League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Originally posted by Guesswhat7

Being a Rioter, I would be careful calling out your peers for their 200 years experience and still hardstuck on junior knowledge.

I began one of my internal reports with “our team has over 200 years collective marketing experience”…I received mixed reactions to that report.


Originally posted by Riot_Jetsetradi0

Yeah man, happens to me too.

So true. We talk about many things like this. eg. "Jungling agreements" is where some individual will temporarily work on a different team to help them with a problem


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Except Auberaun said they are looking into increasing or completely removing it in PT.

Above points are valid, it's not great if folks are sitting in practice tool forever because it does take resources, but AFK detection doesn't need to be tuned the same as SR that's trying to prevent competitive integrity from being violated because there's none of that for practice tool.

21 Nov


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Okay but serious question, is naming your allies after jungle camps actually happening or not?

The tweet seems borderline like a shitpost but the idea makes me laugh so much that I actually want it

Yes it is actually happening :D


This is a backpack that was given out to all new Rioters until a couple of years ago as part of their onboarding. I still have mine from 2016 :)

EDIT: I realize this is like trying to control the weather, but these - like most company merchandise - aren't really meant to be sold. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to sell it on.


This was /remake, and not an early surrender because of an AFK player after 3:30, right? If so, can you DM me your summoner name, region, and which game this was so we can look at it.

EDIT: looking into a few that people sent me, they've been post 3:30 surrenders (not remakes) so would count as a win/loss


Originally posted by FreeMystwing

I'm rushing against the clock to take a quick run to the toilet and washing my hands - hoping that people don't load in too fast.

At this stage, this is an issue with the game that needs to be fixed.

I'd recommend you do those things before entering queue


Originally posted by twitchchat9000

It's extremely annoying in practice mode when I'm reading item descriptions or doing maths.

We're looking into this one, agree it's more problematic there.


Originally posted by Fitzky45

Should be 30 seconds minimum, some people go grab water or food before game starts and getting to the game at 30 seconds in isn't going to change much unless your team really wants to invade.

The pop-up is at around 60 seconds since your last input and it takes 90 seconds of no input to trigger a remake option, and we think it's a reasonable ask for folks to click something in a 60/90 second window. Could potentially move back the popup. 30 seconds for water should be fine (but also the game does start at 0:00!)


Originally posted by Minishcap1

if thats the case then can we make autofill parity actually work in high elo? Sucks when my team has autofill jungle or support and the enemy team has autofill top lane so we just auto-lose

Ranks where this is most valuable are also the lowest population which makes it the hardest to to :P. We did some changes earlier this year that got us "free"ish wins, but for more it's likely we'd have to decide what tradeoffs we'd made. This is very very hypothetical, but curious which of these options would appeal more to you:

  • today's state
  • 3x or more queue times but guarantee all primary
  • same queue times, get primary only around 50% of your games and every other role has parity in secondary/autofill
  • same queue times, all onrole but low diamond-challenger can all be in the same game (assume team vs team mmr would be balanced)
  • make matches we know are unbalanced but guarantee role parity

Are examples of options, pretty much anything we would do here has some tradeoff of queue time/primary assignment rate/mmr balance/role parity.


Originally posted by ApolloFortyNine

Isn't this really on you (Riot)?

You have the power to raise the dodge penalty all on your own.

Course maybe the client still randomly not letting you pick a champion sometimes makes you afraid to really raise the punishment to something substantial?

We recognize that there are still some legitimate reasons to dodge, so anonymity leaves those open (irl emergency, champ select technical failure) while lowering the frequency of the ones that are competitively oriented and also heading off some unnecessarily negative interactions in champ select. We also didn't see tooooo much of a change in behavior/sentiment last time we increased dodge penalties, so are trying a different tactic here. Could try raising them in the future, some folks also have multiple accounts etc. that make these penalties less relevant for them no matter what they are.


Originally posted by Dann93

Makes completely sense, but dodging the 10 games inting streak Fiora was necessary when the 10 games inting streak Fiora kept going ahead unscathed.

Yes, big agree that it's important we appropriately action on folks who are inting, because those folks will keep queuing whether they're able to be scouted/dodged or not in a specific game (and will eventually find one), so unless they're actioned on they'll keep ruining games.


Originally posted by BrotherZael

That thread is such a shit show. How about just keep summoner names like it’s been for 11 years. The rioter is making every excuse possible to justify removing names and replacing it with “gromp scuttle wolves” like dude is this a f**king comp game or roblox

Comp, and we want the skill you compete on to be in game skill, not when-do-I-dodge.

20 Nov


Originally posted by IamLevels

Any chance you guys can consider tweaking how stacks of the jungle item are generated? With both junglers taking longer to upgrade their smites cause you need 40 and the stacks being tied to actually killing the large monster of each champ, I find that the jungler whose team is behind struggles to get their smite to 1200 as their camps inevitably get poached by both enemies and their own teammates alike. Previously, the only criteria for upgrading your smite was simply casting it 5 times, so junglers who were behind were still able to get their smite on even footing as the enemy jungler more consistently. With this current stack system, the jungler who's behind ends up being stuck at 900 much longer than their opponent, meaning they're almost always unable to 50/50 a smite-fight unless the enemy makes a critical mistake.

I'm not sure how this will impact the average time junglers get to 1200 but if the actual smite cast itself generated 1-2 stacks, it would help lessen the ...

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Currently there's something coming next patch which means behind junglers should be able to cash out bonus treats faster when they can get a few camps. Likely not enough on its own but we'll see. Lots of tuning to make sure this mechanic lands exactly as it needs to


Originally posted by phylaris

Ya I definitely agree the total EXP should be lower than S12.

I feel a middle-ground where Krugs are still worth significantly less than before, but the other camps are worth a tiny bit more than S12 (still lower as a sum total) might be worth considering. The amount of EXP lost relative to S12 while ganking/holding lanes from the -25% minion EXP penalty is super noticeable, so combined with the lower camp EXP junglers seem to be consistently falling really far down on EXP compared to sololaners.

Possibly the kind of thing we do over a few changes too, bring it up to par with before and see how that shakes out and so on. These kinds of things can be super sensitive and preseason is still quite long for making sure we land the right number


Originally posted by phylaris

Out of curiosity, is the intent to equalize S12 and S13 EXP values on all the non-Krugs camps, or to overcompensate by a little bit to partially make up for the nerfed Krugs exp?

Not sure tbh, likely would be slightly down cause Krugs is a more takeable camp but I don't want to commit to anything here/now since we're on break and I haven't thought about it deeply yet


Originally posted by EgonThyPickle

Wouldn't it be better to just make the bonus xp scale instead or is there something I'm missing? That way you keep the xp for non-junglers the same while still buffing the xp for junglers back to their old values.

Definitely possible! I'm not committed to any change yet and there's benefits to each (or something else)


Originally posted by Scientrist

And what about the champion takedown. Is this supposed to give a you a treat or not. Because there is some discrepancies between the patch notes and the game.

Assume ingame is correct for things like this


Originally posted by Scientrist

You should also take a look at the other stuff we found regarding the treats and champion takedowns and the tooltip for the jungle item.

Yeah there's def some tooltip cleanup needed, thanks!