7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

15 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Given the apocalyptic setting, bombed out buildings and craters can be found in the game. But for such things to appear in a world that’s been running for 100 days… It sounds like random people have joined your game and caused mayhem. If you intend for this to be a single player game, you can set the max player count to 1, set the game to friends only, put a password on it, etc.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I believe it will be playable at PAX so we are sure to get a much better idea once footage and reactions are shared. Hopefully, reactions from those who get to play will be positive.

14 Feb

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not planned for A22, but would be nice someday. I did remake the biome filler stamp today to go with the new biome gen algorithm.

These are my recent RWG changes:

Added RWG preview camera moves 10x speed with shift key and clamps near ground.
Changed RWG preview camera move up/down to camera relative and C key also moves down.
Added RWG preview left click resets camera.
Fixed RWG preview camera jittering when looking past down and move rate varying with FPS.
Improved RWG Creation UI layout.

Added RWG highways can path across and carve into mountains (steep slope check often made no road!).
Added RWG country road corner smoothing (50% of highway).
Improved RWG road smoothing, blending and processing speed.
Fixed RWG road pixel precision (was offset and dirt edges not consistent).
Fixed RWG road line segments adjusting the same and/or missing pixels (starting point circles now in line...

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13 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's unclear if you mean A) there's a horde of zombies/animals around your backpack, and they keep killing your player character before you can recover; or B) your player character is dying literally instantly on spawn, like due to a physics glitch. In either case, I suppose, esthergray's advice to choose a different spawn option would be a good idea. You could sneak up on the zombies or wait for them to disperse in case A (though don't take too long or your backpack could despawn). Or in case B, hopefully whatever the issue is is localized and your character won't instantly die when they spawn somewhere else.

If it is B and it happens consistently, then you may want to file a bug report. Here's the starting point for doing that. ... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by me hoy minoy:
Originally posted by SuperMeatBag: ...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Question, Do you tend to have Creative Mode enabled all the time? When you have creative mode, you functionally have a second inventory that contains every item in the game, and having CM enabled will cause little lags like what you're talking about because it's loading every item in the game every time you open your inventory- On a worse off rig like your own, I could see that causing several seconds to as much as a minute.. On UL or other mods that add many more items, the problem would only get worse.

If you DO have CM enabled all the time- Try just leaving it off. Turn it on only when you need something from it.

"Cheat Mode" in the save options/server settings functionally just auto-enabled Creative Mode, cheat mode isn't required to be able to use creative though, or any other command.. So if you play in SP or MP and the 'cheat mode' setting is enabled, that's just enabling creative and causing this issue for you, in which case you'd need to disable ... Read more
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’ll move this to Support & Bug Reports, since you report the problem occurs even in vanilla.

12 Feb

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No. Pretty sure that POI was just selected because of how it looks to "set the stage" so to speak for the game.


    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just enable creative mode by typing CM, open the creative menu with U, and type in the name of the book you want. Way less hassle than trying to figure out which ID is used to spawn it; And because this method exists, noone bothers listing the IDs anywhere.

11 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's a Sandbox. There is no specific 'End'. There is no specific "I beat the game". There will eventually be a story, but even then, beating the story will not be the 'End' of the game; It will just be the end of the story and you keep playing after; Just like minecraft where beating the ender dragon isn't the end of the game, just the end of the 'story'.

Whatever goals you make for yourself to be an 'end point' is what your end point will be. If for you that means making a nailgun, that means making a nailgun. But it is still a sandbox, and the only way playtime in a sandbox ends is if you, yourself, decide to stop playing in the sandbox.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There will be post-release content updates that they've wanted to do but can't fit in time-wise before they release. The first round of updates at least will very likely be free updates that continue to fix bugs, and add more content that was planned but pushed back.

Paid DLC for a game like this is tricky because modding can be so comprehensive. Unless it is something significant like an entirely new biome or huge story-based endgame content, modders could probably offer something "close enough" for free.

