7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

08 Jul

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The hub city concept is long gone, sorry. But at least there are districts to keep similar buildings together.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SAGU PODRE: What is your solution for blood moons using such vehicles as a base?
bloodmoon only attack where you are. Don't be at mobile base. Your usual solution would be to set up a temp bm base for fighting the horde.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Friday b136 was made.

07 Jul

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Indeed. I’d like to see, say, a pickup truck where the bed is a 2x2 grid of blocks. Then you could put storage, turrets, stations, or anything you want back there.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Artists are working on the 3d models and textures.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜:
Originally posted by Elba Tiúma: Just to be clear, isn't me, it's my friend. I'm playing DF with other 4 friends, and one of them doesn't even have a SSD to play on. We already played together the vanilla game, and there were no issues but he can't handle the DF.

We searched on google about this, and it seems is a problem with A19.5, not with DF. For some reason a lot of people is having this issue, not only him, but we didn't figure out the reason behind it....
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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Probably not much different.

Performance should be the same. The shaders are doing the same amount of work and the c# code changes were trivial.

Just committed it:

Added wind simulation speed changes grass and tree movement (improved wind handling, added grass shader wind time and use constant sin offset so we can interpolate wind values without ugly shifting).
Added grass and tree wind gusts (visual. adds to wind simulation).
Improved biome wind values.

The art is coming along. There will be no code work done on it until after A20.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please take a look at the Pinned Troubleshooting thread for workarounds and fixes. If you still have an issue, then please read the Pinned thread on ... Read more

06 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kommo-o: You might be better off avoiding air drops all together, They often drop far away in dangerous areas and contain nothing more than you'd find when looting a simple POI, with a very low chance (made even lower with loot abundance low) to find anything worthwhile.
They are targeted to drop only a specific distance from your player. Dropping in dangerous areas would only be relative to where you are on the map.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Donnie:
Originally posted by JustFreezer: You had to craft fertilizer to have any return on investment in previous alphas. I don't remember the amount of materials, but I'm pretty sure it was at least the same amount of nitrate powder and rotten flesh that were required to craft them, just like the garden boxes. It's a bit counter-intuitive, but after you use them once there is no way to consider this system more complicated than the previous one. You can even pick them up without a ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Donnie: I just realized that gardening tools are no longer part of this game. Instead you have to use rotting flesh to craft a farm plot?

Why does this sound so ridiculous to me?
I mean, You could plant willy nilly before for no return- Right up until you used rotten flesh to craft fertilizer. So...it's not all that different, all considered. You're still preparing a space of land for planting using rotten flesh and nitrate either way. Just, with the new way, you don't need a tool that gets used a few times then never touched again; And you can retrieve your garden boxes instead of where you planted being an essentially permanent choice.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Loot % calculations don't work very well for partial wholes. Below 50% it may not work at all.
Also remember that the loot % applies to stack sizes. If your stack size of an item is less than 1, it would be 0. So any loot below 100% is going to have an increasingly high chance of having nothing. Regardless of what the container is.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think jacques has it right. You’ll get proportionally more of the spitting cops, demolishers, and irradiated zombies. There will be more zombies in total, but you’ve likely already hit the limit and are getting zombies right up until morning already. If you’re shooting them, you’ll find increasing pressure to come up with more ammo: brass in particular.

When you have ‘beaten’ the game is subjective. It’s a sandbox, and the story that might provide an end cap to your adventure isn’t implemented yet. You can make challenges for yourself, and/or turn up the settings, and/or try mods. Have fun!

05 Jul

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moved to the correct section.

Please read the Pinned thread on how to report an issue, and follow the instructions.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because it was fixed...And then broke with an update. And then fixed, and broke with an update..and fixed again, and broke again..

It'll likely get fixed again in A20, And then it'll break again in A20.1.

This kind of circular fixing and breaking is exactly why they're putting off the majority of major bug fixing and optimization until beta.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: They'll also be expanding on this type of quests in A20 and create a HUGE chain quest for the Navezgane "story mode".

That seems speculative? All that’s announced is “trader to trader progression” (which we already have), with “details coming”.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If they can compute a path to you, including the possibility of going through a number of blocks to do so, then they’ll try that. If not, they’ll attack blocks around them somewhat randomly, and apparently trees count as blocks for these purposes. If you want them to go a certain way, you want to lay the path out for them, tower defense style, and not close yourself off and leave them to do as they will.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are mods for this. I doubt it will ever be added to the base game though.

04 Jul

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Working as intended. You do not forget things learned from SCHEMATICS; You DO forget things learned from SKILLS. The skill teaches you the recipe; But it is not the same as reading the schematic item, even though both teach the same recipes..

EG: If you read the Schematic for Iron Tools, You will retain your iron tool craftinga bility regardless of whether or not you use a fergettin elixir. But if you get that recipe from the Miner 69er, then you will lose access to the recipe the moment you use the elixir.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You’re in luck. There’s a note in the public A19 known issues doc saying “Molotov Flame lasting longer than effect (Fixed A20)”.

If there’s also a scaling issue (I use a lot of Molotovs and I haven’t noticed one), I would report that as a bug too on the official forum.