Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

16 Mar


We’re aware of this issue and are hoping to have a fix out for it soon.


Could you post a screenshot of your current Quest Objectives? Any related to this Chapter would be helpful.


Do you have an estimated time for when this occurred? Additionally, what timezone are you in?

A list of the things you believe you lost (stash, crafting materials, XP, gold, etc.) would be helpful as well.


What region are you in? Are you experiencing these issues with all skills/points of gameplay? Or does it seem to be specific things that cause it to spike?


Thanks for the report.


We had some specific issues with some EU servers that we’ve hopefully resolved. Are these issues still occurring?


Does this occur in any other zones or is it just this one? You could potentially try verifying your game files through steam but posting your Player.Log file could be helpful to us as well.


This is a known issue that we’re hoping to have a fix for soon.


Is this issue still occurring for you?


We’re hoping this should be resolved now. We’ve identified and removed some malfunctioning servers which should clear up the issues you were having.


This is a longstanding issue and we’ve been tracking it for a while. I’ll bump the internal issue with this thread and some additional information. Thank you for the report.


Lots of plans for expanding end game. We have what will likely be the first two major expansions of the Monolith already planned. Just needs some time in the oven.

We need more random events, we need to improve density/pack size (especially in older Mono zones), we need static very hard boss content, we need more axis of progression - especially at higher levels or level cap, and then we need great expanded itemization carrots to make it so we can't get enough of it.

I can't wait to reveal some of these plans. It really is hard not to talk about them just yet. Don't worry though, we know end game will benefit from additions and we have some really fun stuff brainstormed. Though if someone suggests something internally or in the community that's even better than what we have brainstormed we're ready and willing to adapt.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Popping in with another update alongside the Discord thread. We had one of our developers in Poland reach out to Orange, and was advised the most effective thing would be to have individuals who are effected to reach out to them.

We also attempted to reach out to Orange to have the servers globally added to their allow lists, however our request was denied. They did provide an email for our service providers to reach out to, and we’re still asking our service providers to also reach out to them. Their most recent replies veribitm have been

MS has no relationship with the ISP. In fact an ISP may be suspicious of a large IT company asking them to whitelist IP addresses the ISP detected as being suspicious. E.g.: ISP: “We blocked these IPs from company XYZ as suspected DDoS attack vectors.” Then representative from company XYZ calls and says “No, they are fine, really, trust me. Whitelist them.”

However if one, or many, of their customers point out an ...

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This is not actually an exploit and is instead just a visual bug, but in the future if you feel you’ve come across an exploit, please feel free to send a message into Customer Support as opposed to making a report here to get eyes onto it more directly.


We had a similar report come in yesterday. It seems that, for some reason, Players are able to stand in areas that used to have destructible objects that is sometimes treated as walkable and sometimes not which is causing Players to get stuck in areas that the game thinks they shouldn’t be able to traverse.

We’re aware of this issue and are tracking it internally.


If you have any sort of video example or your Player.log from that play session it could help us locate this issue internally.