7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

08 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For the first time, users that whine "It's been in Early Access for 7 years!" will be factually correct. 😛
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since vehicle mods are planned for A20, perhaps this will become something you can put on and take off. It seems like it's already geared towards providing advantages and disadvantages.

07 Dec

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Every tool and weapon has it's crafting quality increased by increasing the related skill. Note this increases the quality of subsequent crafts- NOT of your current copy of the item.

For tools, it's Miner 69er in the strength tree.
For pistols, the Gunslinger skill in agility.
For Rifles, the Dead Eye skill in Perception
and so on.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BoneBagMel: I don't know if time only passes when there's at least 1 person in the server or whatnot.
Time only passes when someone is logged into the server.

EDIT: Also note that day count on a server may not have much meaning. It's not going to affect your difficulty in regards to zombies. However if a server is not properly maintained, high day count servers may have issues with resources. If a server has a player count exceeding 20, and has a high day count, there is a pretty decent chance that the map is near end of life as a result of data corruption.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: Do vehicles explode when damaged to 0%?
I believe they can, though it's been a while since I let one get that low.

And yeah, I think the damage system needs to be worked on in regards to both vehicle damage to entities, and entity damage to vehicle. If you hit a zed at speed, it's going to leave a mark. Much more that it does now.
Which actually might be the core of the issue.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
His gamestage isn't high enough to get guns yet I bet.

Framerate is relative. A lot of people attempt to exceed what their systems are capable of because they use some other simple game as a reference, like GTA-V. Voxel games are more hardware intensive than any other, and 7 Days is a voxel game with structural integrity and complex AI calculations.

Which brings us around to "Ref 2017 Alienware 17 computer". Which basically says that you overpaid for a system designed to be obsolete and is overwhelmingly underpowered. Since Dell purchased Alienware the systems have been trash, there is little to zero cooling, and the power supply units are barely capable of supporting an enterprise PC, much less a gaming rig.

If you gave us information on your actual hardware, we could help you clean up the FPS.
For the looting, ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Raphael: Also, wasn't vehicles mods planned on A19? What happened?
Nothing happened. They were planned for a20.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shane: i feel stupid all a sudden... WTF !!

math aint my thing so... last bit
Edit: Given your circumstances, it may be better for your friend to either stay inside the walls and attack from afar and maintain traps, Or for him to go off and battle his own horde night.

the only thing we have altered is make all zombie to walk, xp gain to max, and then something about shared xp to max distance...

not sure if that max distance thing matters here or not. but im going to assume that telling him to fight alone is going to be better for him regardless right ?
Well, having set XP gain to max will make the game much harder much faster (300% exp ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It works in one of two ways. 1: If the players are separated by more than a certain distance (100~meters?), then the horde night will spawn zombies specifically appropriate for each player individually- This means for the gamestage of each individual player, and yes, it will spawn twice as many zombies- If you have the game set to a horde count of 8, each player will get 8 zombies, up to the servers max zombie count. (EG: If you have it set to a horde of 64, but max zombie count of 80, then each player would get 40~ at a time.)

2: If the two(or more) players are near eachother, then the game will add and multiply their gamestages together and come up with a combined value for the involved players, using that to determine what kind of zombies should spawn- And each player will still receive an amount of zombies appropriate to them up to the limit: Meaning if you have a horde count of 8, and 4 players, you'll have 32~ at a time.

As for how group gamestage is deter... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To clarify slightly, It is ideal to have your GPU fully utilized, but NOT for it to be overloaded when playing a game where the GPU is utilized strongly. 80-100% utilization is wonderful, it means your GPU is performing the tasks you're asking of it to the fullest of it's ability without being overloaded.

However if your GPU is hardlining 100% constantly at all times, and you're getting stutters, framreate dips, and inconsistent performance, then your GPU is overloaded- too much is being asked and it can't keep up.

Now, you don't exactly want a game to be using your GPU for no good reason- Something like Heroes of Hammerwatch using 100% gpu is just excessive. But if a game warrants and can utilize that 90-100% range without doing it for no reason, then you want it to, because otherwise you have excess power just sitting there doing nothing.

Wanting less than 90-100% utilization when it's doing it's job would be like buying 32 gigs of RAM and only ever... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TimeLordSpyro: No it doesn’t. You should really learn how a computer works before you write a comment about something you clearly know nothing about
I'm assuming you're replying to Pisaro27. He is correct. It is desirable to have your GPU fully utilized.

Here is an older vid, but it explains the bottlenecks.
... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Would need more information. Please read the Pinned threads.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vgifford: Zombies beating on explosives, like gas barrels, will cause them to explode. The land claim block will make your blocks stronger but not indestructible.
Just to be clear, the LCB only makes blocks stronger against other players. It does nothing against zombies.

06 Dec

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
One other thing you could try is switching between full screen and windowed modes.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You could use the console command giveselfxp to get back to level 116.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don’t understand the problem. Crafting ammunition does not require clay or clay soil. You smelt clay soil in the forge in order to have clay as an ingredient to forge the bullet tips and bullet casings.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Sledge and Robotic turrets are not the same as the SMG and Shotgun turrets.

The Sledge/Robotic ones are meant to be like assistants to your character in the field, not a base defense. Only one will work at a time unless you have a high level Robotics skill, at which point 2 will work; always the 2 closest to your character. Further, they have a maximum range at which they can function, and will stop after that distance; this distance is increased by the Robotics perk as well.

Think of them as mobile placable defenses.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by D.A.R.K.:
Originally posted by Teresa: Be prepared.

Stamina drain with auger and chainsaw is coming in a future alpha according to the devs.
I hope TFP make easy to mod and remove the stamina usage, because I don't agree with Auger and Chainsaw using stamina, even if in real life they are heavy and everything, in the game they already use gas to work, making it to use gas and stamina is unbalance, in my point of view, so I'm gonna mod it and remove the same way ...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
TFP are actually working directly with the developers of Unity in optimizing the client code.

Again, do some damn research on Voxel engines, and how resource-intensive they can be. This isn't GTA-V.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Failing a quest doesn't prevent a POI from appearing in a quest in the future, or anything of the sort. Just means you have to get a new quest from a trader.