
Barotrauma Dev Tracker

22 Jun

    Regalis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I unfortunately I can't think of any changes to the reactor/power logic in the recent updates that could've caused this. The only tangentially related change was making the reactor not automatically turn of automatic control when it's shut down (as a safeguard, otherwise it can be easy to forget to turn it back on if you toggle the reactor on and off), but I doubt that's related here.

I would maybe suggest trying to pinpoint the cause of the load on the status monitor. I also wonder if there could be something harmful on board the sub that's causing those load spikes - in a vanilla game it could be ballast flora (although you probably would've noticed that!), but if you're using mods it could be something else too. In any case, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you can figure out what's causing it! And if you can't, a bug report in our ... Read more

21 Jun

    Vihis on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone!

We've just released a hotfix to address a few issues in last week's Summer Patch. See the list of changes below:


- Fixed LOS effect sometimes "lagging behind" when the sub is moving fast.
- Fixed some minor visual issues (occasional jitter/flickering) on the LOS effect.
- Fixed some issues in the bot AI that we're causing a large performance hit particularly in situations when there's lots of bots in a sub with leaks.
- Fixed bots abandoning their orders (such as operating a turret) if the room is unsafe (e.g. flooded).
- Fixed an issue in character syncing that occasionally caused disconnects with the error message "Exception thrown while reading segment EntityPosition, tried to read too much data from segment".
- Fixed wires set to be hidden in-game (e.g. invisible c... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

17 Jun

    Rokvach on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need to start purging Ballast Flora from the outer reaches, the more it spreads the greater the roots health or rather health regeneration gets. To make purging faster you can severe its growth, severed part of the flora which isn't connected to the root will dry up and die. But its safer to just start killing the growth from the outer reaches and pruning it towards the root until the root is killable.
However IIRC you should be able to kill the root with a long lasting fire or plenty of grenades no matter how big the flora has grown.

15 Jun

    Vihis on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone!

Our second post-1.0 patch has just been released, with an improved line-of-sight effect, a new item called the electrician’s goggles to improve the wiring system, optimizations, and various fixes and improvements like…
  • Fixed anaparalyzant not reducing paralysis.
  • More fixes to bot AI and pathing.
  • Made clown and husk events and missions more common.
  • Added category buttons to the fabricator interface to make it easier to find items.
  • Upgrades that require materials can be purchased with materials from the sub instead of having to carry the materials on you.
Read more about the changes in the patch in ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

09 Jun

    Vihis on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone!

Our second post-1.0 patch is almost ready to be released, with various fixes and improvements as well as a few entirely new additions. Here are some highlights to look forward to:

  • Electrician’s goggles, a completely new item for the Engineer which will visualize power and signals moving through the wires of your submarine and let you see the power and signal values on the connection panel interface. This should make the wiring system more approachable to new players and give veterans extra information to create more complex systems.
  • The reworked line-of-sight effect gets rid of jagged edges and weird geometry while making the effect look smoother overall, especially near intersecting walls.
  • Optimizations to the performance of the game, most notably in submarin...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Hello everyone!

Our second post-1.0 patch is coming next week, with more improvements and fixes as well as some entirely new additions. The patch is now playable in the Unstable test version, available to everyone who owns Barotrauma on Steam,...

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07 Jun

    Vihis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Fabricator categories are actually coming in the next patch! We will give you more info on it later this week. Smooth sailing! :captainsmooth:

01 Jun

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, we're aware of spam servers as well as cheat selling servers in the server browser, and we're taking a look at both to issue some countermeasures as soon as we can. We're sorry for the trouble, it's unfortunate that some players are using the server browser for this kind of activities. Until we can counteract these on our end, the best course of action is simply not to join servers that look dubious.

29 May


Originally posted by Monke12ed

I sure hope the GitHub code for the game being public has nothing to do with this unfortunate event

Having access to the source code makes it easier to pull this kind of stuff off, but it would've most likely happened regardless if it's public or not. You don't even necessarily need the game's code at all - it's quite easy to just look up the Steamworks API documentation, see what kind of a request you need to make to Steam's servers to get your server listed publicly, and write a program that sort of pretends to be a Barotrauma server and sends a bunch of those requests to Steam. And I actually suspect that's what these people are doing, I doubt they've actually got this many "real" instances of the game running.

But in any case, I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by this. As mentioned in this other thread, we'...

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Originally posted by IcyNote_A

Happy to see you are working on it. Don't you mind if I use your message as reference for people who asking about spam?

Feel free, until we can implement a proper fix for this it's good if people are aware what these are and how they can temporarily work around the problem. :)


It's someone (or a group of people) spamming fake servers onto the server list. Here's an earlier thread about the same issue:

We are working on some countermeasures against these spam servers, but as mentioned in that earlier thread, it's unfortunately a somewhat tricky problem to solve. There's no easy way to automatically detect whether a server is legit...

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Originally posted by Alternative_Cap312

Nah not really. You can try to contact a developer about this but they don’t really care about ingame problems.

This is honestly a little depressing to read, considering almost our whole team is currently working hard on addressing issues reported by players (see our issue tracker) as fast as we can and trying to get things patched asap. Also, as a side note, about third of the open issues in the tracker have already been fixed, but our QA team (that tests the fixes before we close the issues) is also absolutely swamped at the moment, so we can't get fixes into the public build as fast as we'd hope.

As ...

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