Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

09 Mar


Originally posted by 4_fortytwo_2

While we are talking about OP things a quick question regarding a patch note:

Lost Knowledge grants 1 ward per 10 max mana (from 7 ward). It now requires 15 points in the Sorcerer tree (from 5).

Is Lost Knowledge still a 10 point node (so you would get 10 ward per 10 max mana at 10 points invested?) or is it a single point node now?

10 point node


Originally posted by krully37

Now we need to figure out if it's a "Lol they know already" or "Lol someone's going to be disappointed"

Sorry, I thought it was obvious that they were joking. Tempest Strike is still bad.


Originally posted by Yeahhi518

Yeah I contacted support with pictures and explained the problem but all I got was the automated message about the servers being down. So frustrating not being able to get any help with the issue.

Once the site is back up it should work again.


You should have access the whole time. The website is down until the patch though so you might have to wait now.


Originally posted by VindicoAtrum

Tempest Strike is going to be busted until it's nerfed, start with that.



There is some slight exaggeration with things like this in general in ARPGs I think.

Things tend to fall into the categories, OP, good and terrible. I feel like Shaman is generally one of the lower power masteries at the moment but it has multiple fun and viable ways to play through to the end game. If the theming is something you enjoy, go for it.


Originally posted by HighOfTheTiger

How do you feel about Upheaval as a main melee skill? I love playing less than optimal melee builds and I’m pretty sure this is the route I’m going, but why not take a chance and ask a dev about their opinion of the skill, as in can it scale well towards high end game content? assuming I’m a player who prefers to take the time to max out a build rather than just playing a “meta” that’s up and running with little effort.

I'll be honest, there are many people in the community who know way more about the best builds.

However, I have seen multiple upheaval based builds that looked very fun. I've done a totem version that worked surprisingly well. You can take almost any skill to the late endgame. Some of them just do it a little easier than others. I wouldn't call upheaval top tier but it is more than viable.


Originally posted by RustyBagels

Does Increased Fire Damage increase the damage from Ignite since it has a fire DOT?



Fireball does hit in an area. If you are coming from PoE, it's important to note that the flat fireball hit damage doesn't affect the ignite power.

I think you'll find that you probably want to use a different weapon as a sorc, probably a staff or wand/catalyst.

It sounds like you might be a newer player which is a great place to be starting 0.9 at I think.

The best advice I can give for this is to use what you find and just improve your gear and build as you go.

Some general advice I can give is that you'll want more health, 100% Crit avoidance and 75 all res as a baseline for end game defenses. If you primary goal is ignite fireball, look for increased fire damage, increased spell damage or increased DoT damage affixes.


Originally posted by Clancreator

There will probably be two buttons. Create online character and create offline character.

Yes, those are literally the exact button labels.


Originally posted by Josparov

Oh are they? I thought they did less dmg but had higher attack speed for things like bleeds etc. Haven't played much primalist yet tho

You also get twice as many.

08 Mar


Yes it will run. It will run way better tomorrow though.

Controller support isn't finished but it is more than serviceable.


Originally posted by suriuken

what were the changes? less attunement given and less mana cost redcutino on the gloves? asking because its the one i want to use

Harbinger of Stars has a slightly lower chance to cast meteor on crit, gives slightly more mana on potion use, and gives +1 to meteor instead of crit chance.

Hand of Judgement gives Judgement +3 Melee Damage per Attunement instead of +3 Melee Fire Damage and Spell Fire Damage per Attunement.


No, you can start now if you aren't going to play online.


Originally posted by Chesterumble

I have a follow up on this if you can help me understand. What about alts when you’re done? Do you have to play through all the acts? Or even that beginning part until you get your mastery? Everytime?

If you're playing multiplayer, you can get carried and level anywhere in the game by portaling to a friend and playing with them.

If you're playing alone or doing it "legit" so to speak, you can use dungeon keys to skip sections of the campaign. As we add more dungeons, there will be more skips that you can combine in different ways to customize your leveling experience.

Either way, you'll still need to complete a set of passive and idol quests to get full power on your character. There are more quests that have these rewards than rewards you can get so you don't have to do them all. This means you can customize which you pick and cater the questing experience to what you like.


Originally posted by TAz4s

I assume its gonna be a premium skin system like in path of exile. I know I know I'm compairing it to PoE again, but hear me out. There already is a "choose your cosmetic" function, I don't remember default keybinds to open it but it already exists, except that there are no cosmetic options yet other than pet.

K for kosmetics.

And no, that armor is not a mtx skin.


Originally posted by RTheCon

It’s both cool and concerning that EHG team members are the nearly the first to reply in Reddit threads.

Guess the update is ready for launch.

There comes a point where making a change, is very rare because it could cause unintended problems and there isn't enough time to find these any more so we stop making changes unless it completely stops someone from playing.


No scaling occurs. You can play together. If they come to you, you'll have to do the heavy lifting.

The only major thing to know is that if you are in a zone more than 5 levels above your own, you gain experience as though you were in a zone 5 levels above you.Edit: this is wrong now. We eased things up a bit too 10 levels different and changed how quests work too. Details in the patch notes.

So you can't mega power level a character from 1-80 instantly by going into a level 100 zone with carries.


Originally posted by LemonZealousideal915

Do you still need/accept people to for the localization process?

We have partnered with a set of specialists who are doing the majority of the translations. Sorry, we aren't looking for people from the community right now. There will probably be initial versions that we ask for feedback from native or experienced speakers who are also players.