
Diabotical Dev Tracker

09 Dec

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Visual changes

  • There are now objective indicators that stay on the sides of the screen when not facing them, which indicate the position of the MacGuffin carrier, MacGuffin spawn, MacGuffin dropped - more gameplay element indicators will be coming soon
  • The MacGuffin objective indicator has changed from the letters MCG to the MacGuffin icon


  • The game is now translated into Korean - in order to activate it, change your Epic Games Launcher’s language in the settings to Korean


  • Additional game_weapon_mode names have been added to allow for different starting weapon combinations to be set in Custom Games. game_weapon_mode: machinegun_blaster_super_shotgun_rocket_launcher_shaft_crossbow_pncr_grenade_launcher; is the set order, remove unwanted weapons from this string to spawn with them - note that not all combinations hav...
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  • Items now respawn during the warmup state


  • Fixed a resource leak causing performance degradation over long game sessions - thank you to neeple for testing

Visual changes

  • In Settings-More settings, there is now an option to select what type of damage numbers are seen, outgoing (the potential damage of the hit) and incoming (the damage received by the player which depends on the health they had left) the default is now outgoing damage so that it’s clearer how much damage a hit can do - this does not effect the damage number
  • In Settings-More settings, there is now an option to see the first person weapon model in center of the screen


  • Collision fixes to Perilous, Icefall, Furnace, Toya Fortress, and Refinery

Masterserver and matches

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  • Powerups are now visible in the minimap
  • A teammate carrying the MacGuffin is now displayed carrying it on the minimap
  • Flags are now visible on the minimap
  • A teammate carrying the Flag is now displayed carrying it on the minimap

Visual changes

  • In instagib the damage number displayed on fragged enemies when having the outgoing damage option selected is now 400 instead of 1000000


  • In Settings-More settings there is now an option to disable hit beep sounds


  • Collision fixes to Furnace, and Toya Fortress


  • Fixed Instagib Duel scoring being limited to 2 opposing players when played with larger team sizes
  • Fixed the MacGuffin not spawning if the Instagib setting was selected in Custom Games


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  • In Quick Play Wipeout has changed from 5v5 to 4v4
  • In Ranked the Team Card now has the 3v3 Circuit mode which allow for solo and team queueing
  • In Ranked the Team Card no longer has 4v4 MacGuffin
  • In Ranked the Solo Card has been renamed to Duel
  • Updated translations


  • Fixed a bug in server-side netcode causing the first player in a multiple-hit penetrating PnCR shot to receive all the damage
  • Fixed a bug in server-side netcode causing team-mates to incorrectly block penetrating PnCR shots


  • Tentative fix for a crash in the UI engine used in the menu screens happening sometimes when leaving a game, starting a game, or switching to the menu - thanks to Coherent (makers of the Gameface UI engine)

Visual changes

  • The Vanguard’s ...
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  • The default win condition of Instagib Duel changed from highest score at the Time Limit of 5 minutes to highest score at the Time Limit of 4 minutes and first to 25 frags (whichever is reached first)
  • Instagib Duel’s overtime has been reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute


  • It’s now possible to join Warmup as a party - when the party leader clicks the “Party Join”button all party members will join the same server, party members can still join warmup by themselves whenever they wish but will be brought along to a server with the rest of the party if the party leader clicks “Party Join”, the party leader can play Warmup without bringing party members by clicking the “Join” button instead
  • Some ranked matchmaking balance fixes (more will be coming soon)


  • Fixed a crash happening sometimes when s...
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  • New Mode! In Custom Games it’s now possible to play Instagib Duel
  • In Custom Games it’s now possible to select Vintage physics - this physics mode has a large amount of air control, air acceleration and lower ground friction which can be useful to turn around corners - if you take a vertical jumppad you will have little ability to move in a direction but if you hold crouch and a direction key you will be able to get up to 160ups in a direction
  • In Custom Games there is now an easy to access Instagib option with the choice to play with the PnCR or Crossbow


