7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

12 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by jrgd:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: This is a fully 3D Voxel game. A large structure with a lot of spawns is going to be hitting your CPU, RAM, and storage pretty hard.
It is only a lag machine when your system is preventing the client from operating effectively.

IMHO, they need to adjust the min spec, and be more clear about what min-spec CPU's are. Just like a lot of other titles do currently.

If you are suggesting TFP to adjust the minimum req...
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11 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a fully 3D Voxel game. A large structure with a lot of spawns is going to be hitting your CPU, RAM, and storage pretty hard.
It is only a lag machine when your system is preventing the client from operating effectively.

IMHO, they need to adjust the min spec, and be more clear about what min-spec CPU's are. Just like a lot of other titles do currently.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Goose:
Originally posted by Mithrandir: "install all crafting unlocked" ... is that a mod ?

Cause if it is, it's the modder challenge to do something like you suggest.

The vanilla game already rewards the player for getting them all by unlocking the best crafting item of the chosen line (like the crucible). IMO, it's enough bonus.
i still think 75 magazines for a crucible is ridiculous lol
End-game level crafting isn't supposed to be fast a... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a discussion thread on this topic. Please use it instead of creating a duplicate.
How do people genuinely feel about the new magazine based system?
Have a read.

09 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by slaideri:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: You should put skill points in the skill related to vehicles - Grease Monkey if I remember correctly. Then, when you find magazines, you’ll find the Vehicle Adventures magazines you need more often.

Also, the trader is a very powerful equaliser that can often give you some piece of the puzzle towards your goal earlier than you could get it otherwise.
If I first put points to Grease Monkey then looting gets slower be...
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    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You should put skill points in the skill related to vehicles - Grease Monkey if I remember correctly. Then, when you find magazines, they’ll more often be the Vehicle Adventures magazines you need.

Also, the trader is a very powerful equalizer that can often give you some piece of the puzzle towards your goal earlier than you could get it otherwise.

08 Mar

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The inability to paint doors is likely related to their behavior. The fact that they animate and have an open and closed state means they’re not implemented the same way as regular, paintable blocks. For the closest thing to a ‘secret’ door, I would look into the false wall shape. It’s a weak, two block high sheet that’s flush with other blocks, that the devs use for monster closets. You could place and paint this shape so as to hide an entrance. The downsides would be that it has no strength, and you’d have to replace it every time you use it.

07 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Harold_The_Trespasser:
Originally posted by Sprocket66: Most tech is considered obsolete after 3 years at the current level of advancement. This game is 10 years old so any part of it that hasn't been updated in the last 3 years is technically 'dated'.

You and everyone else doesn't gets the message: the engine is too old and to move it to another lvl requires too much effort and time. So, maybe next lvl will be like 7dtd 2, yet This one is doomed to stay on this g...
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    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please James. Though more intelligently.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
On your end you can always lock in a specific version via the Betas tab in the app properties in Steam.

As far as Nitrado goes, you will need to ask them.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JM@PT:
Originally posted by Roland: I'm not sure which claim is ahead after all these years but there are plenty of posts and threads typed for each. Just shows that people are fixated on what they want to believe but the truth is actually somewhere in-between.

I've played this game since Alpha 6 when every night was essentially horde night since the zombies always gps knew exactly where the human players were and then eventually the blood moon horde night was added and thro...
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    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by lalala: I build a normal base with entrance, but after extending it with more extra lines of defense to fall back, now its to large for the zombies to find the entrance, so they dig into the wall. And I'm not talking about a base of 100x100 but very compact, so from length 7 width ~7 it went to length 18 and width 8. They can't path like 5-7 blocks further, which the extension exceeded apparently.

The pathing AI is not uniform across the spectrum of zombies. Some see longer paths than others and all of them can "forget" the path and go into destruction mode at random times. If you damage them they will stop destruction mode and begin pathing again. This is all done by design so that the zombies aren't too predictable. In A17 when the new pathing was brand new all the zombies could see perfect long pathways straight to the player and this created a lot of problems. Since A17 the perfect k... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The ideal would be the introduction of tougher enemies at certain stages. Nobody wants the basic zombies to level up along with us and negate our progression but I think most people would be for new classes of enemies that make an appearance and challenge us.

This actually is already implemented with the feral zombies and radiated zombies making their first appearances at certain gamestages. The problem is that most players play the game efficiently enough to be well ahead of the difficulty curve so that by time ferals start showing up and then radiated they are still not much of a threat.

Maybe they should significantly increase the threat levels of ferals and radiated zombies so that even the most efficient min/maxers feel some fear when those enemies make their appearance.

Then we can hope that bandits will represent a new higher tier of danger that will challenge even fully progressed players.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: There are fewer and fewer viable designs for horde bases because the devs will shut down any innovative designs. Which is daft in context. The biggest advantage that a normal human would have over 7DTD style zombies is a far higher mental capability, so that should be the player's biggest advantage. It should be the main thing they use, creating bases that exploit the very limited mental capabilities of the zombies. Pit your strength against your enemy's weakness.

Name the innovative designs that were shut down. I suspect you are just quoting others who are quoting some influencers on youtube who were mad that they could no longer build a base out of sideways turned fence pieces that the AI coul... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I: The zombies are too predictable and always go for the weakest point making horde night boring and easy.

II: The zombies are too random and ignore the weakest point and destroy my base in multiple areas!

I'm not sure which claim is ahead after all these years but there are plenty of posts and threads typed for each. Just shows that people are fixated on what they want to believe but the truth is actually somewhere in-between.

I've played this game since Alpha 6 when every night was essentially horde night since the zombies always gps knew exactly where the human players were and then eventually the blood moon horde night was added and through all of it (maybe with the exception of A17) there have always been players who claim that certain base types were impossible even though many other people were clearly doing it just fine. I, myself, still use the same basic base design that I've always used and it still ... Read more

06 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
BSOD is a PC issue. Troubleshoot your error code.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by InhumanWarrior™: Making / creating skate-park its not even in a poi zone, random plot in the woods. The block was not removed, in-fact inverted and renamed. '180d flip of block happened'


Blocks should share the same square so it can be easier to detail instead of having floating blocks, may make building structures take longer but worth i...
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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 No. I consider vehicle physics to be close to gold. There are a few issues like excess wobble to the sides on 2 wheelers, but that is a fix. Sounds may get an update, but they are fine to me other than a bug or two with how they play.

2 We already support DX12 and Vulkan. How well it works, mostly depends on Unity. Each year we update to the next Unity LTS and it seems to get better. A22 is on Unity 2022 LTS.

3 Not much from what I have seen but that could change in future Unity versions.

4 Not sure. Have not seen any yet.

5 It is possible, but not A22.

6 Not yet decided.

7 Sure!

Because that is complicated. You have to spawn in a tunnel POI along the road. The distances vary greatly, so length of POI would have to stretch or select from canned sizes and they can't be arbitrarily rotated like roads are. It could tunnel through the chunks, but chunks don't exist at...

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    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct. Road carving is not tunneling. It is pushing terrain heights down and smoothing around it to make a more reasonably sloped road, so you can drive up it without the vehicle stopping.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So are you just trying to convert a POI from an old version? Cannot find the block shape you need to use?

The lack of specifics on your problem are really limiting. Especially considering how the current block system works, and the fact that they have only been adding blocks that are available, not removing any unless they had bugs.