7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

25 Jun

24 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A crude estimate would be early fall.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It was developed by one of the devs, who is a streamer, in his off time, because he thought it'd be interesting and fun for him and others when streaming. Literally no development time was lost to include it, Nothing else was left at the wayside to include it. Chill out.

Edit: To answer your edit, There was no "deal"; As mentioned above already, It was done by one of the devs in his off time.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lord-Knight Fandragon:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I think of the additional ores that show up in the mine as extra, rather than supplanting more of the original ore. But I would prefer a move towards one type of ore per node... and fewer ore nodes... and fewer ore types per biome. I’d like to see the presence of ore nodes become an important factor in where to build a base. Currently, I find you you can pretty much pick any spot and just wander around a bit until you fin...
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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saw some new town pictures Monday and was impressed with the look and density of the streets and buildings. My kids, who are adults, thought it was cool.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I get 6-8 usually. Had food poisoning Sunday, so still a bit tired from that. I lost 5 pounds in 2 days, but was wanting to lose some more weight anyway.

Working from home is a nice bonus time wise. Years ago, I used to commute to Chicago and that was 10 hours a week of wasted time.

Probably, but I don't deal with that.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No changes planned, but what you describe may get adjusted someday.

Yes, if they were like that, but all those objects add draw calls, so meshes are generally one piece. We may have a few extra parts at some point. Like bandits may have some of the armor as separate objects.

It would be possible, but I think we have spent enough time on dynamic music as it is.

Sure. A few days here and there.

I took two days off a few weeks ago for a 4 day weekend vacation in IA.

Yesterday I was off closing on my new house. Lots of moving stuff in my future.

A lot of meetings today, but determined a reason some sleepers were not spawning for the designers and fixed, but need to finish testing tomorrow and maybe adjust some of the spawn delays.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Tools are structured so that primitive, tier 0 tools like a stone axe work best in the early game, when your character can’t sustain high levels of stamina. As you advance and gain skills and max stamina, iron and steel tools are meant to be increasingly useful, efficient options. There’s also some overlap between high quality at one tier and low quality at the next tier. Stats for non-primitive tools are randomized, so it’s possible you just got a crummy one. The biggest advantage of a high quality tool, though, is having more mod slots. Oh, and if you do have mods on one, make sure you’re comparing unmodified values.

Edit: ninja’d by Shurenai. Must type faster!
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Quality affects a number stats, not just durability. Block damage, weapon damage, durability.. Attack speed is untouched, though.

Switching to a higher tier tool isn't necessarily a linear path, though. Attack speed does matter, but whether or not you're bottoming out your stamina constantly matters too. Having a Q6 Steel Pickaxe is going to be worse than an iron axe when you can only swing the thing twice before emptying your stamina. So it is with stone vs iron; IF you don't have the stamina regen and max stamina to support using the better tool, then using the better tool is a downgrade.

And as mentioned, quality affects a number of stats, among which is block damage. But more importantly, quality effects the number of mod slots on the item. Every installed mod on a weapon/tool increases it's primary stat by 15% in addition to whatever other effect the mod brings to the table; For Tools, the primary stat is Block Damage. So your Q6 Stone Axe can fit ... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Trooper Bri:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: I think of the additional ores that show up in the mine as extra, rather than supplanting more of the original ore. But I would prefer a move towards one type of ore per node... and fewer ore nodes... and fewer ore types per biome. I’d like to see the presence of ore nodes become an important factor in where to build a base. Currently, I find you you can pretty much pick any spot and just wander around a bit until you find the node...
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23 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nitrogen only makes new maps as far as I’m aware, and the community is moving to a newer tool called KingGen anyway.

There are other types of mods, but to add new buildings, you’re changing the world, so it’s like seven said.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think of the additional ores that show up in the mine as extra, rather than supplanting more of the original ore. But I would prefer a move towards one type of ore per node... and fewer ore nodes... and fewer ore types per biome. I’d like to see the presence of ore nodes become an important factor in where to build a base. Currently, I find you you can pretty much pick any spot and just wander around a bit until you find the node you want.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you are running a dedicated server, this is a feature of Allocs Server Fixes.

22 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Amanoob105: The games gone though about 19 Alphas in about 8 years. Lately most major updates tend to be between about a year or two in length of time before they hit.
So I'd give it another 6 to 12 months, at the least.
With the exception of A16->A17, And now possibly A19-A20 since they're putitng a lot of extra time into polishing things, No other 7DTD update has taken over a year. And the A16->A17 update was 1.2 years. Typically it's been between 3-8 months after the final minor version of the preceeding major version since the change to bigger but less frequent updates.

And I say 'possibly' for the A19-20 because A19.0 dropped on June 25th, so that 1 year hasn't elapsed; But more specifica... Read more

20 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ripflex: Just curious on a technically level, what was the unity/fix for Vulkan they be waiting for ?
Unity hasn't really kept up to date with the changes in Vulkan. The next update to Unity is supposed to resolve this issue. They are also looking into support for HDRP, but I don't think that will be coming in the next Unity update.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ash vs. Himself: I feel like the first letter you get in the game about screwing with the Duke was setting up a bigger story about revenge, but maybe not?

Oh, I have no doubt that that's the plan. The game just isn't done yet.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
See here's the thing though.

A grand majority of the disruptive players that cheat the client and ruin other peoples games are from these locations.
  • China
  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Egypt
  • Brazil
  • Honk Kong
  • Korea

As a result of these facts, most servers who care about their users will globally ban all IP addresses from these countries.

And as previously mentioned, you shouldn't be attempting to play on most servers outside of Brazil anyhow. If you play on any server with a ping over 80, you will have issues with the network lag.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: Spider zombies used to climb, but humorously they would climb trees, light posts, etc...

Indeed. And the biggest problem in my view wasn’t that they were climbing the wrong things, but that they looked really bad doing it. They had no climb animation, so they ‘walked’ up on all fours, as in their heads touched the block and the rest of their bodies stuck out behind them.

It’s probably easy to make a climb animation from flat ground up onto a flat wall, but difficult to make it look right in different situations given the many, many block shapes, and that it’s a sandbox so they could encounter anything. And of course, if the devs tried to make it look good by making climbers only cl... Read more