7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

04 Jun

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by restarter:
Originally posted by Kuriousjorj:
Except I did know how to play. I'm playing as a human being. Human beings can move, throw, and strike. The character could more or less do that. So I knew how to play.

Throwing or bashing with rocks, or any other object, would have downed the zombie. But it didn't, because of contrived, unrealistic gameplay.

Also what was the "tutorial?" There was nothing that "had me make a weapon." Was that some text som...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cleave:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: AFAIK the 7th day horde has always had GPS to the player's position. I started with Alpha 8.8.
Back in the day they had a general idea of where you were and would seek you out instead of wallhacking straight to you, they would bust everything trying to find you which was nerve wracking and really played on the horror aspect when you were new to the game.

Also the heat system & random wandering hordes would happen all th...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Heat system and random wandering hordes still exist. Heat system has even been revised so you can't cheat it by spreading some of your stations out.

Yeah, the new hordes are a bit different because of changes to the AI. That will likely change more again with 1.0. If you want the older non-smart hordes you want to look at pre-alpha 19, though the AI has been in development since Alpha 17.

In your OP you stated that previously they "didn't circumvent stealth completely", which is untrue. They have always GPS'ed to your player location. I recall designing a reinforced basement in Alpha 10 following a base design I started with in Alpha 9. Got completely overrun. Stealth doesn't matter. They will go through everything to get to you, and it has always been this way.

And they still do that, but now are a bit super-intelligent about the "easiest" path instead of just bashing through whatever blocks are in front of them. IIRC the plan is to make the zed AI a... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kuriousjorj: Also what was the "tutorial?" There was nothing that "had me make a weapon." Was that some text somewhere?
Yeah, you get a notification and the quest shows in the upper right of the UI display. It tells you what you need to gather, and additionally the items are highlighted on the ground.

It is pretty hard to miss, and has been made that way intentionally.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
AFAIK the 7th day horde has always had GPS to the player's position. I started with Alpha 8.8.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zero:
Originally posted by Desert Rat:
I believe you are correct. My understanding is that you can mix and match, but you have to wear all pieces of a set together in order to get the "class" bonus.
Even if it works that way, it still punishes people for wanting to wear whatever they want.
Current system effectively punishes them for wearing whatever they want too. You wanna dress up like a beach beauty, You're going to freeze in the snow. Want to dres... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Boblogg: And yet, here we are, the subsequent Monday, and still neither an official date. If I had wanted an agressive and cold-blooded gaming market and econimic analysis of the situation I would've asked for it.
What happened on March 31st was a Developer stream; Not the Streamer Weekend. Two different things. March 31st was the developers themselves doing a stream to showcase some of the new stuff. The date for the Streamer Weekend Event hasn't even been announced yet. Public access to the experimental is the monday following that event.

And re your other post,
Originally posted by ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Do you feel the same way about the fact that there have been people who have and continue to have access to A22/1.0, and have had that access for months now? By which I'm referring to volunteer and hired testers.

Do you feel the same way about the fact that trusted close friends and family of the "The Fun Pimps" staff have surely had access to it for as long as the testers?

Would you feel the same if it was a Paid promotion of theirs, where they sent keys to a bunch of random journalists and had Paid them to post 72 hours of mixed review/gameplay footage on Friday?

It's not discrimination. Anyone was (and iirc still is) welcome to apply for streamer weekend access as a streamer. The requirements of that application are fairly applied to all applicants. ANY qualifying individual, regardless of who they are, how narrowly they pass the requirements, gender, race, age, disability status, etc, Are accepted. Just like any job; You meet the ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread for this discussion. No need for a second.

03 Jun

    Hated on Steam - Thread - Direct
TFP continues the Developer Streams on Thursday, June 6th at 9 PM CT. Join Co-Founders Richard Huenink, Joel 'Madmole' Huenink & Senior Developer Lathan (@fubar_prime) as they show off more changes coming to 1.0!

Tune in for Free Keys!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is a purist thing as in caring how real guns work vs video games. If you don't look at the iron sights, and treat it like a video game, then it works fine. Aiming by putting the + on the target and clicking a button to hopefully hit the target is pretty important. It works when used in that way, but no, it is not setup like aiming a real gun with iron sights. It would be nice to make the iron sights line up and remove the strafing gun sway as I don't like that either and maybe someday we will do that.

I actually don't care for iron sights IRL or games as they obscure part of the target. Rather have a red dot or scope so I see the whole target.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It can make clean water with filter. It has mod slots.

02 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1. 3 10 86 18 1 = 118. From highest to lowest priority. As usual, not all of those will addressed for experimental or even stable and more will get added.

2. I don't know. Most of us are not gun purists and probably don't even look at the iron sights. I put the + on the target and shoot. I do realize it annoys some people and could be better.

3. It is FSR. It adds some ghosting on certain types of motion. It will probably not change for 1.0 and the older AA methods are available for those who don't like it.

4. Currently 2022.3.29, but could get a bump if we need another bug fix.

5. Falling tree improvements for old ugly I noticed yesterday.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, that could be improved, but not for 1.0 as time is being spent elsewhere. I don't know when we would get to those type of changes.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by simon: OP doesn't seem to understand the term early. The streamers are getting the game early. The date we get to play it is the same irrelevant of when the streamers get to play it. Again the streamers are getting it early as in before the release date.
I think that is the OP's main argument. They want it early too.
Too bad.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Deathless:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: They aren't forcing you to wait for anything. You would be getting access at the same time regardless of the Streamer Weekend.

On top of that, the access you are being so hot and demanding about is an Unstable Experimental build that will have bugs that still need to be fixed.
Streamer weekend has zero effect on when you will get access to either the Unstable Experimental build, or to the Stable build when it r...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Deathless:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: They aren't forcing you to wait for anything. You would be getting access at the same time regardless of the Streamer Weekend.

On top of that, the access you are being so hot and demanding about is an Unstable Experimental build that will have bugs that still need to be fixed.
Streamer weekend has zero effect on when you will get access to either the Unstable Experimental build, or to the Stable build when it r...
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