7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

16 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you don't care about the used space (Each save is anywhere from 100mb-1gb+ depending on how long it's been played), there's nothing stopping you from making backups of your savegame yourself. Heck, could even make a windows batch file to do it for you with one click.

Save files are located in "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves"

As for making a batch file, google should be able to point you in the right direction.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The money in game, aka Duke's Casino Tokens, are an actual item in your inventory that can be thrown away/stored by the player, they look like a golden casino token. If they're not on your person, they aren't usable nor counted towards the counter in the top right of the inventory.

These tokens can be smelted in a forge for 1 brass each. And a few people have made that mistake of smelting their money without realizing it.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As has been somewhat covered, Corpses used to be lootable. But, it brought a great deal of performance issues with it due to having hundreds of gore blocks laying around each slowly decaying on their own timer, among other things.

And on top of that, the corpses were like 90% empty, 5% useless junk, and 4% things of questionable usefulness and 1% of actual use. So during gameplay you were constantly wasting time for basically nothing, and then on horde night you'd then spend 2 straight days cleaning up the gore piles so the next horde night wouldnt go right over your wall.

So, To alleviate the performance issues, they just made it so corpses despawn quickly, and to make up for it they gave zombies a chance to drop loot bags that loosely matched the drop chances of the old lootable corpses, only now you dont need to wonder if you got loot, or if its any good- Theres a nice chime telling you when you got loot along with a bright flashy yellow bag so it's easily v... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: If you want an actual challenge you want a small fast enemy that attacks in swarms. A lumbering low-agility enemy that gets stuck on terrain and you just empty a M60 drum mag into is super easy and boring.

Here's an idea - infected rats. Smaller than the rabbit, and faster. Low health individually, but attacks in swarms of 50 or more. Has a leap attack within 3m or so. Bite does low damage but can cause fast super-infection.

Can climb most vertical surfaces, move through imperfections in homemade doors, and chew through wood. Totally unaffected by most traps, such as spikes or barbed wire, electric fences, or blade traps. Sleep tight, kids.

And I feel a mod coming on once the ...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The biggest obstacle to having a physically large enemy was how to get it to navigate the world, e.g. fitting through doorways and whatnot and looking good while doing so. We did get Grace as a boss enemy, but she’s limited to a POI where the devs can control the environment. In other words, she gets her own boss arena.

Player bases can take any shape, since it’s a sandbox. So we got the Demolisher instead: a zombie with amped up block damage yet with human-sized proportions. The way I think of it these days, the Demolisher IS the Behemoth. If your base can shrug off Demolishers, chances are it could already withstand whatever a proposed Behemoth could dish out.

The one thing that may still change the game where enemies are concerned is bandits. They intend to add a story along with bandits, so I have to imagine we’ll see some sort of climactic showdown against a big bad bandit king or similar enemy.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 This week: Fixing holes/overlaps in block meshes/colliders (added shape ModelOffset). Testing (using) Unity 2019.4. Changes to skin quality settings, so can change on a per entity/LOD basis. Fixed a playtest load bug. Improved shape loading. Improved chunk debug grid drawing. Improving chunk mesh generation.

2 That will probably be A21

3 Saw some new screenshots today. New POI placement system is looking cool.

4 Artists are working on new weapon, block and zed/animal content, but nothing that has needed programmers for, other that the skin change I made.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

No. That would require a ton of code rewriting, which is not going to happen.

That is not likely to happen. We have many other tasks that need our time.

    Hated on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good Evening!

A19.4 is now coming to EXP.

We have for you:

a new ambient sound system with new content

the long awaited fix for AP rounds

the fix for the bed shared by everyone, at least nobody had to freeze!

we also disabled christmas items being found in loot, everything you have will stay with you of course!

This is how you access the A19.4 exp build:

1. right click on the game in steam

2. click on properties

3. click the "betas" tab

4. the drop down menu will have "latest_experimental - unstable build" available ← you want THAT

5. select that and wait for the game to download.

