
Diabotical Dev Tracker

09 Dec

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  • In the locker there is a new menu called Presets where you can save 5 different Shell+Stickers+Shoes combinations so that you can create different Eggbot looks and easily switch between them.


  • Fixed issue causing players to glide along walls when receiving continuous knockback.
  • In Time Trials there is now a dedicated control to restart a run instead of using the Ready bind. The default keybind is F2 and can be rebound in Settings-Controls-Gameplay by setting the “Restart run” button - your Ready bind will no longer work to restart your run, the two functions are now separate.
  • In “Freeze Tag - Unfinished” it is no longer possible to throw Weeballs while frozen to avoid Weeball pickups being prevented from respawning while a player was frozen, and to avoid the knockback Weeball being used by frozen players in Instagib Freeze Tag.


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Also on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diabotical/comments/j8wmtj/patch_notes_version_020373_october_10_2020/


  • Fixed an issue where hitting a slanted surface would push you down to the ground at disproportionate speeds.


  • Fixed spectating mode showing the wrong weapon being held, and the HUD showing the wrong player’s information when switching players to follow with the player number binds.
  • In the minimap the player pins of each team are now have their team colors.
  • In the minimap the currently spectated player’s pin now has a white dot to indicate whose point of view is being shown.


  • Fixed some micro-stutters related to audio playback - thank you to Aeson...
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  • New mode! “Freeze Tag - Unfinished” is now available in Custom Games, the objective of this mode is to win rounds by freezing all of the opponents. When an opponent is frozen they can be thawed/unfrozen if a teammate stands next to the frozen player, or if the frozen player falls into the void (if a non frozen players falls in the void they will respawn frozen). When a round ends, frozen players are respawned, and players that weren’t frozen keep their position, health, armor, and ammo. Players spawn with all weapons but with lower starting ammo than in other modes. Currently it’s possible to hammer frozen players great distances and it’s possible for frozen players to throw Weeballs and to Dodge, which can be a way for players to respawn themselves in maps with void, or get closer to teammates, or even thaw while both players are moving, and can be a way for teammates and opponents to reposition frozen players easily, these are things that ...
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  • Improved the performance of environmental particle effects.
  • Optimizations to bots’ AI.
  • CPU-side optimizations related to environment-vs-player interaction.


  • In Settings-More Settings there is now an option to auto-follow persons of interest, currently it follows the MacGuffin carrier, or a Flag carrier.


  • Bots no longer go inside props and blocks that had been set to player collision - bots will not be going inside the objects in the Practice Range anymore.


  • “Test”, the MacGuffin map available in Custom Games, has been updated with some modifications after being playtested: the MacGuffin-Red Armor area has been increased, it now takes longer to go from Red to the Wishing Well base, there are now stairs from the mid 50HP to the top Blaster to avoid having to dr...
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  • When a player being spectated dies, the camera will now by default switch to the player who fragged the other, instead of just to another player.
  • In Settings-More Settings it’s possible to select whether the spectator perspective switches to the fragger on death or if it stays with the current player.

Visual changes

  • Damage numbers are now displayed above the enemy overhead name so that they are more readable.
  • Fixed overhead names lingering too long after an opponent enters a smoke field (released this morning as a minor update).
  • Fixed the smoke from the Smoke Weeball sometimes incorrectly hiding enemy overhead names when opponents are nearby (released this morning as a minor update).
  • Fixed overhead names sometimes giving away player positions through some obstacles (released this morning as a minor update).


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  • It’s now possible select an already placed sticker and send it backward one layer, bring it forward one layer, bring it all the way to the front, or send it all the way to the back
  • The default sorting of stickers now respects the order of addition instead of them being arbitrarily sorted

Visual changes

  • In Settings-More Settings there’s now a checkbox to enable damage number grouping (their values are accumulated if the individual contributions happened in quick succession)


  • New map! “Test” is a new MacGuffin map available in Custom Games, any feedback about it is appreciated - in this map the PnCR first spawns at the 2 minute mark
  • The map “Test 2” has been removed from the Custom Game’s MacGuffin map list
  • Kasbah’s spawns have been adjusted with some unused spawns being removed, some added on the Red Armor ...
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Visual changes

