The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

05 Feb

We need to wait for everything to come back up. We know that isn't ideal, but we want to make sure the update goes well and nothing needs to be adjusted.
Hi all, providing an update here. After checking in with the team, it looks like maintenance will run longer than anticipated. Maintenance is being extended by 8hrs to account for the extra time needed to checks and getting through the rest of maintenance. We will update if things run early.
One thing I would caution against is that once the list gets compiled people are going to naturally assume the top 5 are going to be worked in that order and obviously this is not how development works. 343i (Halo Studios now) did a really good job when they went through something similar at communicating WHY say Top Issue #14 was solved before Top Issue #2. They would say something like... well we realized we couldn't solve #2 because #14 was directly responsible for a portion of said issue #2 so we had to solve that first before we can finish #2. People are going to unfairly freak out when they see the lower hanging fruit get solved first so just knowing that is going to come and be prepared to explain the reason behind it might make it easier on y'all. In no way trying to tell you how to do your job so hopefully this doesn't read in a condescending manner (text sucks lol).
No you're fine. No worries! We will plan to be clear in Patch No... Read more
@ZOS_Kevin When is the 7-day live test happening?
We don't have an exact date to share yet, but the plan will be to have this available in March a little bit after Update 45 goes live. We have noted the back half of March, but we don't have dates confirmed just yet. But we should have that information available in the next few weeks.
Hey @TumlinTheJolly as a heads-up, we just wanted to let you know we passed your feedback along to the team who works on Tribute and they are going to look at this. While a lot of factors can play into how long a match goes, they did agree that 80 minutes is longer than intended for any one match.
We've added a feedback thread and bug report thread for Crafter's Celebration.

04 Feb

Thanks for starting this conversation, @LadyGP. Just wanted to put a reminder that if folks share bugs and pain points here, that they also reflect that in the thread where we are collecting the list from players. LadyGP has it in the first post of this thread.
Hey Kevin, I posted in the thread but just wanted to add here that I wonder if this might also be some good material for a survey, like y'all did last year about guilds. Not that you won't get useful feedback here on the forum, but I feel like that's going to be very difficult to parse through. Especially with the answers varying so greatly depending on the areas of the game that people engage with. Just a thought about another potential avenue for gathering this feedback from players but in perhaps a more structured way. It's really nice to see our feedback being sought after...
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Appreciate it and looking forward to the next part. I wonder if there's a way to organize it in the future so that the questions with the same answer are grouped together, so it's not the same answer over and over again for five questions. I know it sounds nit-picky, but at some point reading the same answer starts to sound a little condescending ("again...."). This would have been super duper helpful before the PTS went live. I know it took a bit to get out, but maybe if there's a next time it can go in a different order. Thanks for the continued work on communication!
Thanks for the feedback. The intention was not to be condescending, but rather to make sure we answered the question since we had multiple variants of some the questions asked. However, we will take the overall feedback of organization and see if there is a better way to do this in the future. As you can probably imagine, there are a lot of questions and part 2 will have even ... Read more
Kevin created a thread asking players to submit their top five bugs and pain points that we would like addressed but asked to keep comments to a minimum. This thread is for discussing the dev team’s request itself, what bugs and issues you think are the most important, and any expectations or thoughts on how they might address them.
So, about the request itself, my plan is to ignore it. My expectations are that it won't matter. My expectation is that they will be more attracted to player comments that align favorably with their current decisions and not as much for comments that are not. I expect that they already have stuff in the works. Planned, booked, and confirmed. While ZOS needs to listen to players, I think that what we say now won't be in the game for over a year, assuming that it aligns well with what ZOS wants. 2026 or even 2027. By then, the player comments and opinions may be very much different t...
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Thanks for starting this conversation, @LadyGP. Just wanted to put a reminder that if folks share bugs and pain points here, that they also reflect that in the thread where we are collecting the list from players. LadyGP has it in the first post of this thread.
Hey Kevin, I posted in the thread but just wanted to add here that I wonder if this might also be some good material for a survey, like y'all did last year about guilds. Not that you won't get useful feedback here on the forum, but I feel like that's going to be very difficult to parse through. Especially with the answers varying so greatly depending on the areas of the game that people engage with. Just a thought about another potential avenue for gathering this feedback from players but in perhaps a more structured way. It's really nice to see our feedback being sought after, whatever form that may take.
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Thanks for starting this conversation, @LadyGP. Just wanted to put a reminder that if folks share bugs and pain points here, that they also reflect that in the thread where we are collecting the list from players. LadyGP has it in the first post of this thread.
Hey Kevin, I posted in the thread but just wanted to add here that I wonder if this might also be some good material for a survey, like y'all did last year about guilds. Not that you won't get useful feedback here on the forum, but I feel like that's going to be very difficult to parse through. Especially with the answers varying so greatly depending on the areas of the game that people engage with. Just a thought about another potential avenue for gathering this feedback from players but in perhaps a more structured way. It's really nice to see our feedback being sought after, whatever form that may take.
That is a good idea... Read more
Looking forward to part 2.
I appreciate the stream ZOS did, but it feels like part 1 is a rehash of what was said in the stream. Most of the new information would come from part 2.
Thanks for the feedback here. Just to follow up, we did answer some of the questions from this Q&A on the stream, since it covered the same topic. However, the part 2 will be around PvP more broadly. We are going through those questions now and will be working on getting answers over the next few weeks.
I appreciate the stream ZOS did, but it feels like part 1 is a rehash of what was said in the stream. Most of the new information would come from part 2.
In some ways it is, you're right. We gathered these questions before the Cyrodiil Champions Q&A stream, and that stream was something we decided to do due to the amount of confusion over the test. It was the right decision, but there is some redundancy with the written Q&A we were already working on before the stream. One of the biggest benefits to this written Q&A is we can answer some of the more specific questions, and also localize it into extended languages.
Ok, so I'm just getting back to the game and there's still a lot I'm learning. I got the 3 fragments and made the pet. So now I can morph it, right? So if I morph it, I need to get 3 more fragments, make a new paper to morph it again to something else? Sorry if this seems obvious to some, but the wife and I are curious.
So now that you have the pet, you will have a new fragment to collect with each in-game event for each quarter. Once you have those, the fragments will morph with the pet to unlock the customized action. That will be the process every quarter for the year.

03 Feb

Thanks for flagging this. We just escalated to our teams. We need to know what Megaserver you are experiencing this issue on.
Maintenance is running a bit long, so we are working on wrapping that up first. We'll update once we are ready to go. Patch Notes are ready to go, just making sure we are closing to finishing maintenance first.
Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for submitting feedback so far. There is a lot of great stuff here and plenty to review here. Appreciate the responses so far. Keep'em coming if you have them.
Thanks everyone for your questions! We're be back after a chat with Sister Chana!
The Elder Scrolls Online v10.3.3 kicks off week 4 of PTS. This week’s patch introduces adjustments and bug fixes to the Vengeance Campaign abilities, the Fallen Banners dungeon content, and Base Game content. Additionally, Remedy Cascade (Arcanist) and Unnerving Boneyard (Necromancer) receive a fix. Crafter’s Celebration is back in 2025 for testing. While keeping in line with its core features from last year, there have been some technical upgrades to the event. That along with other adjustments and fixes across Fallen Banners and Base Game are all available below. As always, feel free to provide feedback on PTS v10.3.3 through our feedback and bug threads, located ... Read more

01 Feb

Hi everyone, this should be resolved momentarily!