7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

20 Jun

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don’t like it when a base design fails to protect against any type of zombie, nor when it foils every type of zombie. The more different types of zombie there are, with different behaviors and abilities, the more interesting base design becomes.

For instance, for week 1 maybe you have enough time to set up an effective defense against basic zombies, but not enough time to put a roof on everything to protect you from vultures. That’s the kind of scenario I like in this game, where your base can be improved week after week to protect against different threats, until you have a robust, multilayered base design. I’d like to see more situations like that.

So rather than all zombies climbing, I would prefer to see a ‘special infected’ that climbs. If they all climb, then you either sink or swim with your first week’s design, and if your design is effective, then you’re set forever after. I know it doesn’t take much to put a lip around your base so climbe... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Mileena,

I think it’s unusual for the tutorial to take a player until nightfall. What part or parts are taking a long time? Perhaps we can help you complete the tutorial faster, so that there’s more time left to prepare for nightfall.

Originally posted by Mileena: ...nights are so long, i don't know how to craft all night long !?

I wouldn’t worry about it. You may have an instinct to always be doing stuff full tilt, for maximum efficiency. But this game scales the enemies based on your personal rate of progression (how fast you level up). For a new player still learning what they can do with what they have, I think it’s perfectly valid to just crouch quietly in a corner all night with the lights of... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep, bandits are a planned feature. The devs have talked about them so much for so long, I think of them as a sure thing... eventually. In the meantime, there's multiplayer.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, doors are more appealing, but not in an absolute, doors > * way.

My working theory is that the pathing algorithm doesn't look at the state of a door. In other words, it doesn't actually check if a door is open or closed. Hence doors are calculated with one all-purpose HP value that splits the difference between their closed state - e.g. whatever HP the door actually has - and their open state - e.g. air, 0 HP.

Why would they do this? First, because pathing is an expensive calculation to do in general, so it's worthwhile to cut corners and save some CPU cycles when you can. If you wanted split-second accuracy in pathing, I imagine the game could bog down for someone with a defense strategy that involved a lot of opening & closing doors. Secondly, because it works pretty well in practice. You, the player, get a special benefit from doors since you can open and close them and the zombies can't. Therefore, it makes sense from a balancing perspecti... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SylenThunder: IMHO it should be tied with the loot respawn timer.

That's a good idea.

19 Jun

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes. There is a known issue when you have headgear on that modifies attributes.
We are also tracking an issue where the higher tiers of the skill simply aren't working for larger animals in 19.5.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
IMHO it should be tied with the loot respawn timer.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ∪ω∪: I used Nitrogen a few months ago, and to my surprise I was extremely disappointed. There wasn't even a burned forest biome or wasteland. There was an option to add them, but instead of creating a normal biome that occurs in a space like any other, it generated circles around the map that contained burned forest / wasteland. It just didn't make sense.

Here is a preview of a map that I have generated with burned forest and wasteland:

I wanted to ask two things:
1. Which is better for you, Nitrogen or Random Gen?
2. Does Random Gen generate burned forest and wasteland?

I haven't tried Random Gen, but Nitrogen has quite disappointed me...
Nitrogen support ended before Alpha 19 went stable. In its current state, you are... Read more

18 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not likely in A20. May get tweaked someday.

Right now it is the same as A19. If the seat mod gets done in time for A20, the 4x4 will probably seat 4. Other vehicle seating has not been decided.

No. Pathing has not changed. If we add 1m pathing after A20, it still would require designers to put them in 1m holes in POIs.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are some optimizations in A20 that were not moved to 19.5, so there are more, but have not counted the amounts or how big they are.

No assignment. I just like to talk and as programming lead, know a lot about what we are doing. Most devs just do their jobs and don't visit their company forums.

I saw the preview rendering of it two days ago, so it is coming along.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
19.5 is the current Stable branch of the game; You won't find it in the beta list. Opt out of all betas to reach A19.5.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 No

2 Sorry

3 The end of time

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I use the stun baton sometimes as is, but it’s a neat idea. I would probably implement it such that the car battery is a mod you install on the baton that reduces the number of hits you need to charge it. That way it works with the game’s existing systems.

17 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Zombies crouching and dogs digging holes have NOTHING to do with each other.

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a planned feature for Alpha 20. It’s not in any version of the game that regular users can play.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Players will probably never be able to do that.

As of last week, zombies can crouch down and crawl based on head clearance. Pathing still works on 2m heights, so we are not fully 1m yet, but crawling fixes bugs with zombies getting stuck in tight places.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It functions the way it does now because that is what the majority of players and testers requested. There were a lot of requests to make multiplayer the default.
So when TFP got rid of the separate SP/MP instances of the client, it became just one MP instance with the option for Single Player.

And an interesting fact. Originally the game was only planned to be single-player. Multiplayer feature was added in because it was so heavily requested. Which then led to dedicated server code being developed.
    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will probably start streaming after we hit content lock and are getting closer to launch. It's going to be a minute yet. Imagine taking random gen out of programming (mostly) and doing art driven content rather than everything code, we need to fill a world with the new content so it's taking some time, but the results are fantastic. Plus we nuked 1000's of blocks and replaced them with the new shape menu. A ton of work though.

You summed up the reason we aren't doing any weird zombies that don't make a lot of sense. Less than .01% chance to see someone in a football uniform or cheerleading outfit seems like a pretty shallow argument. Now that the story board trailer is in the works I can say there were many weeks of pandemic lockdown and rioting, no sporting events or schools would be open so nobody would be wearing those outfits when things got out of control.

Yeah I myself had many fond memories. It was my idea and I hacked the first prototype ...

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    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it is really cool, I'm looking forward to building a big castle so I can revel in it's majestic glory from afar

They ran out of toilet paper so people were buying old magazines and newspapers on ebay to wipe with.

No but semi destroyed taller buildings that are tall enough to block views and segue into Skyscrapers rather than a lone skyscraper next to 1 story buildings.

Newspaper changed to hurry harry's burger sack, problem solved. I was trying to tell a narrative when I made the newspapers in 2013 on the streets and newspapers weren't 1000% dead back then like now.