The importance or lack thereof of the PVP crowd isn't even the primary point here. The reality is, This game was made for singleplayer and up to 8 player co-op, and they doubled the support for that for good measure, meaning you can get 16-20 player servers running
if you really want to.But it does not change that this game is
for 1-8 people playing cooperatively.It is not a PVP game. It was never meant to be a PVP game; TFP put in some basic options to allow for PVP at the express request of PVPers but made it clear that those small changes were all the focus they were going to put towards PVP. They don't want to take major development time out of other aspects of the game to balance pvp, they don't want to take time to fix glitches and exploits that exclusively effect a PVP experience. They don't want to put major attention to pvp.
Because, And let me restate it here,
This is not a PVP game. It is a cooperative 1-8 player game. ...
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