  • Tactical pings now depend on having a clear, conservative, line of sight to the enemies to prevent triggering them behind walls
  • There are now indicators above a player when they are in the Console, Menu, Chat, or alt+tabbed (different ones for each) - this includes enemies but adequately hidden when necessary
  • The names of enemies are now displayed when they are being targeted if the crosshair is roughly pointing in their general direction and there is a clear, conservative, line of sight to them
  • In Settings-More Settings-Overhead names section, it’s now possible to disable enemy names; set the color of enemy names: team colored (default) or custom color; and set the color of teammate names: HP gradient (default), team color, or custom color
  • In Extinction there is now an exclamation point over your teammate who is the last Life Leader
  • In Extinction there are screen-edge waypoints wh...
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  • There is now a Pause function in private Custom Games, each player has access to a single pause that can last for 60 seconds, while the host and others in the lobby that have been given the admin role have unlimited pauses each lasting infinite time. By default the Pause/Resume function is bound to F9 and Pause/Break, it can be rebound in Settings-Controls-Gameplay-Pause/Resume - this function is an experimental state

Visual changes

  • There are now screen-edge waypoints that indicate the current base that you should go to in MacGuffin (whether you are delivering or attacking)
  • Increased the resolution of the waypoint icons


  • The volume of enemy movement sounds above and below has been tweaked to better represent the relative distance of players


  • Fixed issue that caused invisible blo...
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  • Fixed an issue in MacGuffin that could cause the overtime to be restarted when an attacking player that died on the point respawned, and could also prevent the MacGuffin from being stolen

Visual changes

  • When using lower resolution scales the various in-game indicators now retain the full resolution of the application so that they have better readability (indicators such as Base waypoints, teammate names, Powerup waypoints, MacGuffin waypoint, Weapon waypoints)
  • In Settings-More Settings it’s now possible to select the color of damage numbers (default is white), select whether it stays that color or goes from that color to red with higher amounts of damage, or if it corresponds to the color of the weapon that was fired - note that when healing teammates with the Siphonator the healing number remains green
  • In Settings-More Settings it’s now possible to select the scale of dam...
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  • Experimental LAN/Direct connection support: It is now possible to select Direct connection in Custom Games in order to host Diabotical matches and play with others through a direct connection. Players are required to be online in their Diabotical accounts in order to join a lobby, if the players are not on LAN, you as the host will need to open UDP port 32123 on your router in order to start a match with others, a selection of your detected IP addresses will be shown prefixed as Direct/, including the Public IP (for players online to connect to you) and your Local IP (to host matches on LAN ) - This is a feature under development, only client side netcode is currently supported in this mode and statistics are incomplete at the end of the game
  • Updated translations

Visual changes

  • Tactical pings by teammates now have indicators on the edge of the screen when not within the current fiel...
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  • Fixed an issue that could cause a team’s score in MacGuffin to be stuck on 99
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the MacGuffin to disappear after death

Visual changes

  • In Settings-More settings there is now an option to customize the screen-edge ping waypoints so that they are always visible, only threat pings (red) visible, or never visible
  • Fixed issue causing the environment decals to be displayed on top of the MacGuffin when held
  • Fixed an issue that would cause entities of a previous map to show up in another if the initial map’s load was cancelled (unreported 2 days ago)


  • It’s now possible to spectate matches hosted on LAN correctly


  • An issue affecting Suddenlink customers in the West coast NA causing high ping to our servers has been fixed by i3D.net ...
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  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Crossbow to deal two instances of damage
  • The MacGuffin now bounces off after landing on a steep surface


  • Improvements to overall projectile netcode accuracy
  • Improvements to projectile netcode addressing point-blank and close-range scenarios


  • The Custom Games menu has been reworked with a new design and now shows a list of players in the selected match
  • The Leaderboards now display only players that have 25 or more matches played in a given mode
  • Updated translations


  • In Oxide, fixed a collision issue on the trims and a misaligned texture
  • In Ukiyo, the ramp section has been replaced with stairs, various adjustments to the path

-The Shop has been updated

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  • Fixed the excessive projectile knockback on the bots in the Practice Range, Tutorial
  • Fixed issue where a player with the Siphonator powerup would heal a teammate when firing projectiles at other players (now teammates are only healed if the player with the Siphonator hits them specifically)
  • Fixed issue where grabbing Health or Armor pickups would reset your Health and Armor to the regular maximum values when using custom games commands to increase Health and Armor beyond those values


  • The range of item pickups has been increased to match the range of player movements
  • Props with sounds now emit them again - the Ambient Volume slider in Settings-Audio can be adjusted to control the volume of ambient sounds

Masterserver and matches

  • Fixed an issue where loading a map at the moment that a queue match was found woul...
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  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to die after respawning
  • Knockback intensity is now more proportional in wrap-around-edge damage situations
  • Fixed issue causing the application of direct hit damage and knockback when splashing enemies through ledges
  • Fixed issue causing projectile explosions to sometimes be represented slightly inside the contacting surfaces

