7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

09 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CaptainNuclear: To me, it doesn't increase a save games life. It just increases the tedious looting sprees that I have to go through in order to get a gun for day 7. I do agree, having endgame loot within 1-2 hours of playing is a bit busted, by if I can only get a pistol, on a rough day 7 that was populated with a few cops that's not a good gameplay loop.
Guns are absolutely not necessary, for one. And for two, If you're ending up with cops on your day 7 horde, You must have massively increased exp gain or day length; I don't typically get cops at all till my day 21 or 28 horde, let alone multiple of them :winter2019surprisedyul:... Read more

08 Sep

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can't think of a single time that any 'white knight' has said the game is a masterpiece and the devs can do no wrong.

I think most would consider me to be among the white knight category; But, tbh, I see there are issues and imperfections too. I acknowledge them. But, I don't think they're half so bad as it's made out to be.

I DO think the devs have gone in a primarily positive direction; The game is more popular now than ever, More average player count than ever, Most people are having a great time even if they gripe a bit; And I have said as much. But, Thinking the devs have largely done good by the game != "the devs never do anything wrong.".. Unfortunately, angry and frustrated detractors will take pretty much ANY form of defense as "The devs do no wrong, the game is a perfect masterpiece." without spending any time trying to understand the underlying reasoning or explanations.

All that aside, though, Good on you for self reflecting! And I'... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just to be clear, most of us aren't saying "the devs don't do anything wrong", or that "the game is a masterpiece".

Even the full-boar "white knights" don't go that far. It's just that those with opposing views don't listen.

No, I don't remember you specifically. Though I could probably look if I wanted. :steammocking: A lot of people just have issues understanding the reasons behind changes. Especially the part where the old systems you loved were only ever placeholders to fill space until the real systems were created.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. Extra seats make it 5 vehicle mods for A20. Testing minibike now, which also supports another player on the back.

It is probably final for A20.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

All the dye colors. You just put them in the cosmetic slot.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can guarantee than an a19 save will not function with a20.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
And nothing is preventing you from staying on the current version/save after a20 drops. The developer even provides the ability for you to do that. When a20 goes experimental, the current stable will appear in the Betas tab for you to choose.

Don't stop your fun because of what might happen in the future. That's just stupid.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Richard: really hope a modder can bring back the old system + new weapon mod system and quality level 1-600

if you have 600 quality levels and each repair reduces the level you allways have a need for new high level items thats the good thing about that system. Right now you dont really loose your tools and weapons once you have them at tier 6.
They've had a couple years to do it, and no one has yet.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

How do you think he got that hair?

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by CptnHarlock: I think we did have randomized HD zombies for a while (somewhere between a14-a16 IIRC) but it was way too taxing on CPU. Can some oldtimer confirm?

Kind of, sort of, not really. The game used UMA[assetstore.unity.com], a Unity plug-in for character customization. There was a time when zombies could be, and were, constructed using UMA. In theory, TFP or modders could’ve used UMA to not just make a nurse zombie, but tens or hundreds of different looking nurse zombies. In practic... Read more
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

07 Sep

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vehicle driving changes are not planned and feel fine to me. The gyrocopter is technically an airplane and they do not fly like a helicopter. Someday I would like to add a helicopter that will fly like a helicopter. It will hover and be easier to fly than the gryo, which I never intended to be easy to fly, since it is the starter crappy flying vehicle.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zuao: I obviously haven't looked at the underlying code, but isn't the crafting system separate from mod application?
The current mod system is using the same base code that the old assembly system did. That's why it was basically one or the other.

You wouldn't need to bring back the old 600 quality system though. just average the gun's tier and stats based on the sum of the parts. You would still be able to swap parts to get a lil more dps or accuracy. In fact the specific stats would be based on the quality of that associated part.
But again, it's one system or the other.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
While I do also kindof miss the old assembly systems, I have a few major concerns about bringing it back.

1: The current weapon mod system is built out of the old assembly system. The two can't really coexist. So either weapon mods would need to go, Or the devs would have to make an entirely new system to add it in again.

2: Inventory space. My god, inventory space. Back in the day there weren't nearly as many items or materials; So you could carry a few weapon parts without overfilling your inventory. But if you want to quintuple the amount of pieces you can find of guns now? Oof. Also with the addition of being able to be overburdened, you'd be shoved into that overburdened state so much faster if you could find a ton of gun parts.

3: The quality system is not as fine as it used to be. When weapons had 600 quality, the averaging amongst your gun parts made a pretty significant difference in the guns effects and quality level- Now that quality l... Read more
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is that when the pilot rolls a 1 on the d20?

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Weapon types are bad enough but it gets really funky when you translate mythological creatures when there is no cultural / language reference to that kind of pantheon or races. =P

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I tell ya, I don't miss the grid system at all. I do miss the old assembly system though.

Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I have been of the opinion that loot in general (rather than just guns) was made vastly over-plentiful in A17. In A16 and back you could loot an entire row of houses and find some pieces of paper, maybe some food, and a jar of water. After A17, every house has a mega hyper stash of fully assembled ultra-loot in it. It's like King Midas vomited all over the apocalypse. I wish they would scale it back a bit and return a little bit of survival to the mix.

The developer is in a similar opinions, and is working on re-balancing loot considerably for a20.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It has to do with utilization. The stripper zombie only fit in strip clubs. So it was either put a strip club on every block, or replace her with the ‘party girl’. The ‘sexy nurse’ outfit has the same problem, as did other overly specialized looks like the football player.

It’s not the direction I’d like them to go, either. I really want them to abandon the idea of having THE nurse zombie, THE businessman zombie etc. altogether. These zombies should not be thought of as unique, named characters. The character artist’s time should go into making pieces - heads, bodies, clothes, color tints - that can be mixed and matched to fill out hordes of zombies with per-instance variety. A zombie horde should be diverse, without clones and without feeling like you’ve seen that guy a hundred times before.