  • New maps! Strife, Temple, and Grainyard are 3 new maps for the new Instagib Duel mode in Custom Games
  • Bioplant and Wellspring have received collision fixes


  • Fixed issue where the explosions of your projectiles wouldn’t be represented locally despite sti...
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  • Dodge should no longer remain stuck when you respawn after you had died while pressing it
  • By default the Zoom Toggle option no longer unzooms when switching weapons


-Wellspring, Sunken, and Furnace have received collision fixes


  • Fixed severe regular stutters happening on Windows 7 related to the anti-cheat system - thanks to INT3 (EQU8) and netborg
  • Fixed infrequent crash when starting the game related to the store overlay - thanks to Epic games
  • Fixed infrequent issue where the anti-cheat would be deactivated causing the game to be interrupted - thanks to INT3 (EQU8)


  • Now all of the hit notification sounds will be played, removing a previously set rate limitation


  • The default toggle zoom behavior ...
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  • Added a message to the Battle Pass screen stating that Battle Passes can only be purchased within their season, rewards can only be unlocked during the season, and rewards unlocked will be kept by players after the season ends


  • Improved the reliability of hitscan registration


  • Some adjustments to the enemy movement sounds

Visual changes

  • All projectiles now visually spawn from their actual origin, with the exception of the Blaster’s projectiles in first person, the visuals of which spawn slightly below the center of the crosshair - this indicates the origin and trajectory of projectiles more clearly which can be helpful when dodging them, and when tracking them relatively to the position of your crosshair and opponents


  • In Perilous some ...
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  • When switching to the map vote screen, any pop-up submenus that are open will be closed
  • Hovering over the Announcement image now makes a sound
  • Fixed some missing customization names
  • Fixed FFA match pages that didn’t load due to players leaving left during the match
  • The Leaderboards now load slightly faster


  • Players connecting to a match are now shown on the Chat


  • There is now a short victory music track and a short defeat music track
  • Adjusted movement sounds of other players for better relative altitude hints


  • Fixed respawning and immediately dying if you had died to falling out of the map


  • Fixed minimap in the spectator mode not showing the position of players
  • F...
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  • Improvements to the netcode of projectiles


  • Fixed projectiles not opening doors (projectiles now correctly trigger props that are shootable triggers)
  • Fixed Grenade Launcher grenades going through doors
  • Fixed other projectiles going through a door or colliding with the air depending on the state of the door at the time they were shot, projectiles now correctly collide with a door if the door stands in their way, and correctly go through a doorway if the door is not blocking their trajectory at that moment
  • Fixed issue making powerups spawn earlier - thank you to ffslight


  • Fixed incorrect respawn times that some HP pickups had in maps such as Alchemy, Cathedral, Dojo, Quarry - thank you to Seekay for the report
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  • The delay between notification popups has been removed
  • There is now an in-game link to watch the Diabotical Test Tournament Series: September Duel NA’s Top 8
  • Auto-balance is now off for Private Custom Games and on for public Custom Games by default, not only when clicking the settings reset button


  • Fixed issue causing some Epic Store functionality to be invoked during gameplay resulting in hiccups, especially for players with large amounts of friends


  • Tentative fix for Grenade Launcher grenades getting stuck inside obstacles or going through at some angles
  • Fixed Weeballs in modes with pickups respawning before 60 seconds had passed if another Weeball was grabbed (CTF is a mode with pickups with different rules)
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Fixed an issue with previous netcode fix causing hitcode registration to perform very poorly

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** Interface**

  • In Profile-Matches it’s now possible to click on the match id of a match to copy it

Masterserver and matches

  • Fixed an issue where a disconnected client could block a server slot preventing games from ever fully filling which was also causing an issue that prevented player from being able to queue


  • Tentative fix for issue resulting in the game temporarily freezing or permanently hanging on startup that affects users with an unordinarily large amount of contacts in their friend list - thanks to Duj2 for sending logs


