Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

08 Mar


Haha yes, apologies for the spelling inconsistencies. This is one of the impacts of having a completely distributed team that we're working to shore up


Originally posted by post_thingy

Hand of Judgement flavor text: "The light of divinity!"

Nice nod to PoE

what is this poe game you speak of? Never heard of it ever. Nope, not once.


Originally posted by -BAR0N-

Ah, the anticipation to see which way you guys go :p

I know you’ll make the right choice 🇬🇧

Default version will be the US way for everything. I'm from Canada and one of the other original coders is UK between the two of us going on autopilot is how we ended up in this split situation.

We are working to localize the game into other languages. I don't think that a UK(and friends) version is going to be high on the list because it's so easy to read US versions for us all.

07 Mar


Originally posted by LyckaYK

Thanks! Since we are at the topic, "Armor shred chance" won't benefit Divine Fury build, right? That should be for Physical damage I would expect.

Armor applies more to physical damage but works vs all hits.


Morlorque is right and it has a few ways to build it that are similar to different javazon abilities.


We are returning to our normal patch cadence that was used for the 0.8.x patches. These will include more content and features as we gear up for 1.0


Originally posted by charliechan55555

I expect at least a few major patches with the rest of the sub-classes and the trade system first. Though I could understand waiting for full release to drop the guild system. I think it'll still be quite a while until release

Probably have those 2 things reversed. Last masteries will be 1.0 and item factions could be pre-1.0


Originally posted by IamnotaRussianbot

I don't expect a hard delivery. This is an idea/suggestion for the future for QoL. Maybe in the 1.0 😉

cough not a QOL suggestion cough causes mechanical gameplay changes cough


Originally posted by IamnotaRussianbot

So like, can they cluster tighter? Like, right next to each other with a few pixels in between? I've played both storm and upheaval totems into lvl 100 monos, and I can't think of a situation where I didn't just drop the totem directly on top of what I wanted it to kill. The spacing of the Grove node geometry hasn't ever really y impacted what the playatyke wants to do, aside from failing to summon some # of totems. Tightening the cluster would really help, which I think is really what I'm getting at with this post.

It is possible to change the radius. I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to commit to any changes.


Originally posted by IamnotaRussianbot

Unfortunate, but makes sense.

Since I have you here, could they not all summon on top of each other, making it look like one super-totem in term of # if projectiles instead of 3-5 individual? Would solve the summoning issue, the navmesh (I think, I'm not a dev :D), and would provide all the benefits that you would want it for. I'm almost positive I've summoned a totem inside of another before (storm totem is much wider than the others).

Yes, they could not all summon on top of each other. That causes fairly significant visual issues.


There are functional reasons why this isn't something we have done. The order that the mana cost and ability creation happens in requires the full cost to be charged regardless. The way that minions are summoned and how the navmesh works means that adjusting the shape on the fly is an expensive operation that can cause sever bugs in select situations. While we would like to improve this situation, the only way to fix the problem would be to remove the nodes all together.


Originally posted by Ericberic

Well they did confirm the removal of Tempest Strike in the future. Count your blessings. :D

Well not really, it's being redesigned and having its role changed. The skill isn't being removed.


Originally posted by Coccopops

I am excited about the updated bone golem visuals so I'll give retaliate bone golem a shot!

Aaron ActionRPG also made a unique with us that will be releasing with the patch that allows you to control more bone golems based on the maximum skeletons you would be able to summon otherwise. I'll likely play this build come patch release myself!

Aaron covers it here:


They are naturally synergistic nodes as the weapons scale off your weapon.


Originally posted by 4_fortytwo_2

YoYoing between different values doesnt sound very good to be honest. Especially in cases where one player heavily scales a buff and the other one does not.

Never feels good when another player essentially can reduce your power. I suppose one can argue that players need to coordinate this but most players wont even suspect that is what happens. The strongest buff winning is kinda the expected behavior.

This effect is consistent across all stat changing effects. Picking the "best" one to be the overriding buf is impossible to get right every time so consistency is used so players can know what to expect.

If we picked the more powerful version sometimes and the longer remaining duration other times and the newer one in other situations, people wouldn't be able to predict what's going on.

This is also the best option for performance because we don't have to check anything.


Originally posted by Shinerstcg

How does temporal sanctum in a team work? Who gets to make a legendary?

Everyone gets to make their own.


I don't know if I've seen this reported on our bug reports forum or not. I know it's not wide spread and we would probably need more data to be able to reproduce it and then fix it.

There are a ton of just general fixes and optimizations coming to every department so it might have been incidentally fixed. Will have to wait and see on the 9th.


This was a bug that has been fixed.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Chad_RD

As a separate aura question - what stats from Dread Shades "Symbiotic Apparition" are given to players?

Do players get necrotic damage and %increased necrotic damage?

Or do players get the aforementioned buffs and the buffs granted from nodes like Dying Coven, Duskheart, Lingering Doom, Vile Ghast, Martyrdom, and Grim Fate?

I'm sorry I don't know all those nodes off the top of my head. I think it just adds the player to the list of things that can be affected alongside minions.