See here:
Originally posted by Cahin Skyntharker (LFG): I fully understand the idea of the new Town system and I like the overall Idea of it. But we encountered the issue that all players settled outside the town range. Is there "any" way to get them back as town citizen?
We already thought about opening a second deed per player to ensue that the player can be a member of the city, but it's not possible to obtain a second deed.
Are there some other server settings or admin commands which would enable the players to join a city (e.g by placing a second deed)?
Yea as soon as I looked at the update I saw that. Curious you know how to get claim papers without going through a settlement? Only really 4 main people play on my server, and we are all friends. I've tried to do the unlimited command but it still makes my plot overburden, set to your desired values, set by default on Low Collaboration:
"ClaimStakesGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 1.0,
"ClaimPapersGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 5.0,
Please reach out to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), they'll be able to collect necessary information for investigation.
Have you fully closed the game and relaunched it? There's a bug on 11.0 where if you don't fully reboot the game you'll get stuck on the loading screen.
That issue has already been resolved in Hotfix 11.0.1, something else is happening here.
The Marketplace is available only when in a local game or on a server by pressing ESC -> Marketplace, in the top right.