7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

06 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You will also need to verify the integrity of your computer and game client files. Any file that was in-use when your system crashed is at risk of being corrupted.

Also note that the game does make back up files. However if you attempt to load your save after the crash, and before applying the backup files, you basically ruin the backup files by making new backups when you try to load it. This is covered in the Support sections Pinned thread.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The chunkreset command has an option to reset just the POI. This would reset only the trader area. I would suggest first excluding your client and save folders from security software, and then validating your files a few times. What you described in the OP would only occur if data were missing or corrupted.

Moving this to the correct forum section. There are details in the Pins.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since the changes to the way ore deposits are on the surface, I rarely find a need to dig deeper than about 20 blocks when mining. Usually by eight blocks down you are into the stone layer and the ore is spread out to the sides. Makes it pretty easy to build a staircase exit.

OP's issue sounds like they aren't able to place a block, which could be a sign of corrupted stability calculations. This happens a lot with large underground excavations, especially if a lot of bedrock was exposed.

Attempting to flatten the area isn't going to do much of anything. Sounds like you dug rather helter-skelter to where you are. You should be able to dig an upward slope to get out, or re-connect to your already existing tunnel if you can map it's location out.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Honeybun: How is this bug from 2014 still a thing?

It’s not. Injuries have been completely redone in the intervening time, making this thread irrelevant. Start a new thread in the Support & Bug Reports sub-forum if you’re having an issue.

05 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Orca MS15LF:
Originally posted by 8_Hussars: Have you verified your game files and mod integrations?

I need the A21 optimizations to really enjoy the game. For the other stuff, opinions differ but we are all welcome to our own.

Its nice the TFPs allow access to previous versions, right?

Here's a video of that Fetch challenge that is glitched. It shows when I interact with the yellow marker at the beginning, I get a load of text crap on my scree...
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    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to the correct forum section. Read the Pinned troubleshooting thread. If you still have an issue after following some tips, then read the thread on how to report an issue and follow the instructions.

04 Mar

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by =Starvin Marvin=: Back on ps4 I remember tons of zombies roaming the streets but now they fear the sun. Alpha 22 should bring back the zombie population slider or make it to where they spawn outside.

Maybe its for fps reasons but idk. I'm just giving my 2c on this as Ive seen others talk about this too.

There are simple modlets available for increasing wilderness spawns and random wandering horde sizes. You are correct that TFP has to make tough decisions about the stability of their game for the largest number of people who may play. But if your computer can handle more zombies it is very simple to do.

It would be nice if they can add a slider to the options menu at some point but for now using or modlet or going into the config files and changing the spawn numbers youself is your best bet.

If it turns out your game suffers too much of a performance hit you ... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Bandits actually were added very briefly at around A15 or A16. They were deemed not ready and commented out. Since then those original bandits were removed and new models have been created to go with all the new outfits being added in A22. A22 also will overhaul character animations as seen from 3rd person view which doesn't really matter if you are playing single player but is a huge step towards having bandits added to the game.

btw...several mods utilized that original hidden bandit code to bring bandits to the game in the years since A16 so it has been possible to play with bandits if you modded your game.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Zeds were reduced back in Alpha 14 because UMA was very costly, and not well optimized. UMA was removed in a21, and a lot of optimization options are being done to a22.

I do hope that they increase the wild and city spawns accordingly.

03 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Darren: Yep - Its true and on Point. I'm curious what will happen with the so golden Playernumbers if one day they arent able to play old Versions.
AFAIK TFP plans to have those versions available to everyone who paid for EA, even after release.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Mods will have to be updated for the new alpha. You will have to start a new game if you update to the new alpha.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your friend can spawn in to your world and set you as an ally and then come to you and place a bedroll in your base. Once done it is now a settlement for the two of you.

You cannot currently designate your base as a spawn point for new players joining your game. They have to place a bedroll in order to make it their spawn point.

You could go into the game files and remove all but one spawn point and then change it's coordinates to match where your base is but if you don't want to mess with the files then your friend will have to journey to you.
    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vehicles physics may get minor tweaks, but they should not be getting any major changes. Sounds have not changed. No UI changes in 22.

02 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is already a thread regarding the removal of Jars.
A21 Should Keep Reusable Empty Jars

Also take a look at...
... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to the correct forum section. Take a look at the Pinned threads. Particularly the one about how to report an issue.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Cleaning up bloatware and excluding the client from security software goes a long way as well.

I've covered this in detail previously.
Minimum hardware test

01 Mar

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by stargit:
Originally posted by God Bless The Dead: Do you know what a voxel game is? I'm guessing no..

I thought after all these years, they would move to unreal .
Maybe it's to hard for the devs? I mean 10+ years and it still looks poo
Moving to UE would be a step backwards. UE is about five years behind Unity in Voxel applications.

You really should get educated on ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by MoistGamer:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: properly excluded both the client and save folders from security software

What does this mean - I've never done this and also never had a crash outside of a power outage. Should I be doing that
It is what we call "standard operating procedure". It has been stardard for gaming for over 30 years now. I cover it in detail in the Support FAQ thread on the official forum, and have also copied it ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: Ryzen 7 5700X, Radeon 7800XT, 32GB DDR4-3600, Samsung EVO 870 SSD (I have 4 internal SSDs, but that's the one 7DTD is on). That's well above minimum spec. And I always, and I mean always, get that problem. Today, it was at game day 61. It's not unusual - people who make series of gameplay videos on 7DTD mention it.
Because it just happens to you, does not mean it happens to everyone. I regularly play past day 150, and have had servers run into the thousands.

What drive is your save data stored on?
Did you fully exclude the save folder and game client folder from security software?
Did you clean your system of bloatware?
The list goes on. Just because you have a mid-grade C... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tahnval: 7DTD saves piecemeal during play because the save files are so large. There's only a full save when you exit the game. It's notorious for handling crashes badly. If you've had multiple crashes and no problems in 10 years, you've been extraordinarily lucky.
This is mostly incorrect.

The save is made up of a large number of small files. World data is read and written live as you move around. Character data is saved extremely regularly. Vehicles and electrical data is saved about once every two minutes. Each of these actions is being done with their own individual files, along with writing periodic backups of the files.

Which is why your game typically gets corrupted during an improper ... Read more