7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

19 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A lot of game development does not work like that. Bugs are often their own unique tasks with many unknowns which makes time estimates vague. Many bugs are also not yet discovered, so how do you estimate time for something you don't know exists? Right now we know about x amount of bugs we want to fix, but each day testers may find zero or 5 more that are must fixes, which then takes of x amount of time each. One could be 10 minutes, another 3 days.

Except when we say 80% of bugs fixed and then the next day say 76% of bugs fixed as new ones are found. They will LOVE IT!

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I got it to do the same thing. It is totally normal. Shadows are not cheap to render. Looking into the building, you have all manner of objects near you, rendering with all their shadows. We do not have a static world where we can precompute visibility, so there is a lot of overdraw in that situation. Also, the occlusion manager does not disable shadows, as it does not know where they will be projected to and shadows are draw calls.

Yes. 2022 LTS should be out soon and I hope to have A22 using it.

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Feature is coming in a21.

Also note that there is already a built-in voice feature, however range to it is pretty limited.
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It will. In the past they punted the features down the field but this time they were working on them but ran out of time for A21. They are well underway with them so A22 looks really good.

17 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not sure if you're aware, but leaving your caps lock on doesn't help your cause any.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you change any setting that affects when a horde night is, it recalculates from the current day. So no horde night is technically 'skipped', but it won't occur on day 14/15.

So being on Day 13, if you set it to 3 days with the same +/-1, your next horde should be on day 15-17.

That said, Even if it was skipped, it wouldn't matter much since horde night difficulty is tied to your gamestage/progress, rather than being based on the number of horde nights that had passed.

16 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G - 3.9ghz compared to your 5.8+mhz
32gb DDR4 1600mhz - Literally 1/4 of what you've got AND a DDR level down.
4gb Nivida Geforce GTX 1050 TI - Do I even need to compare the stats here?
Tuf Gaming B550-Plus mobo

I have looked at my hardware both past and current and I can pretty safely conclude that I am, in general, "used to low fps gameplay"; For a lot of my life as long as the framerate was stable at 20 or higher, I was happy- But Instability in the FPS has and always will drive me batty.

And, With that statement made, I am still going to say "well it's smooth for me" because despite my FAR inferior setup, My client stays at 60fps most of the time, with occasional momentary dips to 55 that I don't even notice unless I'm staring at the FPS counter. In dense city areas in high activity it gets down to as low as 40 and stably hovers there with no notable lag spike/frame drops. This is on medium default preset at 1080p.

To be... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Leg3nd: JEDI SURVIVOR RUNS BETTER THAN THIS!!!!!
Not even a Voxel game. Bears no comparison.

Also, existing thread.

15 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Step 1. Go to the ... Read more
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Had had bear and vulture hordes as well. The wandering horde spawn does not care. It just randomly chooses a group to spawn.
    Crater Creator on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Had to clean up this thread after some insults and meta-forum commentary stemming from the misunderstanding of player character animations vs. player character models. Here is the pertinent part:

Originally posted by .: Yes OP, they WILL be updating both the player models AND animations.

Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: Yes, planned for A22: they already showed some content they're working on.

Originally pos...
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    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Modders are more likely to be able to help you answer your query, So I've moved your thread to the modding subforum. :winter2019happyyul:
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If we're being real here, Zombies wouldn't exist, and even if they somehow existed, they wouldn't be able to tear down a wooden block let alone a steel vault door, concrete emplacement, cobblestone tower or anything of the like.

That said, I don't personally turn down block damage most of the time. I do turn down blood moon block damage slightly just 'cause I don't like repairing as much as building, but I don't need that reduction to manage either.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Practically speaking, Most likely not possible. Hypothetically speaking, It's possible, but we won't know without being able to try (eg, A21 being publicly released)

Based on what I know from observing the dev logs and reveals and all that, I'd say it's about 99.99% chance that it won't be possible to directly import your character forward; The structure of the save file is definitely changing in some major ways with the changes to the skill tree to accomodate the crafting book system and all that stuff.

That said, There's nothing stopping you from just writing down your character level and all that and then 'cheating' in all the stuff from your current character onto a new one and saying it's the same.
    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Inside can work, but it has to be within a certain range of 'outside' or of a transparent block that itself has direct access to the sky. You can, for example, build your farmplots into a green house. You can't put them down at bedrock with no access to sunlight whatsoever.

It works kindof like minecraft lighting if you understand that- Sky produces light and 'splashes' around the top most block and illuminates the area, transparent blocks aren't considered when determining the top most block.. A farm plot placed in that 'splash' area will grow.

Hope that makes sense.

14 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You have to make sure you're looking at the right values also.
Commit is potential but is not actually being used.
Working Set or Private will tell you the amount of RAM actually in use by the application.

You also need to make sure that you are looking at the specified program data in Resource Monitor, and not just looking at total system RAM usage.

I mean, just sitting here idle writing this post, by system is using 17.3 of 32GB RAM. I have about 20 tabs open, Steam is downloading stuff, Discord is up and I'm in voice. File Explorer, Epic, and other background tasks are running.

However if I open the game, getting to the menu shows Commit 2.9GB, and Working Set at 1.3GB. VRAM did not increase significantly from the 1400MB that it sits at when I'm not playing anything.
Loading into the map (Navegane), I see VRAM go up to 4741MB. System Commit is 8.6GB, and working set is 5.3GB.
Playing around a bit, I see 5,493MB VRAM, Commit of... Read more
    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by siderisanon: Considering how much humor in the game seems to be aimed at the 13-year-old male audience, I seriously doubt the developers are capable of gender equality.

But....I laugh so often and I'm 54...

13 May

    Shurenai on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm.. My earliest memory of the game is probably from waaaaay back in like, Alpha 1-3. I remember being lost AF and having no idea how to do anything, I was wandering in an area with lots of cinder blocks and iron girders on the ground, near what looked like some kind of warehouse/fire station, and trying to figure out how to craft a tool like a pickaxe so I could harvest the cinderblocks and iron and all that fun stuff.
    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't have immediate metrics, but both of those seem rather high for Vanilla unless you have an extremely large base with a lot of complex shapes.

12 May

    SylenThunder on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

The game is designed to be PvE. Some compensation was made for PvP gameplay, but there will never be a "focus" on PvP.

They have said that after release they may do some minor balancing changes to improve PvP, but not at the cost of the PvE features and playstyle.

I mean, it would be really stupid to make changes that negatively impact 97% of your player base, just so you can cater to 3%.