I’m going to poke our principal designer who can talk to this a bit better than I can. They’ve recently changed the spawners for the reworked zones that are being talked a bit more highly about in the thread.
Edit 8pm ct 3/15: ok it’s either I pull him to respond here or let him focus on skill bugs for the next hotfix, so here I go: First of all these are placed manually with heavy assistance of a built in tool we’ve created, so to adjust the density (or “spawners” as we call them) is done on a per zone basis. So there’s a bit of a time sink in doing so and with many new enemies coming down the pipe it often makes the most sense for us to do these when new enemies are ready to be placed. Then, especially with some of the longer standing monolith zones, we were conservative with density because of performance concerns. As most have noticed we’re making very significant strides in performance so we can be a bit less conservative with mob density going forward, which as many ...
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