It is just called the Rad zombie.
It is an AOE attacker by using its special move. It can still hit you like normal.
Feral weight?
Don't know.
Probably new models before gold.