
Diabotical Dev Tracker

09 Dec

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_ _ Interface

  • In text fields: added support for ctrl+shift+arrows and ctrl+arrows caret navigation shortcuts
  • In Custom Game: the visibility selector is now working correctly again and the selection is being saved across game restarts
  • Fixed an issue where utility commands /homedir, /gamedir, /log would cause a crash


  • The recharge sound (part of the firing sound after the shot itself) of the PnCR alpha mod has been modified
  • The mixing of the PnCR alpha mod has been modified
  • The Dodge ready sound has been reenabled

Visual changes

  • In preparation for some new animations the Dodge animation that lowers the weapon is not currently working


  • By default the Dodge now works by holding down the button when coming into contact...
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  • In the Competitive menu Wipeout 3v3 has changed back to Wipeout 5v5
  • There are now UI notifications for certain events such as being disconnected from the server (recent unreported change)


  • The Powerup icon is now showing up correctly
  • The Powerup countdown now works correctly
  • The HP and Armor bars are now updated with more precision
  • The HP and Armor options of the Icon HUD element have been resized for better stroke support


  • When selected the heel enemy footsteps option in the Mods menu, no longer occasionally causes your own footsteps to sound like enemy footsteps (recent unreported change)


  • tdm_chateau has been updated, the Vanguard was removed (only one powerup now), the PnCR was moved to where the Vanguard was, a Shotgun to where the PnCR w...
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  • In the Competitive menu Wipeout 5v5 has changed to Wipeout 3v3


  • There’s a new default HUD if you click the Reset HUD button
  • The Ally and Enemy score elements now have a separate score font size option
  • The colored border of the Item HUD element’s default styling has been made thicker
  • Fixed the Weapons list’s spacing when the keybind option isn’t selected


  • duel_pr_07_wip’s health landmine has been removed
  • duel_facility_wip’s Mega room has been updated with a new center platform made of gears
  • tdm_chateau has been added which reduces the area that was dedicated to the Red Armor room in b_chateau, Red is now where the lava jumppad below Red used to be


  • Thumbnails for some medieval props have been added
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  • There is now an overlay over the avatar of party members and a message on avatar mouseover, which indicate when a party member is currently in a game
  • In Competitive, Arena Duel has been renamed to Arena 1v1 and Classic Duel has been renamed to Duel 1v1
  • The Custom Game now has a visibility option for Private and future Public games, including a lobby name and password field
  • duel_pr_07_wip and duel_mindflayer have been added to the Custom Game duel map list
  • Some pixel scaling issues have been fixed


  • Fixed issue that allowed players to invade games


  • Accent Boxes have new background color options
  • Ally and Enemy Score HUD elements have new color options
  • Powerup and Item HUD elements have new color options
  • Powerup and Item HUD elements have a new styling option
  • ...
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  • Restored direct connection functionality in Custom Game (can be used to connect to a local game)
  • Some new translations have been added


  • The Blasta, Supa Blasta and Masta Blasta have been renamed to Blaster, Supa Blaster and Masta Blaster


  • There is a new generic pickup sound
  • There is now a sound when you pickup the health dropped by a player when they die
  • There is now a sound when the Dodge comes out of cooldown
  • There are now different item spawn sounds for hp, armor, weapon and ammo


  • When you drop your weapon you no longer always get the default ammo when you pick it back up, if it had the default ammo or less you get how much it had, if it had more than the default ammo you get the default ammo (recent unreported change)
  • In Wip...
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  • The thumbnails of the Arena maps have been updated


  • There is a new Default HUD if you click the Reset HUD button
  • Switching away from the HUD editor and back to it from other menus no longer prevents you from dragging HUD elements properly
  • The Score (Simple) HUD element now has a default width and height
  • The Weapons list now has a ammo text padding option
  • The name of the score type in the Score (Simple)’s options has been fixed
  • The respawn timer’s position has been fixed
  • There is now a Player Name HUD element


  • There is now a sound that plays when a weapon is dropped to announce it to nearby players (recent unreported change)
  • When spectating a player their sounds are now all self sounds and the enemy players’ sounds are all enemy sounds


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  • Various visual bugs involving messages showing up where they shouldn’t such as artifacts on the top left of the Custom Game menu or a press attack to respawn message on the top left have been fixed


  • For the moment when making changes to your HUD I recommend loading a map, then going to the HUD editor and only switching between those, otherwise you will likely have an issue when dragging elements and scrolling through elements with the arrow buttons, if that happens, restart the game
  • When adding an element from the list it now keeps the element’s name while being dragged instead of becoming an empty box
  • There are now name tooltips when hovering over the clone, top layer and deletion buttons on an element’s options, and on the snap grid and show guides buttons
  • An issue with the font weight being the opposite of the chosen one has been fixed
  • The Weap...
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  • The Mods menu now has a scrollbar and a smaller Apply button
  • Some Japanese translations have been added


