Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

08 May


Sigh... You shouldn’t have to post this to get help, and I shouldn’t have to be “guy who replies on Reddit because a support ticket was ignored,” especially on Mother’s Day weekend, but here we both are lol. Let’s get you sorted out. DM me your info and I’ll pass it along.


I'll make sure to send this to the team. ty for the find & video.

07 May


Originally posted by Official_F1tRick

But artillery is big enough? ... Weak argument.

Yeah it is! It has the two tall buildings, the two bunkers, and the high ground reachable via zips and stairs. That's three distinct play spaces with sightlines between them and a clear ring/airdrop bias of one or the other. That makes it big enough!


Originally posted by foxroar1

This begs the next thought - you could enhance/redesign Octane's Gauntlet, resize it, move the pads/platforms further apart, add more cover/boxes etc. It would make for a very decent map IMO. And, you could add a second PoI? Maybe some cool underground cave system under the surrounding desert, that would be really cool.

Also, the Mirage Voyage map (sorry I don't know the exact name) feels like a 1 POI map to me. Yes, the ring can go to that complex to the south, but in my experience thus far, 9/10 games are decided around the voyage ship. I personally think that map is too small, or the ring doesn't pull enough south on the first ring.

You could do all of these things! However, you couldn't do those things and still have it be a "BR location"--the big win for us there is that we don't need to make a new map and can literally load the BR map. That's why you're not seeing any changes at all between Artillery in KC and Artillery the Arenas map--same for Thermal and Gardens in the next few weeks.

Now we could copy-pasta it into a custom map and develop it further that way, but at that point we might as well build a map for Arenas from scratch. If you've played a bunch of Arenas already, you will probably have found that Phaserunner and Party Crasher play a lot better than Artillery--that is because they were built from the ground up for Arenas gameplay, and we've learned even more since then so our next Arenas maps are going to be even better (IMO).

As for Party Crasher, having played on this map for nearly 6 months now, trust me when I say that people will eventually come to understand the power...

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Originally posted by gosti500

i want octanes gauntles as arena map, would be so good.

It would be too small! It's important to have multiple POIs in an Arenas map, ideally POIs with direct line of sight between each other. This might be one good POI (although there's a lot of sight blocking with the tall structures), but it wouldn't be enough for an arenas map.


Originally posted by Weedzkey

Can We have a 19 kill badge ? 🥲

19? Or 19-1/2?


Originally posted by DJC-Chronic

Except his north star titan lost the hatch

Heated seat


Originally posted by chaosrain8

Why not try different sizes? Eg some tiny, which favors certain weapons and legends, and some large, favoring others? Since Arenas is new, seems perfect to experiment with different things!

We experimented with lots of stuff! Lots of spaces in BR maps and also lots of custom map prototypes. We learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, and unfortunately small maps just didn't really work imo. In my personal experience they felt like they got too same-y really quickly, you lose most of the interesting and meaningful decision making about where to go based on where you think the enemy will go, weapon loadouts, etc. The POIs like the health bins and the cash stations and the care package just felt all too close together too.

I'm no level designer, this was just my personal experience with it, but wanted to note that we have been experimenting a lot with this before launch, and will continue to do so!


Me, getting this as a bug report: *closes as Won't Fix*


My head canon: the Northstar Titan had 0.01% battery charge left and used the last of its power to pull Viper's dying body back into the c*ckpit, to try and keep him warm.


It would be too small! It's important to have multiple POIs in an Arenas map, ideally POIs with direct line of sight between each other. This might be one good POI (although there's a lot of sight blocking with the tall structures), but it wouldn't be enough for an arenas map.


Originally posted by Aason37

Late answer, but arenas alternative badge would be nice, a 4k dammage equivalent etc, for now there is too little badges to really flex (trackers, too)

So for damage, we still aren't sure what is that actual equivalent - in terms of difficulty - of the 2K/3K/4K badges? Just didn't have enough data yet on what the right numbers were. More badges are coming. I'm not sure if/when we'll do damage badges. But I can say for sure more Arenas badges are coming.

06 May


Damn, never even heard of this before, but I think we ought to take it seriously. Letting the team know.

05 May


Showing this to my family when they ask how work is going.


God I hate this bug. We shipped some fixes with the season update that we thought would get it. Just gonna to have to take another shot at it.

Out of curiosity, is the behavior basically the same as last season? I was seeing people say that it was mostly in duos, and in particular after your first duo game played of the day, many were saying they nearly-continuously dropped without teammates.

Any details y'all can share are appreciated.


Originally posted by TobofCob

Serious question, was the logic that inhibits lifelines care package in certain locations also applied to valk? Was this bug then because valk herself was able to clear the obstruction but it wasn’t checking for if her passenger(s) were able to clear it too? Just curious at the origin of this bug, since there are currently places that valk can’t be used but this clearly wasn’t one of them.

Yeah we only check for vertical clearance for valk, not for her teammates. We'll fix this one way or another.


Yeah, this is working as designed! Do remember that if you have a gun in your hands, this technique will force lower your gun for a little over 1 second, whereas Horizon can have a soft landing and instantly start shooting. Horizon also can transfer momentum forward after a hard fall whereas jetpack sets your momentum to a fixed value, aka you lose your forward motion. I do think the two are sufficiently different.


Fly twice as far in 10 times the time while hovering extremely slowly in the sky. Yeah you're free to do this in a real game! Gives me something to shoot at I can actually hit.