  • Various netcode fixes including tentative improvements for hitscan registration for players with medium to high ping


  • The hitsound ranges have been updated from 1–25, 26–50, 51–75, 76–100 to 1–25, 26–50, 51–69, 70–80, 81–100 featuri...
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  • Fixed an issue where a system condition preventing the game from pinging our data center locations results in a hang up on the UI when starting the game. Thanks to Duj2 for sending logs. If this condition arises the user will now be prompted to select some data center locations
  • By default Public Custom Games remain with auto-balance enabled while now Private Custom Games have auto-balance disabled
  • Tentative fix for weapon specific daily challenges and achievements not progressing correctly
  • The Learn menu’s MacGuffin mode page now includes the information that players spawn with 25 armor when their team is losing within a round and is attacking (the enemy team has the MacGuffin in their base)
  • Fixed some missing names for avatars
  • The Time Trials versions of CTF and Gold Rush maps now contain the prefix ctf and gr in the Time Trials map list to separate them from other Time Trials maps


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  • In Settings-More settings there is now an option to disable damage numbers completely and to disable damage numbers on weapons that have stable damage
  • The Join button is now hidden in the Match menu if it’s not possible to switch teams according to the match’s settings
  • Muting players (in the Match menu accessible by pressing Escape while in a match ) will now mute their chat messages too

Masterserver and matches

  • Tentative fix for an issue that allows players to join an already full team


  • Fixed micro-stutter that could happen when shooting while having low ammo -thanks again to netborg
  • Warning: we have detected that old versions of Razer mouse drivers can result in stutters, please update your Razer drivers


  • Fixed crash in the anti-cheat causing ga...
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  • In the Datacenter selection button a ping range is now shown for each of the regions instead of the lowest ping
  • In the Leaderboards there is now a button to go your own position if it is within the top 500
  • In Profile-Matches, the Matches now display their match ID in order to help us investigate a match that a player had an issue
  • In the Learn menu the Siphonator’s information has been corrected, the maximum health that a player can get from the pickup version of the Siphonator powerup is 150hp not 125hp, be it from lifesteal, regeneration, or the teammate healing aspect
  • Improved the appearance of the in-game Changelog which was added yesterday
  • Fixed the missing names for 2 avatars
  • Enclosure now has a thumbnail


  • Party backfilling in FFA game modes should now work correctly


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  • Map “Apollo” is now available in Wee-Bow Instagib queues
  • Map “Enclosure” is now available in Rocket Arena 2v2
  • Fixed broken achievement stickers
  • FFA end screen says your placement instead of defeat
  • Fixed projectile visuals disappearing for players sometimes
  • Fixed some projectile-related netcode issues
  • Fixed issue preventing stickers from showing up on the eggbot in the Menus -Thank you to samozvanka and obican for helping us solve a connection issue that prevented them and several others from playing Diabotical for a very long time -Thank you to netborg for helping with a stuttering issue -Thank you to RedPhotoFrame for reporting an abusive command that was available -Many others have reported issues and helped us which are not included here but even if we cannot thank all individually we decided to thank some. We appreciate all reports and assistance that many people have provided
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  • Improvements to Rocket Jumping and Blaster Jumping feeling more responsive on servers, regardless of ping - note that the explosion particle effects that you see will not be well synchronized specially at high ping
  • Fixed an issue with the inactivity timer not being triggered
  • Some translations
  • Customize has been renamed to Locker (previously unreported)
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  • Fixed the missing bouncing sound when grenades bounce on the ground
  • Renamed the minimap creation command /discover to /radar so that /disconnect can be tab auto-completed from /dis, as requested by winz. Example usage: https://i.imgur.com/BnYclaQ.png - note that leaving an ongoing ranked match will result in a queuing penalty
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  • Fixed the incorrect base indicator in MacGuffin for players joining/rejoining an ongoing game