  • The Ally Score and Enemy Score elements now have a background opacity for the player names in 1v1 modes (recent unreported change)
  • The Weapons list now has an ammo separator distance option
  • The Pickup Notice element now has background color and width options
  • The Dodge now has an icon opacity option for when inactive
  • In the HUD editor the list of available elements at the top can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel, can be scrolled to the end by double clicking an arrow button, and scrolling through element is now smoothly animated instead of skipping through in steps -The Reset HUD button now includes the Dodge, Item and Powerup elements


  • In the Settings-Mods menu there are now 2...
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  • In Custom Game the Clan Arena mode has been renamed to Arena


  • The Dashboard HUD element has been separated into 3 different HUD elements called Dodge, Item and Powerup which can be placed in different locations and have different settings - for now the Reset HUD button isn’t applying them, you should place them yourself
  • The Weapons list HUD element now contains an ammo bar that indicates the maximum ammo that a weapon can have and there are settings for its width, color and whether or not it’s displayed

Visual changes

  • When Eggbots die, the bits that fly away from the resulting explosion are now gray, instead of using that player’s team color, to prevent them from being confused for another player


  • Picking up Weebles has been reverted to walking over them instead of pressing the...
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  • The appearance of the mode selection in Quickplay and Competitive has changed
  • In the Quickplay and Competitive menus there is now a region selection button which shows datacenter latency - has to be refreshed the first time you open it
  • In the Quickplay menu Brawl FFA and Instagib FFA have been added to the mode selection
  • In the Competitive menu there is now an interface for selecting a CTF role
  • When in a party the party leader has control over the mode and region selection, and party size excluded modes become unselectable (in the Competitive modes if there are more party members than a mode’s team size, In Quickplay modes with 2 teams if there are more players than a mode’s team size but not enough for all teams, or if there are more players than a mode’s total player count)
  • In Custom Game duel_garrison_wip has been added to the list of duel maps
  • For testing purposes there i...
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  • The Blasta, Supa Blasta and Masta Blasta’s projectile speed has been reduced - speed changed from 2200 to 2050
  • The Blasta, Supa Blasta and Masta Blasta now have a higher firing rate - rate changed from 120 to 100 (this statement is written correctly, instead of number of shots per unit of time, think amount of time per shot)
  • The Blasta’s damage has been reduced from 12 to 9, Supa Blasta from 16 to 12, Masta Blasta from 20 to 15
  • The Shotgun’s spread has been increased from 2.4 2.4 to 3 3, the Super Shotgun from 3.8 3.8 to 4 4
  • The Shotgun and Super Shotgun now have a higher firing rate - rate changed from 1000 to 900
  • The Shotgun and Super Shotgun’s minimum damage distance has been reduced from 400 to 360 (distance at which the pellets do the minimum damage value)
  • The Shotgun’s minimum damage has been reduced from 3 to 2
  • The Super Shotgun’s minimum damage has been redu...
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  • Weeble damage has been reduced from 10 to 5
  • The Knockback Weeble has been removed from Wipeout
  • The Weeble cooldown in modes where you can switch between Weebles, is now based on the cooldown of the last Weeble that you threw before switching to a different Weeble
  • In Wipeout the Weeble cooldowns are now being reset correctly at the end of rounds
  • In Wipeout the Weeble cooldown is now correctly counting the time spent while dead like the HUD’s cooldown bar already did
  • In order to grab a Weeble in modes with pickups you now press the Use key to grab a nearby Weeble
  • In Brawl and Duel you can now grab Weebles and when you die with a Weeble you will lose it (unlike in CTF and Wipeout), then after 30 seconds a Weeble will respawn at its pickup location


  • wo_prb_04_wip has been updated
  • b_refinery now has Weeble pickups
  • ...
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  • In Custom Game there are now Time Trials versions of the CTF maps listed


  • The accuracy values on the weapons list when using the horizontal setting no longer overlap the weapon icons, they are now below the icons

Visual changes

  • Many textures now have a more matte/stylized appearance - because of this change, the lighting and other visual aspects of maps may receive updates
  • Liquids are no longer overly bright when near a prop or block
  • When you select the Melee there is now a shield along with the Hammer, and there’s a shield animation when you select the Melee
  • Ambient nodes now also tint the fog affecting an area


