7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

23 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don’t think having aesthetically mismatched armor pieces would bother me personally. But to each their own.

I think people are imagining the set bonuses are going to be amazing, like +50% run speed or double cash from quests. I’m expecting more modest bonuses, that aren’t so good you feel you have to wear the set. I also wonder how the progression is timed out: how far into a playthrough we’ll get before acquiring a full set of armor in the first place.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since the next alpha will feature all new player characters, it’s meant a lot of work on player animation too. I don’t know what proportion overall will be redone, but TFP have put out some videos showing players in motion with the new armor sets.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All the character stuff will be brand new art. All new player bodies, wearing all new armor. So from a development standpoint, there is no keeping this or that asset from A21. Anything ‘kept’ would in practice be recreated for the new system.

Making all these new characters and armor sets (modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, hooking up in game, adding to crafting & looting & so on) keeps people busy! So I’m not expecting the same people had time to also make a library of additional fashion assets, that they’re still hiding up their sleeve.

What’s going to elevate the game is the comprehensive package of new player characters and armors, replacing the assets that have served as placeholders for so long. It’ll be another big step towards having a finished game.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NHL12: depends on the situation and location but ive noticed sometimes doing a poi (generating heat) it attracts zombos that spawned outside the poi, and or including the scouting witch

The screamer is the only zombie used as a scout to investigate high heat/activity. So unless she screams, none of the other zombies are coming due to the heat/activity map.

but i dislike the artificial sense of a safety net where doing a POI isolates you from the world's threat

Meanwhile you have those that seem to think there are already too many zombies in POIs. Players that feel that way probably aren’t keen on having even more come in from outside on top o... Read more

22 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GinsengSamurai:
Originally posted by Riitoken: I am a professional Software Engineer. And here is a fact:

"The paying customer is not always right. But the paying customer always has the final word."

Before the customer pays, you tell them what they want to hear. After they pay you tell them the truth.

The paying customer should read the EARLY ACCESS disclaimer before buying Early Access titles. All these people are expecting something else bes...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Some things about zombie A.I. I’ve picked up from following the A.I. programmer and other devs for a while:
  1. People didn’t like being harassed by zombies from outside while trying to complete a quest. In the most extreme example, you can imagine if a quest sent you to the wasteland, you didn’t finish before nightfall, and you didn’t happen to opt for a stealthy character build. You could be stuck drawing in nonstop zombies as fast as you can kill them, sapping your resources and interrupting you from making progress on the quest. So outside zombie spawns are suppressed while a quest is active.
    Since you can’t leave without failing the quest (and BM zombies are their own thing), the exploitability seems limited. Keep in mind suppressing zombie spawns isn’t the same as killing the zombies already around at the start.
    Is it a flaw? Debatable. But it’s an intentional feature in any case.
  2. They’ve discussed wandering sleeper zombies, which would be on...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Go to the desert. Mine shale. Make gas.

21 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
New decals are coming to Alpha 22 on PC, P55 and Xbox X and S series consoles. Great work by Hung and Brian. And yes, folks the console versions will be out this year. Stay tuned!
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Four wheels move your body, but two wheels move your soul. Here is a new motorbike coming to A22 and consoles. Great work by Yongha!
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Need a place to stay? Try the Haven Hotel coming to A22 and Console. Great work by Hernan!
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here is a new Tier 4 Army Camp coming to Alpha 22 and Console. The location supports clear, fetch, restore power and infestation Quests. Great work by Earl!
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
While you’re all enjoying Alpha 21 we thought it would be fun to show off some of the New Character System that is coming along very nicely and will be part of Alpha 22.

Here is a work in progress video of the new player character system and the new plant fiber outfit coming to Alpha 22.
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    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
After much anticipation, I’m happy to kick off the Version 1.0 Developer Diary (formerly known as Alpha 22). Here you'll find a compilation of confirmed features and content for Version 1.0. Fun Pimp devs may occasionally post updates here[community.7daystodie.com] on what they're working on, answer questions, and give us sneak peeks into the future of 7 Days to Die.

Like in previous diaries, we want this thread to stay focused on discussing the following features and content, and other things TFP devs want to discuss. We’ll make an effort to only list confirmed features and content, not rumored or merely contemplated features that haven’t seen proof of develo... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This usually occurs if you create a map with the same seed after you have already started a game with that map.
It can also happen if you did not clean the data from a previous Alpha version, and then made a new map using the same seed as you had used previously.

20 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShatteredPumpkin:
Originally posted by william_es: Because changing a setting to max doesn't mean anything if your video card can't actually handle those settings.
i aint playing on a PC from 1999 bruv...
got a gtx-1080ti which is more then enough...
and dont start with the outdated arguments idc if its not the newest tech
Your 1080Ti doesn't mean ♥♥♥♥ in a game that is CPU-bound.

What you describe is what happens when your core system is n... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ChanceGateau:
Originally posted by NHL12: oh am sorry, did you want to play the game how you wanted to play it ?

hahaha, aint happening chief... the game will tell YOU how to play it

Yeah kinda... there is (should be) more than one way to play nearly any game in existence, and I can't imagine this one to be any different. Just because the games is "set up" as a base builder, base defense game, that doesn't mean you can't play as a wandering scavenger; ...
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