7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

25 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hexerin: "Automated" and "afk"... you guys keep using these terms, but they don't mean what you are thinking they mean.
If you can place so many traps that you can completely ignore Horde night in it's entirety and not even notice, Then you have effectively automated and AFK'd the horde. You, personally, were not involved. And you can in fact place so many that you can

Yes; You made the traps. And that takes time and effort, But the time and effort to make the traps itself already rewards you with experience. And yes, It's not infinitely repeatable without eventual player action. But, It remains that if you can just not bother with the horde night and still win, AND if you got exp from trap kills st... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zindai: the auger seems to attract them very easily for some weird reason. The devs need to adjust it so that i can mine in peace.
More specifically, It's an auger while mining Iron that attracts screamers super easily. Mining iron in general is very loud because the material is very hard. Pairing that with an also incredibly loud auger just makes for a screamer spawning simulator... It's unlikely they'll rebalance this as it's the intended effect. If you wanna gobble up an entire iron vein in peace with an auger, Set up traps.

In fact, in general, if you wanna use an auger for any length of time, set up traps.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The cops won’t target the sensor; they’ll target you. Maybe there’s a better place to put your sensor, out of the line of fire.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Briefly, the start of the game is the most survival heavy. So my first night (night is when zombies run), I can’t think much about base building because I have more pressing survival needs to attend to. I build a little survival shack and/or build onto a rock outcropping or building remnant if I’m sure it’s clear of zombies. My priority is to have a safe place to spend the night.

I’ll often have acquired some pressing survival problem, like a broken leg, an infection, or simple hunger/dehydration, that are worth focusing on fixing ASAP. If it takes a couple days to get things under control, that’s okay. Then it’s on to figure out where my base will be. Location matters less than you might think (unfortunately). Basically, just build close to the trader to reduce travel time. Base design is a whole other subject so I won’t dive into it right now.

You may feel you’re playing the game “wrong” because of the way the tutorial misleads you. It has you build a... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hexerin:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Just a few threads on this from a quick search. [removed links] As you can see, it's been discussed to death for years.
Considering the overwhelming majority of posters in all those threads are in support of traps granting exp (whether it be full, partial/shared, or proportional to contribution), maybe the devs should consider changing their stance on this. After all, community feedback is one of the core points of early access...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hexerin:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Just a few threads on this from a quick search. [removed links] As you can see, it's been discussed to death for years.
Considering the overwhelming majority of posters in all those threads are in support of traps granting exp (whether it be full, partial/shared, or proportional to contribution), maybe the devs should consider changing their stance on this. After all, community feedback is one of the core points of early access...
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24 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All primary weapon perks work exclusively for their weapon type.
Deep Cuts works only on knives and the machete which itself is a big knife.
Gunslinger only works on Pistols, magnums and the SMG(Which is essentially a machine pistol)
Archery works on the bows and crossbows
Dead Eye only works on the Sniper Rifle type weapons (Hunting rifle, Marksman rifle, Sniper rifle)

And so on. No primary weapon perk applies to more than one class of weapons.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nope. Never had a playthrough where I had an issue with screamers. I take care around my base to not produce so much heat that I get a screamer ever- Often going 30+ days easily before even seeing one. And once I see one, I back up a bit on my activity level, and split production to a new nearby location so all my activity producers aren't in one place.

The biggest mistake a lot make is they get to mid game, they get a gun, then they start going hog with it shooting everything that moves..Guns are LOUD, and produce a lot of activity which in turn calls screamers easily. Then using your gun to kill the screamer and her horde will just cause more heat and cause another screamer even sooner.

Take care with your activity, and you'll be fine. Be careless, and you'll run into trouble.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Personally disagree. If you're in the heat of the moment and you make a mistake, You get punished for said mistake- Fumbling a throw is exactly the kind of simple mistake that humans tend to make under pressure, So I don't see that it being possible in game is bad.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It’s nice to be able to switch between mouse-based and key-based steering at any time. Hopefully that makes everybody happy. :summer2019join:
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: 12 hours is long enough to wait for "This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information)."
You would think. I've seen them stuck like that for a few days recently though. Whole threads hidden. It's annoying for sure, and even as Officers we are not able to adjust that.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by !C4ught/M3^withMYN4D30ut:
Originally posted by Blue Hasia: 35,000 people in game right now would disagree with you :P

and top played game on steam for 5 years in a row
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
An important note on the guns and missing thing is that a gun can be insanely accurate so as to not even stray by a pixel and still 'miss' because every gun actually has a maximum range it deals damage to, after which it rapidly falls off to 0.

EG: You have a super accurate pistol. At 10 meters you'll do full damage, at 25 you'll do none.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Given the cost of hosting servers for this client, and the limit of 8-players, I don't see any indie company throwing up a few thousand servers like Wildcard or Funcom does.

It's not likely you will ever see "official" servers. And if you're familiar with playing on actual official servers, you're familiar with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that goes on there and why official servers are just as bad, if not worse than private community servers.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No official servers, and there likely never will be as it is primarily a singleplayer and Coop game expected to be played primarily among friend groups. It's not like minecraft where you're going to have 50+ players on a server, this game is built for up to 8 players tops.

If you want a stable server you know won't disappear, run one yourself; then you always know it'll be upw hen you wanna play.

23 Jan

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Teresa: I agree totally with @Shurenai.

It sounds exactly like someone is spawning in the mobs. Most likely one of your friends is laughing his butt off.

The game's spawning director struggling because it is falling behind is a good second guess,

However, a friend spawning things in for fun and excitement is like 98%, spawning director 1.9%, and weird bug 0.1%.

Chat with your friends lol.
Tbh it's more like 98% friend, 1.9% weird bug, and 0.1% spawning director.. As the spawning director, even when taking shortcuts, should never be spawning 25+ aggroed enemies at one time in any normal circumstances, even if the server is totally overloaded.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Honestly, It sounds like one of your friend group has admin access(Or cheat engine or something like it) and is using the spawn menu to screw with everyone.

However, setting that option aside for the moment, It's also a possibility that whoever is hosting doesn't have the computer performance required to host. The games spawning director does it's best to spawn things out of view of the player whenever possible, however if it is falling behind in it's spawning, it will start taking shortcuts by skipping spawning rules in order to catch up, by allowing spawns within view, by allowing spawns closer to the player, etc.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No exp from trap kills. One of the skills in the intelligence tree will let you get partial exp for 'Electrical' trap kills, EG: from dart traps, auto turrets, blade traps, electric fences; But none from wooden spikes, barbed wire, etc.

They do take damage from falls, i'm not sure on how far they have to fall for it, but, they do. However fall damage is capped at 33~% of their maximum health in a single instance; So it would take three successive falls to kill or almost kill one.

Servers typically reflect if they're pvp or not in their title. If it's not pvp, it's by extension co-op or solo-op(solo-op meaning people playing 'together' in the server but 'separately' in the game world) - You can always find whichever you're looking for via the Server or Meeting room sub forums on the right side of the discussion board.