Masterserver and matches

  • Datacenters with less than 65 ping are now automatically added to your selection list the first time you load the game and when a new server is added
  • Improved the process of checking the datacenter preference by ping, which is used for determining which datacenter will be used in a match


  • Collision fixes to Icefall and Marina


  • Added some new orange colored product...
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  • After a weapon keybind is pressed for a currently owned weapon there is a period of 0.5s where other presses of that same keybind won’t result in the weapon waypoint showing up
  • In Settings-More Settings it’s now possible to set weapon waypoints to only show up when you press a weapon keybind while not having the weapon and it’s now possible to fully disable weapon waypoints
  • In Settings-More Settings it’s now possible to customize the size of waypoints
  • Waypoints for spawned weapons and the MacGuffin now have a pop in animation
  • Waypoints for weapons now have a fade out animation


  • Weeballs no longer do self damage or friendly fire (when friendly fire is turned on)
  • The Blaster’s self damage has been reduced from 50% to 40%
  • Fixed players on different teams being able to damage each other in Time Trials (unreported yesterday)
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  • It is now possible to press a weapon keybind of a missing weapon or of the currently selected weapon to display a waypoint to its spawning location(s) - there will be an option to disable them soon
  • In team modes the names of players are now indicated below their avatars in the Ally and Enemy Players HUD elements
  • There is now a Spectator Item Timer HUD element that shows the current item respawn times for the major armors, Megahealth, and powerups
  • In the Final Scoreboard there is now a column that displays the time played for each player
  • Assists and Frags are now displayed at different font sizes to better distinguish them

Visual changes

  • The visibility range of stickers on eggbots has increased
  • Increased the size of the MacGuffin’s position indicator by 40%


  • Fixed incorrect first person fir...
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  • Fixed an issue with projectiles going through blocks in some circumstances - thank you to nerVzzz, fr0by, DonRade for the reports


  • Fixed not being able to see the first person weapon skins that a player is using while spectating them
  • Fixed camera spin-out when the player being spectated died
  • Fixed detached thrusters and player rings being visible on the map

Visual changes

  • Fixed an issue where players would see weapon fire coming from a player after that player had already died


  • New map! Ukiyo is a new Time Trials map available in Custom Games
  • Improved the weapon collision on stairs in all CTF maps
  • Some collision fixes to Enclosure, Barrows Gate, and Marina

Masterserver and matches - Fixed an issue that could resu...

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  • In Ranked-Team the 3v3 Circuit option has been removed and it is now possible to queue for 4v4 Wipeout, 3v3 MacGuffin, and 3v3 Extinction separately - 3v3 MacGuffin’s skill ratings have been brought over from the 4v4 MacGuffin queue, Extinction’s skill ratings from the 3v3 Circuit
  • The Leaderboards have been updated to reflect the Ranked modes
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent queues from being selected


  • Added servers in the following locations: Seattle (Washington), United States of America Santa Clara (California), United States of America Madrid, Spain


  • Tentative fix to issue causing splash damage to not be applied sometimes


  • The Machine Gun ammo’s icon color in the pickup notice has been updated, successfully this time
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  • Further improved the reliability of hitscan registration under package loss conditions


  • Improved the splash damage detection on stairs in all Wipeout maps and their Brawl versions, TDM/Extinction maps, Macguffin maps, Duel maps and Aim Arena maps


  • Fixed an issue with players not dying when falling out of the map
  • Time Trials can now be played while having empty teams in a lobby (no longer requires the Team Count setting to be set to 1 in order to be playable and not end immediately, when starting a public multiplayer match, team count 1 is recommended for all players to be on one team)
  • Fixed and returned /gg as a forfeit console command when playing Duel

Masterserver and matches

  • Lowered the minimum number of players required for FFA game modes to start to ...
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Visual changes

  • Fixed an issue where weapon animations would loop while not firing them


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Custom Games from showing the correct mode options
  • Updated the Victory and Defeat screens’ visual effects
  • Updated translations


  • In Oxide, some spawns have been adjusted and redundant ones removed for better outcomes when playing Extinction, Blaster ammo has been added to the upper orange area (orange walls), adjusted the position of the Rocket Launcher near red so that it’s easier for new players to spot
  • In Sunken, fixed an issue where it was possible to throw the MacGuffin out of the map
  • Collision fixes to Wellspring


  • Fixed the issue of grabbing a weapon or ammo lowering your current ammo in modes where a weapon’s starting ammo ...
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