7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

30 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I swear we just had this thread like a week ago.

It's not likely to happen.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Artists often preview/render/show a model with an environment map around it so the reflective surfaces have something to reflect.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

See these changes in 19.5 release notes.

Voxel mesh pooling

Distant terrain decreases mesh detail when farther

FindTagInChilds does not make garbage

Distant POIs to use a shared material

Improved chunk LOD update

Optimized chunk object handling and frame timings

Optimized terrain mesh generation

Optimized terrain control textures to not update with every mesh update

Optimized distant terrain tile size

Optimized VoxelMesh AddMesh

Optimized distant terrain render order

Block preview for normal blocks leaking a mesh on each

29 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A20 is currently on Unity 2020.3.1. I'm currently on 2020.3.10 for testing. A20 will probably end up on a slightly newer version than that.

None of that means DX12 or Vulkan will be working great. Unity may have fixed issues, but there can easily be more. In the Unity editor, on the version I am testing, DX12 started to have a huge drop of 40 FPS, so I went back to DX11 and it was fine. There is a reason they still have DX12 marked as Experimental.

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SheepMaiden: I can't see alpha 19.5 stable in the betas? Any idea why?
Because A19.5 stable isn't a beta...It's the current stable. Opt out of all betas to access the current stable.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm no expert on Windows hardware, but speaking generally yes, it will be less taxing to set up a dedicated server rather than trying to effectively run a server and client on the same machine. Without knowing the specs on your extra computer, I'd say it's worth trying.

Incidentally, there's a harder limit on total zombies at once, which I believe will override your 64 per person setting.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 💢Kaiowás_Revenge: 1.0km? Hahaha, i wish i were you


Time to find a new trader. :lunar2019grinningpig:
    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct


    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please read the Pinned Troubleshooting tips for how to refresh your client.

If you then still have an issue, read the Pinned thread on How to Report an Issue, and follow the instructions.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by =JpS=Red5: I still remember when I played Minecraft the first time. I did not know what to expect and (of course) was killed a whole bunch of times before I looked for some tutorials on getting started.

Dying is pretty normal when you first start playing a survival game.
Same with The Forest. I can't even count the number of times I've wandered into the camp just past the plane when starting.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RapFa: Woah, are we allowed to say ♥♥♥♥ here now or it only applies to officers?
It's never mattered if you aren't bypassing the profanity filters. Steam turns it into hearts, and it's all good.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sprocket66:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Go try developing your own game then. See how long it takes for something complex. AAA games take just as long to develop. You just don't get to play them from day one like you have with this one.

Again, if you're just going to ♥♥♥♥♥ about updates, get a clue and go troll somewhere else. TFP is doing a fine job, and as far as EA goes, is setting a bar other developers should follow.
I'm guessing that reply is on ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by xcalxx:
Originally posted by Blue Hasia: sigh another post by some one who can not search the forums for a repeated threads by people who do no research and dont play the game to see how it is for themselves.

search for other threads on this topic, they are full of info already.
Your an idiot. Game has been out for many yrs, they added console version, many tweaks. but truly not much new content, i know i bought the game back in the beginning and have over 700 h...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Once you own the game, you cannot purchase the two-pack. Get steam credit for one of the friends to buy the two-pack and gift the extra to the other.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sprocket66:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Where's the finished game?

Oh wait.... we don't have that yet....

Why do we have another of these threads?
Because after 8 years (the time from high school graduation to a doctorate degree) some childish people (although after 8 years they aren't children any more) might be losing patience?
Go try developing your own game then. See how long it takes for something complex. AAA games take just... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Where's the finished game?

Oh wait.... we don't have that yet....

Why do we have another of these threads?

28 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The mod authors should state what version their mods are for in the mod details. Nexus doesn't have a client version check. No one does that I am aware of.

Also should note that currently you are looking for a19.5.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⎛⎝Duckers⎠⎞: When was the multicore support added? I last played it almost 4 weeks ago and it was too unplayable back then.

It's like with cities skylines that also runs poorly considering how cpu dependent that game is. (though it has a community mod that disables over 10k ui updates per second that doubles it's fps)

Other games runs perfectly fine.
Multicore support was added around Alpha 17 with the Unity 2018 updates.

Again, you most likely have an issue with either system configuration, or software. Did you even look at the information in the posts I linked?
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Game has multicore support now, but doesn't really utilize more than 4 of them.

Which when you look at things, that's 4 times more cores than about 95% of games in existence.

If your game is running that poorly on decent hardware, you have a system issue.
Minimum hardware test a18/19 comparison
... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Centurion Teri: is this gona mess with mods or do i get the plsure of waiting for A20 for that?
If your mod uses DMT, or is an overhaul like Darkness Falls then probably. Mostly due to updates in Harmony off the top of my head. The mods should be updated to current shortly. Especially if the author was paying attention and tested in experimental.

If the mods are just xml edits, then they should be just fine. The only real changes in the xml is for Twitch integration.