Oh! So working at Info Tech is infoteching?
Oh! So working at Info Tech is infoteching?
Features that were sold in the Kickstarter are being worked on but they are not finished. That's why it's not feature complete and that is the definition of "alpha".
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: What is the difference between this and picking up your forge and workbench and putting them in your minibike storage? Then setting them on the ground when you stop?
I mean it's creative, but what does this offer other than, effectively, 4 more vehicle storage spaces in the form of "slots" for workbenches?
Originally posted by Lance:Even then, I've shown it's possible.Originally posted by AzureTerra: As long as we need to wait for the game to be "done". I've been enjoying it ever since i first picked it thru all its iterations so far and its been getting better with each one and if that means its in alpha for a while longer then cool.
This. Also the performance isn't actually bad unless you're playing on a toaster.
Originally posted by Seftak:Read moreOriginally posted by IRuleAll: even if i was given an unlimited stack of these useless things for free to open up every single container, i still wouldnt waste the item/stash space in my inventory lugging around something so useless and redundant.You do not want to waste space to carry breaching charges but will carry lockpicks? They take the very same space but you cannot use lockpicks to open vault doors and they take much longer to open safes unless you inves...
Originally posted by MMJ: You can't pick those doors because most POI are constructed like "dungeons". Meaning you're supposed to go through a predetermined path to go all the way to the last room, a.k.a the treasure room.This... Read more
Thoses locked doors are only there to make the POI believable/realistic (as a building), and they offer an alternative to you : do you prefer to visit that POI the way it was intended (by not destroying the locked doors and by following the path the dev. made) or do you want to roam around freely (by destroying thoses doors) ?
The free roam being at the cost, of course, to attract most, if not all, the zombies in the POI to you. Because destroying locked doors tend to make A LOT of noise.
Originally posted by Rusty Damage:I mean, it's 6 sticks of -something- wrapped in a timer. Considering it's made with gunpowder, acid, iron, and some electrical parts, it's definitely not C4. Might look like it- But it isn't.Originally posted by Sonata: not sure why everyone seems to think they work like nukes or smth... :CatKira:There are literally six C4 bomb bars wrapped together with timer...
Scrap-ability requires a "weight" and being of a material that has a scrap-able end result.
For some perk related issues, the name key is defined on the book item.
I did mention bandits.
There are actually multiple types of collision. The collision that would be disabled is the character controller collision checks. If something entered/changed the volume then collision mode would change. We do know how to make this stuff work and if it didn't, I'd have 5 testers telling me in 1.2 seconds.
Ironically, they would possibly be cheaper that the current sleepers, which do have their character controllers on while sitting there.
Not on my radar. I probably have 20 or 40 things to do before that, so likely time will run out.
Originally posted by RasaNova:Read moreOriginally posted by Khissi: You can be safe using any POI for your base as long as you put down a Land Claim Block or bedroll. Those things prevent the game from even giving a mission in that POI. Also, the question of pre-clearing or not is strictly personal! I pre-clear some POIs just because I know where the goodies or books or whatever I'm looking for may be since I've been playing for quite awhile. Doing it the way you are doing it is perfectly acceptable and you ...
Because of sharknados.
Have you ever heard of a gatornado?