Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Originally posted by MightiestBeard

Wait, is the answer "Yes, WASD movement is in the game."? If so, I'll buy it right now. I played Battlerite and subsequently V Rising, as well as like 5m of Diablo Immortal, and WASD is definitely how I'd prefer to control an ARPG.

That’s interesting. I can’t even imagine playing with WASD in this genre. It’s not on our radar but perhaps we can experiment with it! Certainly not opposed for any strong reason personally


I’m going to poke our principal designer who can talk to this a bit better than I can. They’ve recently changed the spawners for the reworked zones that are being talked a bit more highly about in the thread.

Edit 8pm ct 3/15: ok it’s either I pull him to respond here or let him focus on skill bugs for the next hotfix, so here I go: First of all these are placed manually with heavy assistance of a built in tool we’ve created, so to adjust the density (or “spawners” as we call them) is done on a per zone basis. So there’s a bit of a time sink in doing so and with many new enemies coming down the pipe it often makes the most sense for us to do these when new enemies are ready to be placed. Then, especially with some of the longer standing monolith zones, we were conservative with density because of performance concerns. As most have noticed we’re making very significant strides in performance so we can be a bit less conservative with mob density going forward, which as many ...

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13 Mar


Please post what this turns into when you make it Legendary! Awesome find.


It’s good feedback. I’ll bring it up in an upcoming design meeting.


This was an error in our matchmaker that we saw happen at very high load (40,000 players hitting it rapidly). We had never experienced that before but are working to shore that up before next weekend in case we have that many players in game again.

For now you can use the map to portal back to a lower level zone and continue questing as normal. Apologies for the inconvenience!


This is a bug, we are working to fix it.


Originally posted by metfansc

sorry to regurgitate an ancient thread but it came up on the search on holy aura there is a set of nodes for attack speed so that does or doesn't apply to my throwing attack speed?

These are the two ways you'll see it written where it affects throwing speed.

Throwing attack speed

Attack and cast speed


Ugh, I can't unsee that.

12 Mar


We’re aware of rare reports of this and we’ll be looking into it. We’ve not been able to reproduce it internally just yet. If you have this issue and are able to reliably reproduce it we would love to hear from you!

11 Mar


I’ll be talking with the team about this this week as it’s a very common question/concern. I’ll provide context and what plans we have for adjustments when I have better info from our backend engineers. The concern of connecting to unexpected regions is certainly on our radar and pending discussion.

Do note that we allow cross region play and we see many parties are in multiple regions which does have a high likelihood of putting you in a region that is associated with your party members. This isn’t the same as the unexpected region allocation for solo players but I suspect is adding to the confusion.

I’ll keep everyone posted.


Thank you for the feedback. I agree with 99% of this and most of it is already tracked on our end to address but it’s good to see what’s standing out to the community and may change our priorities some. We’re on it!


We deployed a backend change earlier that we believe will reduce the chance of this happening significantly. Data loss is 100% the highest priority for us to fix if we see it happening and we’ll make sure that dev resources are put on this immediately. Sorry that you’ve lost progress - it’s absolutely not ok and we will fix it.


We have a fancy new auto-mod system that we're still tuning. It throws some false positives from its default settings. We're adjusting as we see things flagged in the backend.

Edit: Hey everyone, I appreciate your feedback on this and it’s not falling on deaf ears. I’ll bring this up with our support team and see what adjustments we can make more quickly than making rule edits when we see things as flagged incorrectly. We should be able to loosen restrictions as we can rely more on the profanity filter being toggled on or off for message recipients


We're aware that many people are stuck in queue unable to proceed. It is often showing #0 in queue. We're back in the war room working on it. Apologies everyone.


Originally posted by BadAssStoner

wait, so is it getting removed , I keep seeing mixed responses about this. :(

As the person who is literally in charge of coordinating skill design in Last Epoch, it is not getting removed.


We're noticing a high rate of these at the moment and are back in the war room investigating. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Edit: we’ve deployed a hotfix. Please exit Steam and restart it if you don’t see the ability to update automatically. Thanks everyone!

10 Mar


Originally posted by TheRealEraser

Couldnt you contact playstation and microsoft and offer the game to psn plus and game pass for a price which will help cover the port?

Yes but this would still include massive amounts of work on our end to implement. We need to focus on our 1.0 launch and adding console development into the pipeline would delay the launch of the game. This is not an acceptable tradeoff for us at this time.

09 Mar


We really appreciate everyone being as patient as they are. We're working on addressing the backend issues as quickly as possible and will keep you all updated across our many channels. Apologies for the inconvenience.


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