7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

30 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can try settings shadows to off or lower while it is happening and see how much better it gets.

I'm pretty sure the sewers are just part of the POI, so only certain POIs would have them. I don't think POIs can stack.

Working fine in A20.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Steam Workshop is planned post-release. It's not something you implement before the core of the game is finished.

29 Aug

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I play a lot of single player, so I’m the builder along with every other role. The thing is, I never build the exact same base twice. The appeal of building for me is refining the design: trying different shapes, sizes, layers of defense, and so on. Building may not offer infinite replayability, but it keeps me entertained until I get bored and wait to see what’s in the next Alpha.

So I can see the appeal of blueprints for, say, streamlining repairs after horde night, or making a series of basic shelters in strategic places throughout the map. But I don’t find myself in situations where I have a standardized, complex horde base and/or long term living base I want to build again and again.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Follow the steps here:

Please note, This is only a POTENTIAL fix; Your save may be corrupted in a way that isn't correctable.

28 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by sinkingsun690: Zombie Wyverns. Use the vulture mechanics so it flies and shoots a projectile. Just make it shoot fire.
Be careful that the community doesn't lynch you for suggesting something worse than the vulture. :winter2019joyfultearsyul:

Still, sounds cool; But not exactly grounded in reality as well as the existing zombie types.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think I fixed that months ago.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry, but necroposting is against forum rules. To anyone interested in a triple monitor setup, please direct your response to TankDaBain’s new thread in the Questions & Answers sub-forum.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Omega Starlight: Still, it just never felt quite right getting a broken limb from a swipe by a meek-looking zombie considering how thick and tough the game's steel armor looks.
I'm sorry, Have you seen what they do to reinforced concrete and steel walls when given the opportunity?

'Meek looking' they may be. But crazy strong they absolutely are.

And if they can claw through solid steel, They can claw through steel plating. Otherwise steel armor would basically be 100% absolute protection and it'd be a no brainer to pick heavy armor 100% of the time.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think one of the secret features is.....nah, I can't play this game.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Looks great, but I was not playing the game. Just flying around

2 Not much. Crouching would be the main one

3 Crouching helps there, but there is a bug with them swiping as they walk

4 Hard to compare since there are other general optimizations that make up for it

5 May be better since chunk mesh/collider creation is faster

6 I was checking that optimization/cleanup to biome decoration code did not have errors

7 Seems fine to me

8 Should be the same

9 Same?

10 Don't think so

11 Probably tweaks to some, but a lot of different assets have LODs with separate settings

12 It should be used at some point

27 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Did some cleanup, Please stay on topic and within the rules, guys. :winter2019happyyul:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just for the record, The reason you can only really find Blunderbuss' is due to a change in how loot tables work so that the things you find are loosely scaled to your progress in the game- For the most part, You will not find end-game class items at the start of the game. You CAN still find guns, very rarely, in certain places; But it is RARE, not something you can rely on. EG: The classic toilet pistol still exists.

This is the first step in the process; There unfortunately was only ONE early game firearm, The Blunderbuss, And so that's all you'll find. The next step in the process is to add a bunch of other early-game fire arms like pipe rifles and pipe shotguns for the player to find, to round out the early game loot tables. But this step is coming in A20 i believe, and is not here yet.

And of coruse, as the others said, You can grind up your gamestage through gaining levels, Or visit the trader regularly to pick up low tier guns.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Yes
2 Just blocks

3 Don't know

4 Same as a19

5 Don't know

26 Aug

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Don't worry. I'm sure KingGen will do it better. All hail KingGen. :winter2019coolyul:

Seriously though, Lookin stellar.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I think Midas’ point is compelling. If the game had a 100% accurate and realistic physics simulation, it wouldn’t necessarily prevent what occurred.

It’s significant that you say you don’t understand why it happened. Now I’m not saying it’s your fault and you should just git gud, either. The game could use audiovisual elements to communicate to the player where blocks are close to their breaking point, preferably in a way that’s not distracting outside of building.

The second relevant part is that you say you made a base in a building, rather than from scratch. There could be something unstable about that building, that isn’t exposed until you change a block and force a structural int...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think Midas’ point is compelling. If the game had a 100% accurate and realistic physics simulation, it wouldn’t necessarily prevent what occurred.

It’s significant that you say you don’t understand why it happened. Now I’m not saying it’s your fault and you should just git gud, either. The game could use audiovisual elements to communicate to the player where blocks are close to their breaking point, preferably in a way that’s not distracting outside of building.

The second relevant part is that you say you made a base in a building, rather than from scratch. There could be something unstable about that building, that isn’t exposed until you change a block and force a structural integrity recalculation. Rather than overhaul the whole physics simulation, tweaking that one POI to support itself could be all that’s needed. If you know the building and the spot, you can report it as a bug on the official forum.

25 Aug

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Doing some biome testing and tried RWG.