Hey there @MARCOSPCT and @Pitrs71_CZ
As you might have seen from the trello linked by ...
Hey there @MARCOSPCT and @Pitrs71_CZ
As you might have seen from the trello linked by ...
Hey there @R0CH3LL3!
I'm pretty sure the buy price is correct for this item, since that seems to be what I can see in the in-game store and it's very close to the expected value from other similar items as well but the sell price might be an issue because of how different it is from other named items.
Can you get a few more named items similar to your Kingbreaker in your inventory then open the sell menu again and take another screenshot for us? I'll get this sent up to the devs after that to see if this is something we need to fix.
Hey there @WardenRamsay
First off, welcome to the forums!
Hopefull I can help you get the game working.
Follow these steps for me and let me know if you are able to get the game started afterwards.
Hey there @Ty-Kintsune2
I'd like to get a bit more detailed information about this from you!
First of all, was this your first time climbing The Summit? Even if you have done it on another character, please let us know.
Also, did you experience any disconnects either from other players in your group or yourself while climbing up to 50?
Finally, did you actually complete floor 50 and then go to 81, or did you clear 49, then when you tried to get to 50 did it shoot you straight to 81?
Hiya @sanderosh
Sorry to see you're having some issues getting the DLC started!
Just to clarify, when you played the game before, were you able to get the main story campaign completely finished? When you installed the game through Ubisoft + were you given the option to create a new character that starts off in the Warlords of New York expansion?
Finally, if you open Ubisoft Connect and select the game tile for The Division 2, can you see a section for "Installed Content" in the menu there? Take a screenshot of what you see in that list if you can see it.
Hey there @ven8ture
This is something I've seen a few times before, but the item that drops is usually from an unreleased set of gear due to be released later in the season. It looks like this is an item you already have another version of the base type for though. Have you had anything else like this drop? Are you able to deconstruct and equip it like a normal item?
Hey there @Maverick177uk
I took a look at the case you have open with us, and it looks like we're waiting on a response from an escalations team for you! I apologize for the delay so far, and appreciate the patience and cooperation you showed on that case.
You should get a response from the support team through that case directly once we hear back from the specialist!
Hey there @Oatiecrumble
First of all, I think you'll be quite happy to hear that those laser boxes are getting toned down a bit, as you can see on our Trello: (https://trello.com/b/F2RU9ia9/the-division-2-known-issues) for the game under "Fix Ready"
I'm going to get the issue with the missing trophy icon reported up. As for the new item indicator in your apparel menu, do you remember when that showed up?
Hey there @Zebedee_73
Thanks for bringing this floating ammo issue to my attention! Does this happen with every specialised weapon?
Also, can you post a screenshot of the menu options you're talking about? That problem might match an issue we already have a fix for coming in the next patch.
Hey there @Payne-Killer
Just to clarify, do you have the lower difficulty trophy rewards for Tidal Basin? I believe it's two different colors of a T-Rex figurine.
Was this clearing of the mission the first time any of your teammates had done it on Legendary? Did they get the Legendary-specific trophy for clearing it?
Hey there @Zenberu and welcome to the forums.
Do you happen to have any video footage of this usage of the reviver hive? It sounds similar to certain things I have seen before, but I want to make double sure in case I need to get this reported up as its own thing.
If you have access to video footage of this, or if you can ...
Hey there @Mephisto510
First of all, welcome to the forums!
For your issue, I want to clarify a few things. If you open the Season 10 Manhunt screen, is there any information listed about how to progress the Trig objectives? If so, can you take a screenshot of that info and post it in this thread for me?
Hey there @Every1H8Rayman
We will need to know a full list of items that you are missing, and screenshots of you having them in your inventory from before they went missing. Were all of the missing items from the same "set" or did things go missing at random?
It is also possible that your items were deconstructed or put into storage, so please double check your storage area as well.
Hey there @CNE100
Sorry about the delay both in this forum response and on your ongoing support case.
It looks like you should have received an email with an info request about your character recently. If you respond to that with the requested info, our support team will be able to help you out after that!
Hey there @Drauf amd @Noxious81
I just want to clarify that you are definitely still seeing named bosses when you do control points that are not involved with the curren...
Hello there @PT_Frizzer
Sorry about the delay in my response on this thread! I'd like to make sure you can give us money if that's what you wanna do, so if you're still having an issue with the in-game store take a screenshot of the message you're seeing saying that the store is empty for me.
Also, next time you have the game running open the Ubisoft Connect overlay (Shift + F2) and open the "Store" tab there. Let me know if you're able to see the items listed there or if you get a similar error.
Hello there @ELCAMPEIRO!
If you are still having issues with starting Season 10, can you let me know if you have any main story missions left in the main game or Warlords of New York that you haven't completed yet?
Also, are you able to start other events in the game world normally?
Hey there @USMC_Tallin, sorry about the delay on this response! I've gotten this reported up to the development team. I very much appreciate your cooperation with grabbing a video for me.
If I hear anything specific back from our dev team, I'll update this thread, otherwise keep an eye on the Known Issues Trello: (https://trello.com/b/F2RU9ia9/the-division-2-known-issues) and the announcements page!
Hey there @Gobi5th
Just to clarify your problem a bit, did you fully complete the Street Activity event, by collecting all 21 keys? If you did not get all 21 keys, then not receiving the LED Hoodie is working as intended.
If you did collect all 21 keys, we will need to see a video or screenshot showing off your full completion of the event, along with your clothing inventory to show that the hoodie is missing.
Hey there @adicretzu
Like @As1r0nimo said, this is something we're working on already, you may have actually noticed that it's currently not possible to buy certain ...