  • wo_prb_04_wip has been updated with textures and props
  • Time Trials versions of the CTF maps have been added (contain all the items)
  • ...
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  • The thumbnails for various maps have been added and updated
  • In the friends list there are now 2 types of invite buttons, one to invite someone to the lobby and one to invite someone to the party, blue is lobby, orange is party but when you hover over them there will be a tooltip saying so
  • In Custom Game as the host you can now make someone else the host or remove them by right clicking on the person and selecting the option
  • When you are in a Custom Game there is now a lobby button on the bottom bar visible in all menus, which you can click to go the Custom Game screen immediately
  • When you are the Party leader you can right click someone’s avatar at the bottom to make them the Party leader or remove them from the Party, and as a Party member you can right click yourself and select the option to leave the Party
  • In the Editing controls, the Flatten Terrain tool and the Smooth terrain tool ...
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  • The Weapon 9’s firing sounds and low ammo firing sounds have been tweaked
  • The Crossbow bolt sound while in-flight and the Crossbow’s low ammo firing sounds have been tweaked


  • duel_bioplant’s collision has been updated
  • carl_test_box has been added which has some medieval prop examples


  • New Medieval props have been added
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  • Some decals have been added to the customization, search for eye 48, eye 49, mouth 28, butterflys, fish decal, snake_decal
  • Added Drop weapon bind to the Settings→Controls→Gameplay


  • New PnCR low ammo firing sounds for each of the 3 charge tiers

Visual changes

  • Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Weeble and Weapon 9 explosions are now visible at long ranges


  • It’s now possible to drop weapons (including some weapons that you’re not intended to be able to drop)


  • duel_bioplant has been replaced by the an updated duel_bioplant_wip version
  • In ctf_dojo_wip a line of sight break has been removed from the bases so that enemy flag carriers have a ...
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  • Added Downstream tickrate option to Settings→More Settings
  • In Settings→Combat→Mouse Details→Acceleration there are now graphs to illustrate the behavior of the acceleration depending on the values (recent unreported change)


  • The previous pain sounds have been brought back

Visual changes

  • Fixed the stuttering on eggbot feet thrusters


  • Fixed minor memory leak


  • Fixed minor issue causing networking overhead that may result in periodical stuttering under certain conditions
  • Experimental: players can now individually choose to reduce the downstream tickrate at which they receive updates from the server in the settings (available options are: 125, 62.5, 41.66, 31.25). Lowering your downstream tickrate sometimes i...
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  • New spawn sound
  • Smoothed PnCR impact to be less obnoxious and loud
  • Increased the volume on friendly jump and landing sounds
  • Updated the shield breaking sound
  • Re-added the 0.2 second delay on frag confirmed sound

Visual changes

  • The Weebles now wave at you when you first pick them up and when their recharge cooldown ends to indicate that they are available and to remind you of each type it is
  • The Eggbot leaning animation is now more gradual


  • Fixed the exclusive starting spawns sometimes spawning players on the same spawn


  • In ctf_cathedral_wip and ctf_dojo_wip the starting spawns are now further apart and the Smoke Weebles are further apart, in ctf_dojo_wip the Explosive Weeble is now further around the corner to avoid accidental grabs/swi...
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  • Fixed bug in the Custom Game menu where custom physics selection goes blank on first startup (recent unreported change)
  • In the Custom Game menu, added a category separating the Signature Movement and Novelty Ruleset custom physics


  • In the Dashboard the Weeble cooldown bar now resets correctly after warmup
  • In the Dashboard the Weeble cooldown bar is no longer visible when the Weeble is available


  • New damage taken sounds
  • New item pre-spawn and item spawn sounds


  • The Slow Field, Smoke, Explosion and Implosion Weeble now do 10 damage and have a minimum splash damage of 10 as well (they always do 10 damage to those in range)
  • In CTF you no longer keep the Weeble that you grabbed in warmup after the match starts
  • In CTF you no longer re...
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  • The Dashboard now accurately displays the type of Weeble that you’re carrying

Visual changes

  • The last player alive in Wipeout now has a green overlay effect like the Siphonator to convey that they have lifesteal


  • The last player alive in Wipeout does 50% lifesteal (until a teammate respawns)
  • In CTF the overtime now ends when a team captures the flag (sudden death)
  • Fixed issue in Wipeout that allowed you to throw Weebles before a round started


  • ctf_cathedral_wip’s collision has been updated, eggbots are no longer allowed to haunt the bookshelves near the Shaft and scare innocent passersby (they have collision now)
  • ctf_cathedral_wip and ctf_dojo_wip now have starting spawns in the bases


  • It’s now possible to a...
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