Possibly coming up, if the game somehow is not completely closed:

6. If you can't get the drop...

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15 Jan

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by xXMagnusXx: ...this was at 4am, when the sun is up but the traders are closed...

Aha. That sheds some light on the circumstances.

So the intention, as I understand it, isn’t to just randomly screw over the player. The intention is that the nights are particularly dangerous and scary, at least in the early game, and laying low at night makes a real difference. Hence there are dire wolves spawning at night among other things, even in the relatively safe forest.

I suspect your dire wolf was technically part of a nighttime wandering horde, which is supposed to just pass through if it’s never disturbed. Yours happened to show up right at dawn, and they don’t disappear with the sunrise. ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are TWO active threads with questions, answers, tips and information. One is still on the first page even.

A19 Performance

... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tin:
Originally posted by Shane: okay so it does a job in a simple fashion... but OCD is off the charts !!

I use to have a nice, neat and tidy house/base until i decided to put a light bulb in every room and now it looks less than appealing. I would really like to hear that this part of the game is going to get some TLC from the developers.

how on earth using a prefab house as a base do you hide the wires and relays ?

Apologies for my english.

Wait a minute. I don't care about wiring anymore for aesthetics. But in previous alpha´s i remember that there was a kind of fuse box that hides any cables.

Did they take o...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Kindof as Seftak said. When you're just casting tiny ingots in your backyard for shiggles, then sure, a pair of tongs you picked up somewhere or made yourself'll be just fine for picking up your 5lb crucible and it's 1lb of molten metal.. But when it comes to long term survival, minimizing injury and streamlining the process are big pluses when moving around 200+ lbs of superheated molten metal.

And at the end of the day, whether you view it as doing it with tongs or not, it's an end game recipe that unlocks a huge amount of end game top tier items for use- It's recipe using rarer materials like oil and mechanical parts is, if nothing else, normal gamification.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/14/f0/49/14f0492e723d8d3078ab63be04e2f42b.jpg Take this as an example. The crucible is seated a a considerable distance from the moving parts; the radiant heat of the crucible isn't enough to burn the oil, though; only direct contact would.
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/91/c0/b991c0a554de628cc4b3d610e3bc50e7.jpg this one is similar.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Depends entirely on the oil used, and the location of that oil in the aparatus being used.A swinging arm that you hang the crucible in for example has the crucible on the end of the arm, but the moving parts containing oil far away from the heat.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I suppose you think you're just reaching your hand into the flames and picking up a searing hot 3500+F steel crucible? No, You created a mechanism to input and withdraw the crucible without getting your tender fleshy bits anywhere near that thing, and also to pour it into ingot casts/molds.

Moving parts = mechanical parts. Smooth movement that doesnt lead to sloshing molten steel = oil.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mostly Nice: So my take away from this was always build new. Dont try to convert existing structures
One thing to note is that in some cases the devs either purposefully or unintentionally built past the SI limit in order to make things look good. And so in order to prevent these structures from just collapsing instantly upon game start, the game actually intentionally avoids checking the SI of POI structures added during map generation until the player themselves causes the SI function to be called upon the structure; At which point it will calculate the SI of the affected block and any blocks relevant to that specific blocks location.

So yeah, Until you know -exactly- what you're doing with the str... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For starters, it's not stealth. It's sneaking. "Stealth" is a misnomer and should be removed from all games where it's not actually stealth. This being one of them. You can't be completely invisible.

Also note that some sleeper volumes have a trigger to wake them, so it really doesn't matter how sneaky you are.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shane: how on earth using a prefab house as a base do you hide the wires and relays ?
Very carefully. :winter2019joyfultearsyul:

Honestly, Spend some extra time with your relay and light placements, You can make it look clean enough if you care to. It's definitely a bit trickier in a prefab house though, as with a custom built house you can purposefully build in maintenence halls and ways to hide your wiring.