Because the development of this first game has taken so long, I think they would be better off simply doing needed updates for bugs and some new content and then focus on 7 Days to Die 2 and hopefully push it out faster based on what they learned and the systems they created with this game. If they had finished this game say 5 years ago and then done a DLC a year for the next 3 then put out a sequel the next year that would've been fine. But with it being 10 y... Read more

10 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GinsengSamurai: PINNED: In Alpha since 2013? [MegaThread] ...
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09 Feb

    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Riitoken:
Originally posted by Krynnost: On multiplayer servers I place it several blocks below grade and surround it with upgraded blocks such as cobble or concrete.
Why? Because other players are threats?

Servers will generally make a clear distinction whether they are player versus player or player versus environment. Having a base on a PvP server requires some combination of strong defenses and keeping your base hard to find.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 𝓢𝓓𝓑: Already did release DLC if you count the console version. They had a few skin packs...
That was at the sole discretion of the publisher of the console version Telltale Games without strictly needing TFP's approval for doing so.. The same publisher who called that console version a fully released product as a last ditch effort to wring some money out before they went bankrupt.. Unfortunately, in doing that(calling it 'fully released'), they tied TFP's hands and made it impossible for TFP to bring that console version to to snuff with the PC version, which is why they're making a new console version.

To answer the OP, No, I don't think they'll launch any official TFP DLC before the game officially... Read more
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Darren: Its always the same story with the same bad examples, just to say something against some words used. i really dont get it - wrote something in another thread this morning to a similiar thing, but i'll repeat. So because of we can take the 4x4 in the iventory it would be okay for you that we are going to ride flying rabbits in the next alpha or what? Its that kind of logic you use.

To the Topic, it seems that things like this are made to annoy the players, really. its not so long ago, the Z's didnt do that. i think it came with A21, together with other fun killing Things.

You're right, if you play on low difficulty its not too bad, depending on what kind of player you are. Its jjust silly and sur...
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    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The world is fully pregenerating the very first time you create it. Subsequent plays using that generated world will take significantly less time to load up. The game comes with three pregenerated random maps that you can play if you want to avoid the initial long load time.

They have been optimizing the speed of the initial pregen of new worlds and I think A22 is going to be faster but it is always going to be a long load for the first time you load a new world. The reason: Voxel terrain and every building is an explorable space without any need for load screens when entering them. Unlike many games none of the buildings are simply decorative and noninteractive. They are all playspaces and they all load into the save during that first initial generation so that later loads are faster.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a rage mechanic that causes zombies to sometimes go berserk and run full speed for a short period after they are damaged. It is a completely separate mechanic and feature from the setting for normal run speed. The frequency at which zombies go into rage is dependent on the difficulty level. So if you play on scavenger they almost never rage. If you play on insane they almost always rage.

Hence, if you are playing on insane and set zombies to walking speed always they will always walk unless you hurt them. If you do they will almost always run for a short time before they settle back to walking again.

There is also a knockback feature that some weapons have a high chance of delivering which will knock zombies back on their back when you hit them. Without the knockback result from your weapon they continue to move forward sometimes spinning and as already mentioned sometimes going into a rage, You can think of it as your hit is a solid one that knocks t... Read more

07 Feb

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Editing the files is, functionally, a mod. It's in the name of what you want to do; Mod-ifying files.

That's all most small mods are in 7DTD, really. It's the lines of xml you want changed packed in a little file with a header that says "Patch xyz file with this".

But yes, if you really want to go about it the hard way, you absolutely can increase crop yields by editing the files.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shurenai: The game is built and balanced around 1-8 player coop; 16 at the absolute most. You're not going to find servers with hundredS of people in it that run well, let alone even one hundred. Anything over 32 becomes a technical nightmare and requires some seriously beast hardware to hold up under the strain.
^^ This.

The grand majority of players are playing peer-to-peer co-op or on private/unlisted servers. Most of the remainder is playing solo, with only a very small amount playing random MP servers. (and even in the case of the latter, they are usually playing together in a group, and are looking for servers that are not heavily populated)

Game is not designed like Planetside ... Read more